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so pro u don't even know
Woo DK28 hype!

You might wanna loosen up those estimates a bit to factor in for setup time.
Edit history:
DK28: 2013-08-23 09:00:27 am
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
@ sinister - Thanks sinister!  And thank you for the heads up, it's my first time.  Wink

@ Garik - Either Heid or Mr. K.  I think Hurblat is missing this year.
Quote from DK28:
@ sinister - Thanks sinister!  And thank you for the heads up, it's my first time.  Wink

@ Garik - Either Heid or Mr. K.  I think Hurblat is missing this year.

Yeah Hurblat said that in the Contra casual thread, although Heidman suggested he won't make it either.  Regardless, HYPE! 
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Even though I am one of at least 6 people who want to run DT: Remastered, and I already set my estimate, can I change it? Tricks have been discovered that cut the game so much.
Not a walrus
We can worry about that later when it's closer to the event.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Point taken. Odds are I won't even be running, but I'll leave that up to the Micktator. Tongue
B+Left, Left, Up+B, ★
Quote from DK28:
CONTRA - Any or Low %, see Contra Conference results.  Co-op or Topless for donations.  Tongue  15 minutes.

If I may, I want to vouch for DK28 being a low% beast at this game. Him and Heidman were pretty much at an identical level of play when they were doing low% co-op attempts. They ended up getting a 10:34, which is almost an entire minute faster than Heid's low% record.
Speed Run games at 20% coolness
3. Final Fantasy VII With HUGE Skips 7:00:00  I'm going to use The Emerald Countdown Timer Glitch to skip every fight/boss battle in the game, but I'm not sure if there is any places in the game that wound cuase the game to crash to repeating-boss-battle/s. Also, does the time when I going to do the glitch or does it start when I hit new game after I do the glitch
For Devil May Cry NG LDK DMD!, here is a run I did a few days ago. I go through the entire game without resetting, although if I were to do this in a marathon, I would save and I might reset. I would say this is a below average run for me, as I make some mistakes I normally don't make, but of course, you may never know how a run goes in a marathon. I made notes and attached them for an explanation of this run's mistakes if anyone cares to read it.

The Dork Knight himself.
Quote from DK28:
DOUBLE DRAGON II - Race or Co-op.  If we're still having this at the marathon.  sinister is the better candidate, but maybe to add some non-solo runs?  20 minutes.

Hey if you guys are gonna do 2p races with this game and need an extra player I'm in Smiley
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from honorableJay:
Quote from DK28:
DOUBLE DRAGON II - Race or Co-op.  If we're still having this at the marathon.  sinister is the better candidate, but maybe to add some non-solo runs?  20 minutes.

Hey if you guys are gonna do 2p races with this game and need an extra player I'm in Smiley

I would be so down for that.  The last co-op race went a little sideways.  :-/  So another try would be cool.
Short note on Secret of Mana estimate: Unless you want to watch the 7.5min credits AND have a ~10+ minutes showoff-segment You probably want to reduce the estimate to around 2:35:00 (including setup time). My worst marathon run so far had a death, overall rather sloppy execution, average luck, a bit of standing around for explaining things and enjoying the music, but it was still well under 2:30:00. Plus it was a 1p2c run, so I had to deal with the AI and no coop-screen-transition-bonus (which is around 1-2min total).

We really want to show off some things after the run, but that's a bit much time for it ^^
I still feel like 2:40:00 should be a good estimate.  It's enough to cover everything that could possibly happen, which is the intention of the estimate.  Besides, it's not the worst thing in the world if we get ahead of schedule.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Ok, so I am considering going just to be DK's partner in all the stuff he does.
Haters gonna hate
Quote from Heidrage:
Ok, so I am considering going just to be DK's partner in all the stuff he does.

Grin Grin Grin Grin
B+Left, Left, Up+B, ★
Quote from Mecha Richter:
Quote from Heidrage:
Ok, so I am considering going just to be DK's partner in all the stuff he does.

Grin Grin Grin Grin
Highly Evolved
Quote from mikwuyma:
Darkwing Duck: If I may make a counter counter argument, I could make a $5000 donation incentive for Link's Awakening glitched and it would probably be met, and that's much shorter.

While true, it's been done before at an AGDQ, and second quest quest hasn't.  Plus, it's a full game.  It's not an EG LttP run or anything. 
Mario Kart 64: All Cups (skips). Estimate: 45:00 Already on the schedule

Firedragon mentioned a race in Mario Kart 64 (skips), and you assumed this meant split screen by your response, but I think he meant 2 setups because I am aware the game would lag and not sure how we could race since you do all 4 cups and reset after each one.

Anyway, dntn has mentioned depending on scheduling there is a small chance he may not be able to make it, and firedragon says it's ok if I do the run so I'd like to be put on for that game. I just did a run after learning the skips this week with no knowledge of them beforehand and had a 35:42 (about 3:30 behind WR) which can easily be improved in 4 months time.

Of course, if dntn does go or if firedragon does decide that he really wants to do this run, I am ok with yielding it to both of them. Just thought I'd throw the suggestion out there just in case it is on the final list of games and somehow people's plans fall through. But I want to support firedragon's suggestion of a race for this, it would be very cool.
Quote from zallard1:
Quote from Mecha Richter:
Quote from Heidrage:
Ok, so I am considering going just to be DK's partner in all the stuff he does.

Grin Grin Grin Grin
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from Heidrage:
Ok, so I am considering going just to be DK's partner in all the stuff he does.

Break out the effin' red and blue banadanas!  I'm packing...
Poverty runner
So Butters told me I should say this here, but I've already talked to both Mike and him about this.

If a 4 players run of Shadows over Mystara is happening, I can lend my hand at doing it. I've been grinding out infinites in it lately and I'm pretty decent at the game (I think? It's kind of hard to judge with the crazy Chinese combo videos there are on youtube). Not too sure what the speedrun route is exactly, but at least I already got the execution part down for most characters.

So yeah, also count me in at volunteering in a possible Shadows over Mystara run.
Sonic 1 - Sonic 3 and Knuckles [2:30:00] - I'm hoping for a race through the entire series, but I sort of doubt that will happen.  The estimate is as sonic, no emeralds, with little practice, and I could probably bring it down to 2 hours before the marathon starts. my estimate for the individual games would be something like this:

Sonic 1 [28:00]

sonic 2 [40:00] - Sonic 2 is my worst game in the series, and this would probably go down a lot with practice.

sonic 3 and knuckles [1:20:00] - This would probably also go down a lot with a little bit of practice.


Bonk's Revenge [40:00] - I'd need a lot of practice for this one, and I'd be dying a lot in this game, but I think I could get it down to 35:00 by the time of the marathon with enough practice.

Also I would love to race dk28 on the legendary axe if I got skilled enough at it, but I doubt that's going to happen.  Either way huge support for him running this game.
I want to support the Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara run. If my schedule allows it, I'll try to get to AGDQ and if that happens I'll offer to do commentary on the run, whichever its made. My execution for offering a run is still bad, but I believe I can bring the info about the game to the viewers at its fullest. If you need me for anything I'll be probably lurking at #sda.
i'm zurcio. hey.
mario land 2: 6 golden coins needs to happen, because


^that donation incentive (controllerhead to sing along on the couch, since laplacier would run it I assume) will bring in the big bucks
Totally Radical Awesome Game
My stream was wondering where my salty post was.
I'm not that salty, truth be told, but I never want to disappoint, so here you go.