Yea mad props to UA. I can only imagine the amount of time it takes to do all that you are doing. Words can't express how much we all appreciate it. <3
I believe Trihex has the missing OOT and Meat Boy footage. He's aware but hasn't gotten it to me yet. Feel free to pester him, I suppose.
There's nothing in the encoding queue at present, but I have about 20 gigabytes of higher-quality videos to send through the office connection today.
If I run out of things to encode tonight I'll try to work on getting some of the videos that have sync errors. Not that the sync points are bad, it's just that several of them have spots where frames are dropped so it falls out of sync and I have to track them down. Or in Unreal's case, the Fraps footage is actually about 0.3% too slow so I'm going to have to go adjust it before I can encode it. (It ends up being about 4 seconds behind by the end.)
Thanks for pointing that out, aarin. I put the link for Mega Man 2 in setup 1 because I wasn't looking very closely, but that should be fixed in a few minutes (the schedule fetches from the spreadsheet every 5 minutes).
Loving this so much. Thank you guys so much for all the hard work. I only dabble in video editing, and this is just a ridiculous workload you guys are rocking out.
Nice job getting so many runs up guys. Already downloaded the Sonic block, although Deadly Towers keeps failing to download. I'm not sure if that's on my end or not, but Safari and Firefox have both rejected the download due to being "unable to connect to the server". I'll try it again later, maybe it's just overloaded from a lot of people downloading them now.
Have you got a download manager? I've been using Flashget for all my downloads, no problems here.
I just almost had Duke 3D do the same thing, but pausing and then unpausing the download made it run again (had to do this a few times). So this is something on my end it seems.
xsplit - hdpvr - Description 605 56965 First Camera Shot of the end of verse 1 29966 115688 End of Chapter 1 54511 164780 End of Verse 1 of Chapter 3 81130 218018 Chapter 5 start 110068 275895 Camera Shot after the fast 4 claw things in Chapter 6, (still in verse 1?) 135027 325814 Camera Shot after verse 1? of Chapter 8 (the sditty one) 162484 380728 End of Verse 8 of Chapter 9 183906 423575 Chapter 11 Start 209117 473995 Chapter 13 start 240813 537390 Chapter 14 lip sync! 273934 603634 Chapter 16 Start 301216 658199 Done loading the solar system 321284 698334 "You have unlocked hard difficulty" 322193 700155 Overwrite save data before xsplit transition
Now working on: Demon's Crest, Ghosts 'n Goblins, my sanity
Starting to work on super Ghoul race. I'll also grab the next clip: 2012-01-07_073033918.1.avi (has castlevania, metroid, zelda, etc... up until FF7's yuffie)
Before the KATAM video shows up, I'm curious if you'd want a copy of my camera recording to go with it? Or would it affect the video too much to add in or add as a bonus?
Unfortunately SMK isn't in it pretty much at all. I could only cover enough area to get me, rom, and yoshifan in the shot.
(This is just a curiosity thing. If you don't want it, I won't be offended.)
720x480. My camera records in .MOD format, which while good quality (MPEG-2), is a bit of a pain to work with. Though I should still have an MOD converter on my computer that I could have it converted to VOB if needed.
I will try my hand at syncing popsot, since it is my run and all. I might also try Sunset Riders, Metal Slug X, and Metal Slug 3. It's not really fair that most of the syncing work is going to 3 people, especially since two out of those three worked their asses off on-site.
EDIT: It seems like the last piece of xsplit footage (which is the piece I need) is incomplete. It starts at Magicka, but I can't get it to read past there.
The file name is 2012-01-09_045042016.2
I'm also pretty sure the entire thing downloaded, because it says 1.22 GB on my end, and that's what it said in the xsplit folder.
I'm pretty sure I've watched that (I know I've seen the Final Finale when poking through footage) but I'll check it again when I get home. My work computer doesn't play xvid with the stock codecs and I'd rather not install it.
As for Sir VG's stuff, make a torrent with the file (use the SDA tracker) and I'll grab it from you. If it's really mpeg-2 I can probably use it as-is.