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REMake so far has the audio synced with the video. I'm only halfway through the video, though. Great job to UraniumAnchor and all of the helpers. Keep up the great work! Smiley
Yeah, thanks for working so hard on these UraniumAnchor and everyone else helping.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-28 04:26:07 pm
Not a walrus
I need opinions on Twin Snakes before I throw it into the encoder:
Edit history:
Chrno: 2012-01-28 04:31:44 pm
I personally prefer the no-letterboxing version.
Edit history:
SMK: 2012-01-28 04:39:01 pm
A bit of a problem:  I was syncing up Super Meat Boy, and it seems the DVD recording is missing the last 8 or so minutes of gameplay.  Is there any way we can recover it, or are we stuck. 

He're my sync points anyways, hopefully we can re-grab the dvd footage though:

Super Meat Boy:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_201923285.1.avi
dvd  : 28 Super Meat Boy.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
299              7457          Selecting 'Play Game' from xbox menu
33251            73366        Chapter 2 Complete
74251            155366        Chapter 4 Complete
99945            206754        Chapter 5 Complete
118121            243106        Chapter 6 Complete
136473            279810        Intro to 7-12 'Pink'
(We are missing DVD footage past this point)

Still working on the other SMBs
Professional Second Banana

I vote for the no-letterbox version.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-28 07:31:09 pm
Not a walrus
Alright, going to do it without the letterbox, even though technically it's stretched, I think.

Also, here's the script that got generated for syncing up MGS. I'm glad I wrote a tool that does this for me, because goddamn.

banner = "agdq2/banner2.png"
part1x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-04_220236388.1.avs")
part1h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part1h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=849)\
		++blankclip(part1h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part1h.framecount-(-849),106352))\
		++blankclip(part1h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,105503-part1h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part1x, length=0)++trim(part1x, 966726, 1073074)++blankclip(part1x, length=max(1073074-part1x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = blankclip(part1h,length=849)++trim(part1h, 0, 105502)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 104653)
part1 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part1h = hside
part1x = xside
part2x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-04_220236388.2.avs")
part2h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part2h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=0)\
		++blankclip(part2h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part2h.framecount-(105503),3546))\
		++blankclip(part2h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,109049-part2h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part2x, length=0)++trim(part2x, 0, 3549)++blankclip(part2x, length=max(3549-part2x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = trim(part2h, 105503, 109048)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 109048)
part2 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part2h = hside
part2x = xside
part3x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-04_220236388.3.avs")
part3h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part3h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=0)\
		++blankclip(part3h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part3h.framecount-(109049),64243))\
		++blankclip(part3h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,173292-part3h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part3x, length=0)++trim(part3x, 0, 64248)++blankclip(part3x, length=max(64248-part3x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = trim(part3h, 109049, 173291)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 173291)
part3 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part3h = hside
part3x = xside
part4x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-05_031950946.1.avs")
part4h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part4h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=0)\
		++blankclip(part4h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part4h.framecount-(173292),3866))\
		++blankclip(part4h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,177158-part4h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part4x, length=0)++trim(part4x, 0, 3866)++blankclip(part4x, length=max(3866-part4x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = trim(part4h, 173292, 177157)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 177157)
part4 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part4h = hside
part4x = xside
part5x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-05_032056018.1.avs")
part5h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part5h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=0)\
		++blankclip(part5h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part5h.framecount-(177158),73238))\
		++blankclip(part5h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,250396-part5h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part5x, length=0)++trim(part5x, 0, 73247)++blankclip(part5x, length=max(73247-part5x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = trim(part5h, 177158, 250395)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 250395)
part5 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part5h = hside
part5x = xside
part6x = import(base + "agdq2/XSplit/2012-01-05_032056018.avs")
part6h = ffm("agdq2/HDPVR/2012_1_5_1_33_2.mp4", fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001).lanczos4resize(852, 480)
hmask = blankclip(part6h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=0)\
		++blankclip(part6h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$FFFFFF, length=min(part6h.framecount-(250396),37373))\
		++blankclip(part6h, pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000, length=max(0,287769-part6h.framecount))
xside = blankclip(part6x, length=0)++trim(part6x, 0, 37371)++blankclip(part6x, length=max(37371-part6x.framecount, 0))
xside = lanczos4resize(xside,852,640)
hside = trim(part6h, 250396, 287768)
hmask = trim(hmask, 0, 287768)
part6 = overlay(xside, hside, x=0, y=0, mask=hmask)
part6h = hside
part6x = xside
whole = part1++part2++part3++part4++part5++part6
statid(whole, banner, "'Caleb Hart'", "Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes", "Game Audio on Track 2")
main = changefps(59.94)
xside = part1x++part2x++part3x++part4x++part5x++part6x
hside = part1h++part2h++part3h++part4h++part5h++part6h
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-29 03:51:13 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-29 03:49:59 pm
Not a walrus
I think I'm going to bump the gamma on the quake encode, it's pretty dark as is and I recall people complaining about it on the stream chat. Here's a sample:

No Gamma Filter

Gamma Filter

Any objections?
Balls jerky
I like being able to see, so no.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Maybe I'm weird and purist, but I like the darker look. I wasn't around for Quake, so I wouldn't know what chat was saying.
sda loyalist
I like that level.

I don't even remember the game being that dark WHILE I PLAYED IT, though I guess knowing all the maps by heart does somewhat preclude having to see it.
Not a walrus
I remember it looking significantly darker in the xsplit preview than it did on the computer you were playing it on, so that's probably why.
Super Mario Bros:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_201923285.1.avi
dvd:    29 Super Mario Bros Super Mario World.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
173003            7899          Title screen appears
189743            41379        Title screen after last blindfolded attempt
205225            72342        Return to title screen after beating game

Super Mario World:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_201923285.1.avi
dvd:    29 Super Mario Bros Super Mario World.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
211107            84106        Title Screen first appears
228812            119516        Key in Star World 1
237514            136922        First firework at end of game

Super Mario Bros 3:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_201923285.1.avi
dvd:    30 Super Mario Bros 3.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
242617            7268          Game Start
270278            62589        Lands on the mushroom house in world 3
296435            114906        Lands on the castle in world 4
323987            170012        Lands on 5-3 after Kuriboh's Crash
350659            223355        Lands on 6-6 (@52:21)
379519            281078        Lands on 7-Plant (@1:08)
405532            333103        Lands on 3rd hand in world 8 (@1:22)
419486            361012        Mario appears in the princess' chamber

I guess I bite off DMC and Bayonetta now. 
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-30 02:52:16 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-30 09:54:59 am
Not a walrus
Uploading several new files from the office connection, mostly higher quality stuff of existing runs. Check back throughout the day.

Edit: Well, Twin Snakes SHOULD have been up by now, something must have gone wrong back home. I'll check it when I get back in a few hours.
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2012-01-30 04:55:02 pm
mikwuyma: 2012-01-30 04:52:36 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I said this in the highlights and bloopers thread, but forgot to say it here, Sub-Terrania is synced.

EDIT: Okay, I forgot to check track 2, the game audio, and that track is slightly delayed, but I wouldn't bother resyncing because almost no one is going listen to the game audio-only track. Nevermind, it seems okay, I don't know what I was thinking.
Not a walrus
DXHR and a couple of runs with better audio sync are uploading. Hopefully I can knock out some more encodes tonight, but we'll see.
You guys are awesome for getting these up.  Seriously, so many props.  I feel bad even asking, but is it possible to prioritize the runs earlier in the marathon?  I intend to watch them in order, and I'd hate to think of the wait that Portal 2 being the last upload would mean.
Not a walrus
If the run's not up yet there's probably a technical reason for it. I'm trying to work in order as much as I can, but some of the runs are having problems. Some minor, some major. Nothing insurmountable yet.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-02-01 10:26:06 am
Not a walrus
Sonic block (mq versions at least) will be going up a little later.

I'll try to get Portal 2 up tomorrow, but I need to make some changes to my workflow before I can. It's a special case since it's going to be double-wide (1280x480).
Plays games in slow mode.
This is not an informed opinion but maybe the delay in uploading Portal 2 is because it was done on PC and PC runs are harder to encode
or something? Oh, I guess its a double recording as well.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Yeah, it's harder to sync double recording stuff, which is why none of the races have been uploaded yet.
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
I'll try to get Portal 2 up tomorrow, but I need to make some changes to my workflow before I can. It's a special case since it's going to be double-wide (1280x480).

You are seriously my hero.  I mean it.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-02-01 08:37:35 pm
Not a walrus
While what Mike said about races is true, it's only somewhat related to why Portal 2 was giving me trouble. The good news is that it's synced and in the encoding queue now. The bad news is that there's a bunch of HQ/IQ stuff in front of it, so it might not get uploaded until tomorrow night.

Edit: Apparently I'm a liar. It should be up later tonight. When I restarted the encoding script Portal 2 came up first.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from Binary Dragon:
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
I'll try to get Portal 2 up tomorrow, but I need to make some changes to my workflow before I can. It's a special case since it's going to be double-wide (1280x480).

You are seriously my hero.  I mean it.

<3 UA
I've said it before and I'll say it again, UA is The Man.