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Coughing up blood is not fun. Hope you get well soon, man.
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Quote from Carcinogen:
NTE - Sorry bro, but just because they weren't sold in this thread doesn't mean they weren't sold in other threads. And if you look 3 posts up, I've done a poor job maintaining my list and I need to rewrite it since I've decided I'm actually not selling a lot of the games on my list. I already sold Disgaea.

Yeah, i read that you have problems maintaining it so searching with ctrl+f through this thread was my only option on getting any idea of what is sold or not. But at least i know i can search elsewhere for Disgaea.

i hope it isn't anything serious even though coughing up blood sounds not that good.
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My apologies sir, I hope you feel better and take your time. Hope all is better soon.
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Edit history:
Carcinogen: 2011-03-28 12:18:28 am

It's probably not gonna go over too well with the Master List, but this time I decided to post it all on my GameTZ account so I could gain more exposure and actually sell some shit.

Take a look. I'll update my wishlist soon and maybe put some console games up for once =p
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Master List is long-dead, so no qualms here.
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Hey Carc, I found my copy of Mega Man X7 after how long?  If you want it, I can sell it to you.  If you don't want it/got a copy already, that's fine.  I just happened to remember that you wanted it and X8 but I couldn't find X7 at the time.
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Yeah, already found a copy. Sorry, VG =[
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No problem.  I just thought about it, so I thought I'd ask to give you first crack at it.
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I'm assuming you're still selling.

I'd be interested in purchasing Super Metroid, Mischief Makers, Ikaruga, and Skies of Arcadia Legends.
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Oh hey

Sorry, I didn't notice this until after I skipped town =[

I still have all four of those, I'll come up with a price for you as soon as I get back.
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I'm also interested in Super Metroid...
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I also have a copy of Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2 if you're interested.
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I would be, though it's near the bottom of my list of what I'm looking for at the moment. I don't want to pay a lot for it.
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Edit history:
Carcinogen: 2011-08-08 08:10:25 pm
Carcinogen: 2011-08-08 08:10:13 pm
Carcinogen: 2011-08-08 08:10:01 pm
SMK - I'm actually having a change of heart on the Super Metroid. I've decided I wanted to have hard copies of my VC games in case my Wii dies.

However, I still wanna get rid of Ikaruga, SoA Legends, and Mischief Makers. $75 for all three of these (shipping included in the price as usual) is the best I can do. Still interested?
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I should probably mention that this would be shipping to Canada, so you might want to reconsider that 'shipping included' price.  In any case, yeah sure, I'll take them.  Admittedly Super Metroid was my main draw, but I guess I'll have to keep looking for that.
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I had a copy of Super Metroid - traded it in for a Super Mario World with a pretty worn label. Bad decision Sad
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Quote from SMK:
I should probably mention that this would be shipping to Canada, so you might want to reconsider that 'shipping included' price.  In any case, yeah sure, I'll take them.  Admittedly Super Metroid was my main draw, but I guess I'll have to keep looking for that.


That's right. PM me your address and I'll figure it out, then we can go from there.