Edit history:
ferrishthefish: 2014-05-29 04:05:38 pm
ferrishthefish: 2014-05-29 04:04:26 pm
ferrishthefish: 2014-05-29 04:04:09 pm
ferrishthefish: 2014-05-29 04:03:36 pm
Goal: 1-seg 6-day Pikmin Speedrun
New runner interested in a 1-seg 6-day Pikmin run on NTSC. Based on himajin's unsubmitted segmented run, it seems possible to get down in the range of 1:03 (although I respect the RNG-dependence of especially Day 2).
I'm experimenting with routes, but I don't see myself making any major improvements to himajin. I'll get to work if nobody has any objections before I finish (probably ... one year from now so plenty of time LOL).
himajin's run: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4127153E492643E5
I'm experimenting with routes, but I don't see myself making any major improvements to himajin. I'll get to work if nobody has any objections before I finish (probably ... one year from now so plenty of time LOL).
himajin's run: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4127153E492643E5