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Hahaha! Lovely XD. Well, since im doign single segments of it im hoping to find out a time to aim for. As it is right now, i dont know there is a single segment run of this game : /
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I know this is completely unrelated to the casual run, but I found this IL run today and it is absolutely disgusting.

SEGA Junkie
An actual use for the life gun? I call BS!

Seriously though that's pretty disgusting.
Edit history:
ngntimmeh: 2012-12-21 03:32:27 am
Wow! I never use that gun unless you can park it in a mass fo enemies. But that was evil i gotta say. Espceially when its on GodHArd mode : /. He also did alot of stuff he didnt need to do to make the stage progress as well :D. I might try and livestream another try soon so i can save out the footage. Still need to make sure i dont die in it tho. Other than that, thank you for helping me finding me footage and such :D.
Molu's back! His time trials are fucking ridiculous. Someone already beat his Challenge 6 record but it's still fun to watch. I keep forgetting to subscribe to him. ;__;
He actually makes the game look fun to play. Holy shit.
Bah, someone richer than I needs to offer up a bounty on this game. It's "disgustingly" good, and built for speed. Why doesn't it get more love? It's easily in my top 5 for this gen.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Anybody still working on this game? I need to spend some time on my other hobbies so I am going to do my best to not get sucked into it a new speedrun.

I am curious though; this game is a good candidate for an IL table correct? Is anybody working on it? If not I might take a stab at an IL table though it won't be quick.
Youkai - Heya! Yeah, im still doing it. Been having some computer issues so i havent been able to get the time over to record a new session of it. But im still doing it yeah. I do single segment runs only tho. :3
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ngntimmeh: 2013-01-06 09:23:26 am
Have this one for now. But i know i can do alot better tho so :D. Hopefully this will be entertaining to veiw tho. Smiley After trying some other stuff around, this is ofcourse an old run, i could improve the run ALOT so ill try and record a new one soon. Smiley
Tried to embed it into the post, but it didnt allow me to so yeah : /.
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Joshkaz: 2013-04-16 03:48:23 am
Joshkaz: 2013-04-16 03:48:21 am
King Wabasami
Don't know if anyone still has any interest or is speedrunning this, but I just got a casual run done with 1:53:17 in game time (after I blew off the blue bogey's head,) final Time 2:00:07 (seems to count the silly Meteor destroyer game at the end)  and 2:11:19 rta (Died on burns from silliness.) Will have a video for a run soon.
One hand is enough.

I've been running this a lot lately, and here's my latest run: 2:01:27 RTA and 1:43:12 game time at final boss kill, with 2:07:09 RTA and 1:48:36 game time at the final result (after credits). I used DLC weapons, which you can see pretty clearly. Only one silly death; I should have this under 2 hours soon.

I consider the RTA to be the main timing method for my runs, and since the checkpoint reload despawn exploit would actually be slower in real time; I'm not sure how this would compare to those done with game time only.

Also, is there any proof of the 1:41:43 run or anything faster than mine? Not doubting the possibility of the time; I feel this is very doable... but I'd love to see the run.


Just got 1:58:15 RTA and 1:40:14 game time at final boss kill, with 2:03:52 RTA and 1:45:33 after the credits "mission". I'm very excited about this run, despite a few errors here and there. Unless someone has evidence otherwise I believe this is a world record.
From the info I can find online, the game timer only counts from the first enemy spawned to the last enemy killed in each level. You'll notice that 1-1 doesn't have an associated time on the IGT, as there are no enemies. I wouldn't consider that a "reliable in-game timer", as it does not count gameplay. Check out this article+comments:

It makes the most sense to me to list times as RTA, from first fade-in to fade-out after boss kill. I guess game-time (before credits) could be an optional supplement for informational purposes only, not for actual timekeeping - kind of like it's done in Super Metroid. I don't see any reason to time the credits.
So, for your run, that would be 1:58:15 (1:40:14).

Category-wise, I think Casual and God Hard would be the most obvious ones. I'm also wondering about DLC versus no DLC. I think many people interested in running it won't have the DLC, and the AGDQ 2012 run was without DLC.
One hand is enough.
Thanks for all that information, Reed; especially the bits about the inaccuracies of the in-game timer! I figured it worked something like that but I wasn't entirely sure. I time the credits mission just to prevent any dispute, since it does count towards in-game time and how you play it does make a small real-time difference.

I do think that DLC runs should be considered separate, as the Anti-Armor Pistol in particular saves tons of time by itself. It is worth pointing out that the DLC is only $2, so cost shouldn't be an issue... just availability several years from now.
Yeah, I did a test a week ago, and playing the credits "optimally" (i.e. shooting the furthest asteroids right as the closest ones hit the screen) saves almost exactly 1 minute over not shooting anything. That said, I find the credits minigame boring and stupid - not sure how you feel about it. In any case I don't consider it part of the game proper.

(It's not so much cost as: I'm interested in running no DLC, just to see what can be done with the "standard" game, no frills. Feels more legit somehow. Tongue )
One hand is enough.
I definitely agree that the game really ends with the final boss kill. Timing the credits bit is just my way of being non-confrontational about it.

I can understand no DLC feeling more legit. You would certainly have to play more creatively to achieve good times. I love my pistol and laser cannon too much though to give them up entirely, heh.
Edit history:
Reed: 2013-07-06 12:22:21 am
Reed: 2013-07-06 12:19:19 am
Reed: 2013-07-06 12:18:38 am
Watched Act 1 of your run, only having played the thing casually. The DLC usage makes it so different it's hard to tell how well you're playing. One thing I can say is, you're retreating way too far to detonate your explosive charges. You only have to go a short distance, you don't have to wait for the dialogue. This should save time, assuming you can slide through the holes immediately.

When you toss the grenade at 23:24, try throwing it while standing behind that cover to your left, then vault the cover, go into AR-mode as you do so, and shoot the grenade. (I'm gonna call this "vault-AR" for short) You can probably take out all the Gorgies at once if you aim it right.

For the first Bogey fight, I think there was a rocket launcher drop I used to make short work of him (this was on Hard btw). Might have been a random drop though. I got him down to half health (shotgun+melee) and used rockets to tear through him and skip the QTE.
@ halfcoordinated - Is your run single or a segmented run? Thats a really nice time as well , congrats Cheesy
One hand is enough.
@ ngntimmeh- it was single segment; I think a segmented run should be much faster if someone does one. Thanks!

@ Reed- I wish I had read that before my embarrassing no DLC run last night. I've started using grenade-shooting strats, but I missed most of them in that run. I think a backflip-AR could prolly do about the same job as you are describing though.

I've skipped the QTE multiple times before, but messed it up in this run. Using the rocket launcher certainly would be more consistent I'm sure.
I probably won't be running this for quite a while, if I do. I want to play it a lot more casually first. God Hard or bust!
One hand is enough.
God Hard is the main reason I didn't speedrun this sooner. I beat everything except the final boss, and have been stuck there for several months. I'll admit that fight is just too much for me on God Hard. Sad
Im planning on trying another take on this vanquish on causal. But im having issues when it comes to when im suppossed to start the wsplit. Is it during the introduction movie or should i start it as soon as i can move? And thanks half for setting a time i could go for Cheesy . As there arent many that runs this game, kinda missed having a goal to chase after so :).
One hand is enough.
For my timer I've been starting it as soon as I select to skip the tutorial after picking the difficulty at the main menu, since that's what technically initiates the playthrough, is easy to start consistently, and seems to be standard for many RTAs (I also run super monkey ball, and you start when you select the mode for that). I consider the game done when you kill the 2nd bogey, but also time through when you lose control at the end of the credits game just in case there's a disagreement.

No problem! Good luck on your runs!

*EDIT* Just to clarify, the times I've reported here are at the 2nd bogey kill; I just have my splits run through the credits game.
Yep, pretty sure precedent would be the skip tutorial selection (or whatever else would initiate a new game, with only cutscenes between that and character control).
Edit history:
halfcoordinated: 2013-07-18 12:21:28 am
halfcoordinated: 2013-07-17 09:43:25 am
One hand is enough.

Just got 1:56:14 RTA at final boss kill! Pretty happy with this although there's still definitely more room for improvement. I missed a few strats and made some obvious errors, etc. I'll keep working on this.

I'll probably have an HD-quality video of this run up sometime soon.


There's the run without all the stream stuff, but don't be surprised if I beat this very soon. I think I've discovered something big that could save plenty of time as far as movement goes.