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Puwable here.

The only glitch you have to know if the one to clip the door. The other one (L0rdy or my version of doing it) is kind of hard and risky even if you do it. You can't even do mine on normal. You can do under 2h30 without monastery and geothermal skip. You can even have under 2h30 by trying 999 times Monastery Skip then give up and doing the legit way.

Don't care about geothermal skip if you are planning to do the second Grim Skip too.
Has anyone agreed on a proper upgrade path? Is there anything essential in tier 1 to get other than pain tolerance?
Dirty trickes to slide while talking with the walkie talkie. Learn what you ned to do when you are on the firecamp so you don't spend 2 minutes trying to find it etc.
off the top of my head, here's what I get.  Arrow Retrieval.... then once you get to the camp after exiting the top of the village, you'll have 2 points, put them in Pain Tolerance and Scavenging (ammo retrieval).  Next up is Dirty tricks after the radio tower.  After that I wait until after the Salarii Fortress then dump the remaining skill points on whatever (except one goes on the ammo capacity) then tier 2 should be unlocked to get climbers agility with your last skill point.  That's it.  you could get the other ammo upgrade later, but there isn't much need for it, especially with some new strats I might have Wink

Pewable - we are now tied for the WR on console.  do you have the seconds for yours?  I got 2:24:45
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-31 09:24:54 pm
Pewable: 2013-03-31 04:28:06 pm
Oh you have the WR Brass', don't worry, congrats :p ! I will try to be you soon!

Can you write down every spits you are doing and where you start them? I will try to do them now. Still can't stream and do it though. So much lag.


New skip! If someone wants a little tutorial. I will add annotations. I don't think it is needed tough. Be sure to hold aim until you are on the floor.

To Cryptic: if you can't do it from the right, try to do it from the left. I am saying that because as far as I know L0rdy was not able to do it from the right. Maybe it is ok now, don't know.
Also know as L0rdy
I found a consistant way on the right pillar as well. Got a decent setup for it works like a charm!

Cool skip Pewable ^^
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-31 09:57:55 pm
Thank you Cheesy ! Are you doing to do a tutorial later? It's kind of easy so it's ok... Not like... Radio... Tower.

(Good night D: ...)
Also know as L0rdy
I guess since its different then your version I can post this here:

3 out of 5 trys pretty consistant imo ^^.
nice find Pewable! I did some practice and I got it a few times so I'll keep practicing before doing it in a run.  Also for those who haven't heard yet, new WR on console by me, 2:21:50
New little glitch Wink .... I am nice so I will show it to you when the video is updated! Want to keep it to give me more chance against you, Brass', but oh well ~ !
you'll have the record back in no time I'm sure.  but you are certainly awesome for finding these little glitches
You guys are crazy. I also have a speedrun on the way and these glitches are really helping me out a lot. Not sure if you guys had any luck with the evelator skip by lordy, but I can't seem to get it to work. Playing on Hard mode on PC.
Edit history:
brassmaster: 2013-04-01 03:08:34 pm
You need Climbers Agility and the highest possible framerate for the Elevator skip.

Research Base skip (post elevator) text explanation (I'll do a video one eventually, it needs it):
Line up with the camera parallel to the wall
scramble then roll, and towards the end of the roll, go to the right off of the platform and to it's side (not too far to the right or forward).
as soon as you land, press left and jump button. She should warp in a manner of speaking to the platform and be slightly inside the wood there.
When she lands, aim and press the joystick in the direction of the corner piece of wood.  This causes her to warp to the top of the platform (you do not need to mash jump, but you do need to keep the aim button held)
when she warps up, hold in the direction of the center of the platform (again, dont need to jump, but you still need to hold aim)
Wait until she is fully on the upper platform (otherwise she'll be pushed back by the force)
let go of aim and you are done.
just found a really minor skip but I guess it saves a couple of seconds:

Nice find Elajjaz. Man this game reminds me of mass effect series. So many glitches.
a couple of us had said you might be able to jump on the corpse but i dont think any of us tested it. nice find!

Yeah I'm trying it at the moment but I can't get it to work :/
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-01 04:44:50 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-01 03:49:55 pm
You can jump on the corpse from the other side of the room but from the one we come from? I don't think.

Very cool trick Elajjaz, I spent like 1 hour here, there is a little spot where you can walk but she meets an invisible wall Cry ... Will be sure to try it!

>>> Streaming! Will try Elajjza's trick then trying a run.
Thanks Pewable!

Yeah I managed to land on the cow from the other side but not from our side.
Also the trick is very easy to do! Cheesy
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-01 07:51:14 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-01 07:39:35 pm

New "WR" but I will say it's more a new PB. Don't really happy with it because I want a timer next to it, it looks more legit when the proof is a stream you know? But my stream is so much worse with Xsplit etc.

Will do better soon, so I am counting on you Brass' !

Also, I... REALLY... can't do Radio Tower skip anymore. Don't know why. Spent like 3 hours on it today and wasn't able to do it once. Need to reset my brain.
i totally called it.... congrats pewable
Also know as L0rdy
Quote from brassmaster:
You need Climbers Agility and the highest possible framerate for the Elevator skip.

That is not true, you want to have vsync on which means you limit your framerate to 60fps. The Elevator skip works fine with 60fps and still would work on higher, but you will get trouble with other skips if you dont play with 60fps cap. Thats why I wanted to make sure that this is cleared up ^^.
02:16:24.92 Yay! Don't know if I upload it or not. What do you guys think?

No Radio Tower Door Clip but Monastery Skip in 2/3 tries so it is ok. A lot of stupid mistakes though.
2:16!? UGH!!... nicely done.