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Just to let you guys know I found a way to skip the chasm strong hold fight where you fight all the stormguards. Will upload video soon.
Video is up:
Tried this earlier today and... and...

Oh well, nice! Will have to try.
Also know as L0rdy
Sadly this is not really a new skip. If you go to the first page of this thread, I already posted a video of how to skip this fight. However the level is not loaded afterwards so you can not continue without killing all the guards : /.
But I think he tried to go further and it worked... I WISH HE DID. Maybe right side is magiiic.
Also know as L0rdy
Nope you can see in the background that its not loaded, you can see that the room afterwards has no backwall and you stare into oob : P. I walked around there quiet a bit to make sure I dont miss a loading trigger based on a zone where you just have to stand in ^^.
O.O Well maybe I should have moved forward a little more. This makes me sad Sad
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-02 03:46:48 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-02 03:34:13 pm
It makes me sad too (once again) . I think I discovered something we can use in Geothermical Caves... Trying, trying!

Edit: Can't we break the rope after being at its back? You know? Maybe it is the trigger.
Edit history:
CrypticJacknife: 2013-04-02 07:32:31 pm
CrypticJacknife: 2013-04-02 07:30:29 pm
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
I'd say how sure are we that we can't load a trigger mid stronghold-fight, but I have enough faith in L0rdy to presume he covered the necessary trials.

Sorry I've been out for a while here guys. Bioshock Infinite and yeah (no more explanation required).
Will be jumping back on the 100 train some time in the next few days.

Grats to both Pewable and Brassmaster on their PBs during my abscene. Get that console time lower! Cheesy

Also, unless you are someone I already know just under a Guest status, welcome to the discussion Mrkrabs ^^
Also know as L0rdy
Yeah I pretty much tested the skip in all parts of the fight and the area behind only loads when you hit the cutscene that reveals the ropething and the end. What you could do is do the skip and use a flaw in the AI, but not sure if that would be faster. Basicly the melee guys stop following you once you entered the last room, as far as I remember the ranged ones still shoot at you, but the melee guys just stand there... however when I did that I still had to jump back down after killing all the waves that spawn up there, because some enemys was still hiding in the main area : /.

What might also still be interesting, just a random idea. Is that in some fights there are specific enemys that trigger a checkpoint. For example the Radio tower fight in my tutorial I showed that I kill 2 enemys on the way to get a checkpoint to make it easier. If that would be the case for the last fight and we just had to kill certain enemys to trigger the checkpoint we could avoid killing a lot of enemys... that would be cool ^^.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-03 11:12:08 am
Pewable: 2013-04-03 08:41:48 am
Pewable: 2013-04-03 08:08:43 am
Pewable: 2013-04-03 07:37:55 am
Pewable: 2013-04-03 07:32:33 am
> New skip (after killing the deer) ! Skipping: going back to firecamp, upgrading, cutscene, going back to door.

> Radio Tower Door Clip is now more way easier.

Also know as L0rdy
New Friendship skip! Dont try this at home kids : P

Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-03 11:00:04 am

Going to try it later!
Also know as L0rdy
You look impressed by my skills!
Doesn't seem to wok on consoles yeah :/ ... Always falling.

How to do it without the second melee attack:

Thanks for the welcome Cryptic. Yeah Pewable and Lordy, you guys are crazy with these glitches. Alright thanks to you guys I finally finished my speedrun for Tomb Raider. Just to wore you guys it's in 31 parts so this is a segmented run. Enjoy:
Mrkrabs06 is TopTierAction... (mind= blown)

I will take a look at it and say what you can do to improve it Smiley !

I am not a fan of segmented run at all, it is... weird.
lol I finally made an account. Yes Pewable, that's fine. Just let me know what I can improve on. I don't feel like doing this anymore. I have other speedruns to do so it may be awhile for me to come back to this run.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-03 06:09:49 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-03 05:52:17 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-03 05:52:07 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-03 05:51:41 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-03 05:17:48 pm
ALEX IS SKIPPEEED! Let's do a party.

No sound, don't know why. It saves you from all the pause's sound.
Also know as L0rdy
Cool skip Pewable, will test around with it tomorrow.
Guess I have some improving to do :). This is crazy. Getting under 2 hours for this game is easily possible now.
Sure! But Alex Skip will be a pain to do. A miss and you have to start again. It's late in the game so it is a risk to take. But if we can do it in 2/3 times it is a really nice timesaver.
NICE pewable, how do you do it?
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-03 07:29:12 pm
It's like I do to clip doors but it is way more "frame perfect" , you have to try to understand I think.

Be sure to be where I am, the pipe is very important. You have to land a feet on it so Lara starts "climbing" it.

It does something like that:

1) Melee attack (first or second one, but for Alex Skip I think the first one is way better) ~ pause                    (press MELEE ATTACK then quickly press PAUSE)

2) Hold DOWN

3) Pause ~ pause (press PAUSE then quickly PAUSE again, it is like doing a superslide with PAUSE BUFFERING in Ocarina of Time you know? Harder though.)

4) If you see Lara looks the opposite way > hold UP

5) etc.

Kind of hard to explain with my limited english!
what do you do between pauses? looks like Lara keeps changing directions every frame.