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I found a new trick for the trials room it saves about 0.5 sec, here it is:
Edit history:
Moatman: 2015-08-04 06:55:12 pm
Moatman: 2015-08-04 05:31:45 pm
Moatman: 2015-08-04 05:29:03 pm
Quote from PrettyFrenchMan:
Hey Twyn_o accidently found a skip of Faradeus's fight (the second boss). MetalFoxDos and I tried to reproduce it, but we weren't able to do so unfortunately. It seems to be really precise, and maybe TAS-only. Here is the video :

What is apparently going on is that even after death, if the body of the kid touches a checkpoint, it will be the current checkpoint. So the kid will respawn on this checkpoint. Which is here the checkpoint on the left of the first room after Faradeus. I guess that the body of the kid need to be pushed by the wind after death in order to hit the checkpoint, just my two cents.

I figured something like this would be possible back when I was messing around with Faradeus last year but I could never get it to work. I'll see if I can find a setup but if neither of you could get it I probably won't have much luck.
e: Okay, so the checkpoint trigger is right about here. Your body needs to hit that.
With the help of Dioxymore, I was able to reproduce the faradeus skip and I've even found a setup which is pretty consistent with some pause buffering, here it is (Details on how to reproduce it are in the description of the video):
It is also possible without pause buffering, it's not frame perfect. I don't know how precise the timing is, but not frame perfect.

~MetalFox Dioxymore
Edit history:
Moatman: 2015-08-08 07:16:42 pm
Moatman: 2015-08-08 07:11:08 pm
Moatman: 2015-08-08 07:11:07 pm
So there's a softlock running around between Fernus and Faradeus. Faradeus won't activate when you get in its room and so you can't proceed. Not sure what causes it and it can be recovered from by dying, but it'll still kill a run.
Video goes from the beginning of Fernus until the softlock is cleared.
All that said, if we can find a way over/through sleeping Faradeus and can consistently replicate the bug, we could skip the fight entirely
e: It doesn't have anything to do with the map cancel, because it happened to me once before I knew about the cancel.
Edit history:
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-09 11:29:11 am
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-09 11:28:47 am
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-09 06:25:13 am
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-08 10:26:07 pm
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-08 07:21:53 pm
PrettyFrenchMan: 2015-08-08 07:19:33 pm
You can reproduce the softlock by double tapping on the validation button when you load a save. At least, when you load a save at Faradeus's checkpoint and then you tap a second time during the loading time, the exact same softlock appear. But maybe they are other ways to activate this softlock, I'm not sure.
Alright, so Dioxymore got a nice setup for the skip on current patch

Explanation on how to grab on to nothingness is in the video description
Greetings Teslagraduates,

I'm working on some improvements to TeslaSplit. I know some of you have had trouble getting it to work in the first place, and I feel really bad about that.
I have also gotten some requests for additional features. So tell me what things about the program suck and what new things you'd like to see.

Here's a short list of things I'm going to try and implement:
1) Call the internal Windows shortcut to Users\Username\AppData so I can navigate to the Teslagrad save file path without the need to modify the config. And while we're on the topic of the config...
2) Make a configuration window to let you record and test your hotkey presses, and modify your split list so you won't have to touch the app config file at all.
3) Get TeslaSplit to listen for the hotkey for LiveSplit Reset, so pressing it will also reset TeslaSplit.

Anything else? Let me hear it! Don't be shy!

- BB
Pretty French Man and myself wanted to improve it too ^^ !
We wanted to add some stuffs :
- An interface to select which splits we want (but we need to find all sceneindexes/checkpoints of each room to be able to list them) to avoid modifying the config
- Being able to create multiple splits profiles to switch from one on another easily
- And "advanced" mode where we can bind specific keys to specific splits (for testing purpose, like being able to set "tab+alt map key" when picking up an object to make perfect item animation cancel, or other stuffs)
- Merge teslasplit and teslasave (and other future tools, we have lots of ideas) in one program.

If you agree with those, maybe we could team together (Pretty, you and me, and anybody else who is motivated) to do make an awesome Teslagrad toolbox ?

~MetalFox Dioxymore
Edit history:
BoursinBurger: 2015-08-19 08:40:00 pm
BoursinBurger: 2015-08-19 06:16:48 pm
I have set up a code repository at
I published version 1 of the application as well as a commit of the latest tinkering I have done with it.

The application uses two external DLLs: DiffPlex 1.2.0 ( and InputSimulator (

Wrong facing : the science behind Ghost Ledge

Here is everything I know about the Ghost Ledge glitch and what provoke it. I hope it will help runners to do the Ghost Ledge glitch consistanly, and maybe give ideas about how to use it in routing, or to find new stuff with it.

I apologize for any english mistake !

Thanks to PrettyFrenchGuy for showing me his way to do the Ghost Ledge, I learned a LOT with it
I have pushed TeslaSplit 1.2 to

New features in this build:

- Configuration Window
TeslaSplit now defaults to non-listening mode when starting up. In this mode it displays configuration options that can be customized before starting the listener, whereupon the application switches back to the familiar variable and split tracker from previous versions.

- Multiple Split Lists
The config window allows you to create, delete, name, and modify multiple lists of splits. Select the dropdown menu to choose a split list, and type in its textbox to rename it. Items in the split list grid can be dragged and dropped to reposition their order. Select a row and press the Insert key to insert a new row, or the Delete key to remove the selected row. You'll need to type your split events by hand into each row. Perhaps in the future that can be improved. Changes made to your split lists are automatically saved in the config file.

- Automatic Item Animation Skip
Also in the config window is a set of checkboxes for each Teslagrad item. Selecting these will have TeslaSplit quickly press Tab twice when it detects that item's pickup, to cancel the pickup animation and allow you to move again. Your choices are saved to the app config automatically.

- Smarter Save File Locator
You should not need to modify the SaveGamePath variable in the App Config any more. TeslaSplit will find your Users\Username\AppData\Local directory programmatically, then use the config variable to navigate to ..\LocalLow\Rain\Teslagrad.

- Various GUI Improvements
Repositioned the watcher variables and added some new labels including a prominent "Next Split" header. Hacked in "sceneIndex 0" when reading a new save file since Teslagrad doesn't add that line to the save file until you've reached sceneIndex 1. Reversed the Event List to display newest event first.

Known Bugs / Issues:

- When debugging TeslaSplit locally, failures appear due to thread safety violations when changing form controls. I'm suspecting this is being caused by running the debugger. Implemented some delegates to compensate, but it's incomplete.

- I have not yet set up jerk-proofing for attempting to save a split list with no splits in it.

- ResetHotkey is in the App config file but is not yet implemented in TeslaSplit. Intended future behavior is for TeslaSplit to hear the LiveSplit hotkey for resetting and then call its DoReset() method. I have experimented with multiple hotkey-listener methods but none have worked for me satisfactorily yet. Feel free to contribute.
Compiled executable attached.
Two new stuffs !

Boots Wrong Warp :

Happened to me while I was testing other stuffs (so I didn't time it yet). By item cancelling before getting the boots and directly going back, you can avoid the boots checkpoint. Get eat by the gru (or reload your save, but slower), and you will respawn at your last checkpoint !
BE CAREFUL ! Item cancelling too early will result in a softlock.
Useful in demo% and maybe in any% ? For any%, maybe reach the exit checkpoint before going to the boots ?

Moonwalking & Moonjumping

A discovery I made based on the "moonwalking" that PrettyFrenchMan showed me. Sorry for mistakes in the video, I was really tired while making it.

Something I forgot to say in the video : during a Moonjump, be careful to jump BEFORE releasing the directions. As I showed, releasing directions on the ground instantly kills your boost.
Personnally, to Moonjump, I hold both 'left' and 'right' on my keyboard to be sure to never have "no directions". This advice doesn't work with a stick though, so be careful if you have a controller !

~MetalFox Dioxymore
Hello to all the runners of teslagrad

This week some of you visit my stream, because i start to learn the speedrun of teslagrad and for that i want to present me and more.

I am reskar a spanish runner and actually i run Bastion any% and mostly Bastion ASL. Usually i pick games for learn from pc (Dishonored is a example but for the fps i left the runs T.T) and actually i play and finish teslagrad 1 month a go. For the rest i going to try to learn the any% and have a decent time for the spanish marathon (in 1 month start the submissions).

Final and not the less important, thanks for all the help with the tricks in the stream and i going to try to find new stuff when i have a decent run.

Sorry for mess a Little the forum with this thing but for me is a basic for a good comunnity ^^.

See you and thanks^^.
Hi Reskar and welcome to the Teslafamily =) !

New huge stuff discovered by Rabram, PrettyFrenchMan and MisterJack ! You can skip the forge, saving like 1:50.

~MetalFox Dioxymore
Greetings Teslagraduates!

I have pushed TeslaSplit 1.3 to and a compiled executable is attached to this post.

New features in this build:

- Added two new split events:
ItemPickup will split upon collecting the glove, boots, cloak, or staff.
DefeatedBoss will split when "defeatedBosses" changes its value. This was created because of the Faradeus skip.

- Added a checkbox to set the TeslaSplit window to be Always On Top.

- Save the last split list that was selected and load it upon startup.
A new config value "SelectedSplitsIndex" saves this preference.

- Automated Resets! Check the save events to detect a new game and Reset TeslaSplit when detected.
If you switch to a different save file from the one you're using, TeslaSplit will reset.
I created a Reset Event in the config (default is openBarriers: 0) that will reset TeslaSplit when detected.
Note: A new game writes openBarriers: 0 followed by openBarriers: 262144. If you start time on character control, set your first split to be openBarriers: 262144.

- Support for the new Steam Cloud save folder used in Teslagrad 1.4.1
TeslaSplit now has two File Watchers:
the Legacy directory (default C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Rain\Teslagrad)
and now the Cloud directory (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\AccountNumber\249590\remote\)
TeslaSplit reads the Registry to fetch the SteamPath from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam, then appends \userdata to the end. I don't care about the AccountNumber, I just read all subdirectories looking for files named SavedGame.asset.
Hello everybody. After a long discution, with all the current active speedrunner, about the intro cutscene skip we now allow it. Here the new timer rule :
The timer starts upon selecting an empty game file or overwritting an existing one. Skipping the intro by quitting and reloading the savefile is allowed. The timer stops when you stop walking before throwing the crown.
Edit history:
BoursinBurger: 2015-09-29 05:37:44 am
BoursinBurger: 2015-09-26 09:12:33 pm
Today we figured out how to break Scroll 30. Scroll 28 in the Feast Hall is now out of the Any% route in favor of this trick:

Edit: So here's how this one works. We're calling this Extended Blink Hitbox (EBH). This exploits the fact that you can blink through a scroll and still collect it. Blinking while facing the scroll and then immediately turning away fools the game into projecting your blink path in the wrong direction, through the wall, into the path of the scroll, therefore collecting it.

This works with other scrolls as well. An example with Scroll 33:

When executed flawlessly, this has the potential to save some time on multiple scroll pickups.
Edit history:
BoursinBurger: 2015-10-01 04:18:45 pm
I used  the armor pre-heat trick on the Guericke's Orb fight to break the remaining two pieces of armor in a single laser cycle. This should save about 5 seconds.

Edit history:
BoursinBurger: 2015-10-27 05:14:14 am
If it seems like I'm the only one posting on this forum ... um ... that's because I am.
So for those who still come here looking for awesome Teslagrad speedrun stuff, here's what we're doing.
We have adopted the internet's only Teslagrad wiki at and we are adding all of our speedrun knowledge into it.
The main page is We have created sub-pages for each of the speedrun routes and a dedicated page for each speedrun trick, with descriptions and videos of each one.
Want something new to whet your appetite? We're working on skipping the King. Yep. King Skip is real and is reproducible. We have proof.
So come over to the wiki and gain or contribute knowledge as you like!
The story is in The cave <3
No your are not the only one BoursinBurger ^^ ! I'm here. So i'm french and i would like speedrun teslagrad.
I try it but it's hard and i would like to have explanation on some tricks, skip and tool like teslagradsplit.
So i'm bad in english and the major part of community is french so have you a french tchat ?

Ty for you answer and see you later Wink
We have a chat conversation on Skype. The French speakers there can help. I have sent you a contact request.
Edit history:
BoursinBurger: 2015-11-14 07:30:40 pm
Greetings Teslagraduates!

I have pushed TeslaSplit 1.4 to and a compiled executable is attached to this post.

New features in this build:

- TeslaSplit now properly loads currentText into previousText when an auto-reset occurs. No more event spam on a new run.

- Added capability for multiple auto-reset events where a reset will occur on any one of them being triggered. Simply separate the events with commas. Example: "openBarriers: 0, scenesOnMap: AQ=="

- The auto-reset event "scenesOnMap: AQ==" seems to work with both cutscened and cutscene-skipped runs so that is now set by default.

- Added the scene name to sceneIndex changes in Event log.

- Improved handling of sceneIndex and checkpointIndex during event updates.

- Removed the DiffPlex DLL and replaced it with LINQ code which does the job much better.

- The File Watchers will now wait and retry while Teslagrad / Save Editor / etc. has the save file locked.

- Check if each of the File Watcher directories actually exist before beginning to watch them. Complain if neither exist.

- Added Help screens to the Configuration. Click the Help buttons to open a popup window on those topics.

Additionally, I have attempted to craft a "Deluxe" Split List that is compatible with Any%, 15 Scroll, and 36 Scroll runs, with plenty of detail to split across many important room checkpoints. This Deluxe LiveSplit list is included in the zip file and has been set as one of the default split lists in this new config for TeslaSplit. A simpler split list is also included in the config with the basic splits most of you already use (Glove, Boots, Cloak, Oleg, Staff).

I've worked hard to eliminate the problems people have experienced with the program in the past so please give it a new try.


- BB