Breakdown doing 106% runs had me curious about the chance of getting glitch girl to appear. So I went through 500 lives in 6-2 looking for her and kept count in 5 sets of 100. Results:
7/100 13/100 7/100 5/100 8/100
40/500 or 8%. Wouldn't really call it conclusive until there are several hundred more attempts, but the chances are definitely <10%.
Despite the time being better than Exo's, the execution is way worse. Rapture is especially terrible (there's a death in 5-8, the downward scrolling elevator stage). The main reason why this run is faster is because of a bug that lets Meat Boy warp through walls. I think this is the alt key spam bug that groobo discovered a while ago.
I would say this bug is a separate category at the very least, because this bug really breaks the game (see Salt Factory and 6-4).
If nothing else, the run is an entertaining watch, despite how sloppy it is in some parts.
Can't see how anybody could argue against a ban for the glitch, it totally breaks the game and from the looks of it requires zero skill. It's the equivalent of soul duping in Demon's to hit SL712 on your first playthrough, and then walking through every enemy in the game, it's lame.
I can't see why a glitch should be banned here at sda. It makes a run significantly different, but it doesn't break the game like u+d in alttp does. Also, it has pretty severe limitations. Plus, it's effing hard to use the glitch effectively on a couple of levels since the execution has to be flawless. AND it doesn't even help on a lot of levels. Go try it out if you haven't already.
Relies on inducing lag due to shitty coding plus windows alt context menus = nope.
By that same token if there were a trick that relied on alttabbing out of the game to pull off in a windows game, I'd want it banned as well. It's pretty much the same as this.
Alt-tabbing is part of the code, just like running left and right is.
edit: On a side note: haven't watched the video Mike posted, so I'm not sure what the guy did wrong (except die a few times), but a run effectively using the glitch could go under 12 minutes from what I remember.
edit2: Subpar execution of subpar strats, with knowledge of only half the stuff you can do with the alt glitch. Should have guessed it.
I can't see why a glitch should be banned here at sda. It makes a run significantly different, but it doesn't break the game like u+d in alttp does. Also, it has pretty severe limitations. Plus, it's effing hard to use the glitch effectively on a couple of levels since the execution has to be flawless. AND it doesn't even help on a lot of levels. Go try it out if you haven't already.
Can't tell if serious or not........
On another note I'm probably going to beat 19:24 once I'll get a deathless run, had a few good runs today which could have been it if I just didnt mess up 6-5... (Exo's still probably gonna beat that if he's trying the routes he's doing now :P)
I personally think that runs using that glitch should not be banned and instead be a separate catagory. If there are reasons why this glitch should be banned from SMB runs, requiring little skill certainly isn't one of them.
Back when I was still more active around here I approached Mike about this very issue AND weather the in-game timer will be even used and he decided that yes - the glitch can be used (didn't ask weather it can be used in ILs because frankly I don't care about those at all, just wanted to know about SS), and no - the in-game timer isn't accurate enough and IL runs should be timed manually (let the bitching start... or were the timer issues fixed in the newer updates?). I doubt any of that changed.
And yeah, let's ban navigating the level select screen since it's so easy.
@WheretIB: Uhmm, yeah, I know - I found the glitch. On another note: you're missing a lot of superior strats due to not fully understanding how the glitch works. I made a huge post explaining the glitch and all its uses here in this very topic.
The ingame timer is accurate with vsync + constant 60 fps. The reason for why this glitch should be banned is that it requires you to unfocus the game window. If you allow unfocusing game windows you might as well allow buffering inputs by alt-tabbing in and out of pc games.
On another note: you're missing a lot of superior strats due to not fully understanding how the glitch works. I made a huge post explaining the glitch and all its uses here in this very topic.
Thanks. I will include floor/ceiling clipping in upcoming videos.
The ingame timer is accurate with vsync + constant 60 fps.
I made tests on 1-3 some time ago and came to the conclusion that producing a few identical runs can give you slightly different times (stable fps at all times, tried with vsync on/off and under different in-game quality settings). I think I documented it also in this topic. There's also the argument: at which point do we tell the timer is most accurate? The level select screen gives you a different time (and can be manipulated beforehand) than the replay does; during gameplay the timer, according to the last frame it's visible during recording, is also different. Unless any that was fixed in a patch post update 9 (the latest one, back when I tested this), using manual timing sounds reasonable.
The reason for why this glitch should be banned is that it requires you to unfocus the game window.
How the program reacts to different focus states is part of its code. In smb most functions, eg. the game's drawing engine, are freezed after you unfocus the form. What makes the glitch work is the fact that part of the code which handles ui and another one which calculates how far you should travel in the next gamestep (calculated based on the machine clock), are not one of those functions - that's an oversight in smb's code, not some windows sorcery.
Precedent against the glitch: It resembles "crooked cartridge" or "don't mess with the system while you're playing".
How so? There are games which you can't even alttab from. There are also games in which, unfocusing the form doesn't even freeze one bit of the code because the programmers didn't tell it to do so (unlike smb). How any of this has anything to do with system manipulation?
Groobo please don't base your responses/arguments on research you did over a year ago. A lot of timer issues have been fixed with later patches.
Also if unfocusing the game window would be allowed it would lead to a lot of dumb crap like instant mouse-movement in mouse-based games for example. I really think its not something that should be accepted.