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Just had to come up with something :(, still abit to go if anyone is bored.
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LiteYear: 2012-06-24 07:26:41 pm
Hello.  I've been running Super Meat Boy 100% casually for about a month and a half now.  Currently, my best time is 2:15:46 on the PC version, although lower is certainly more than possible.  However, that run does not include glitch levels, and I've never included them in any of my runs for the following reasons:

- The levels list in the scoreboard does not recognize completion of the glitch levels.
- The world lists will show a world as 100% complete whether you do the glitch level or not.
- 106%/Golden God does not require glitch levels.

However, I was wondering if I was to submit a run to SDA, would glitch levels be required in a 100% definition?
Main Work!!!
Yes the 100% include the glitch level sadly for you, it was also breaking my consistency back when I was planning 100% too.
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Sir VG: 2012-06-25 10:43:40 am
Fucking Weeaboo
I somehow managed to get a 3.77 on 3-9 (PC version).  Yes, I saved the replay.  It's completely bizarre how it happened, but let me try to explain:

I was playing on my laptop and right about the time I was going up the elevator on the right side, my computer starting going into sleep mode, as my battery was getting low. Somehow, the game continued to play and glitched me though the locked door portion of the wall. It's totally bizarre!  I'm gonna try to record it via FRAPS and show it off, because it's totally screwed up.  I could never do it again to save my life, but hey...that's what replays are for!

Recording of the replay!
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Exo: 2012-06-25 10:50:18 am
Exo: 2012-06-25 10:50:11 am
Exo: 2012-06-25 10:50:04 am
Exo: 2012-06-25 10:49:22 am
Yeh thats not a legit record nor an accepted exploit.
Glitching through objects or walls is mostly caused by the game lagging out either due bad fps and/or due to the game defocusing cause of something else occupying the cpu/gpu/hdd (or putting your pc into sleep mode :P)
Fucking Weeaboo
I know. But it was totally interesting to have happen and just thought I'd share. Not like I'm ever gonna be able to compete with the likes of Breakdown.
Main Work!!!
Quote from Sir VG:
I know. But it was totally interesting to have happen and just thought I'd share. Not like I'm ever gonna be able to compete with the likes of Breakdown.

or Exo Tongue .
Larries, biggest troll eu Sad
Main Work!!!
Quote from Takuji:
Larries, biggest troll eu Sad

Sad From what you say I have an idea of what happen and I truly understand you.
20:38, 40 seconds of extra larries xD... and literally like 6-8 deaths or something... though I've only played for like 2-3 hours for 2 days so :p.
Main Work!!!
Yup my personal best is a 4 round larry, 19:56(that was before the new bad ass strat), I'm currently trying to sub 20/20.5 on xbox but Larry troll me like hell.
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Takuji: 2012-06-28 03:51:12 pm
Think I'm just gonna go practice and play any% on weekends though as I havent got much time on weekdays, better work on some of my standard times :p. 0.40~seconds from #1 so!

some clips while we're at it:

4-11 - 6.03

4-7x - 6.73

4-5x - 6.13

3-17 - 5.90

5-15 - 6.57

3-16 - 8.63

7-20x - 36.65

Got more vids to upload, just don't have time atm
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Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:04:44 pm
Great runs Takuji!  I almost had your Pink cut combined with 73L's path done, but I failed terribly at the second to last jump... Sad  Oh, and see if you can beat me to beating 73L's 5-13x w/ Meat Boy!!!  It's a doozy.

Two new runs of mine I did recently, still baffled at how Telesniper gets 12.34 on 1-20, he must pass through the middle blocks a lot faster.

1-20 - 12.67 secs

5-12x The Kid - 11.03 secs (to my knowledge the current Kid WR here)
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Takuji: 2012-07-01 09:19:24 am
Did 1-20 yesterday actually and just had 1 small mistake so :):


Also I dunno if I dare try 5-13x, I just find it too frustrating having every jump perfect to even get a run but maybe I'll give it a shot.

Also got some other clips im gonna upload once I can :).
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Breakdown: 2012-07-01 11:49:28 am
Breakdown: 2012-07-01 11:48:58 am
Haters gonna hate
Quote from LiteYear:
Hello.  I've been running Super Meat Boy 100% casually for about a month and a half now.  Currently, my best time is 2:15:46 on the PC version, although lower is certainly more than possible.  However, that run does not include glitch levels, and I've never included them in any of my runs for the following reasons:

- The levels list in the scoreboard does not recognize completion of the glitch levels.
- The world lists will show a world as 100% complete whether you do the glitch level or not.
- 106%/Golden God does not require glitch levels.

However, I was wondering if I was to submit a run to SDA, would glitch levels be required in a 100% definition?

Way late here, but yes, glitch levels would be required for SDA 100% I believe (as they are included in 106%, though not Golden God).  100% and 106% are pretty different, but I don't think they're different enough to merit a category split.

As for how different they are, I am curious what your overall approach to 100% is.  I've been working on 106% 360 version for AGDQ 2013 (hit a 2:12:40 yesterday, still plenty of room to come down), but hearing about these 100% races I've been playing theory fighter a bit on that category.  I was watching an attempt of BonyGrunt's the other day and he was doing light world 1-7, dark 7, dark 1-6 (what I do for 106%), but for straight 100% I'm thinking the world progression would be better doing light and dark as you go (1 light, 1 dark, boss, 2 light, etc., light Dr. Fetus, 7 light, 7 dark, dark Dr. Fetus).  You have no chance at an unwanted glitch girl this way, and on PC you'd have Naija for all of Hell (where she's good basically everywhere, not sure about bandages though).  Just curious what you've come up with.

That's a little off topic, because like I said I don't think straight 100% will make its own SDA category (don't take that as a ruling though, it may be worth discussing further), but I would love to see some 100%/106% discussion here.  Bandage routes, character usage, stuff like that.  I have to say I'm having a blast with this category and am glad to see I'm not the only one crazy enough to put time into it.  Not sure if an SDA run will come of it (the category is more than a little daunting, and the answer to the question "how many mistakes is too many?" is very hazy), but if we're going to be doing this, let's do it right and make it hot.  Sometime in the upcoming days I'll dig up some highlights from my streams and write up some general strat talk.  Would appreciate if any other interested parties would do the same.
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Takuji: 2012-07-01 02:44:56 pm
As requested:

5-13x - 7.68

Took me only 4 min :o, too bad I had a slow jump also :/
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Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:04:13 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-09 12:39:34 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-09 12:38:45 pm
^Epic job Takuji, I'll be grinding that pretty soon, it's on the list.

Anyway, trying to play as rage-free as possible for the moment so here's what's new.

1-19 - 7.35 secs

Got my last jump off on the first attempt at it, still lots to improve here.  Ironically the last jump was the only perfect part of this run. :\

4-17 - 5.20 secs

2nd place Meat Boy WR, second only to 73L's faster (much harder) route.  I'll try that eventually.

5-7x - 7.55 secs

This is one of my three glitched times (a 0.00) so I sort of needed to rock this in video form.  And the current Meat Boy record, I think.  Seems like it could be improved still though.  Although I could not get Fraps to stop dropping the fps to 59-58 every time I began recording so the timer is a bit off.  But even with the timer lag, still the No. 1.
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Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:03:37 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 08:46:14 am
Jintek: 2012-07-10 08:44:43 am
For once, I got on the new laptop and did some SDA viable runs (have the 720p 60fps footage on my HDD)! 

3-20 - 11.62
Broke my own WR by nothing, but a semi faster version of the same score. Tongue  This run might be maxed.

3-20x - 16.53

On my last WR I didn't cleanly pass through one of the upper blocks, so I did so and it landed me in the 16.50's, like I predicted.  Only way I see this being beaten is by falling down the hole without touching the walls.  Good luck with that!  Sorry for the long replay session, I was a bit in awe of beating this score I didn't think I could.
Random thought on your 2nd Video: Wouldn't it be faster to destroy both blocks on the last barrier to make a small jump afterwards and drop down the hole a little faster?
^Likely not, but I've been wrong before.

The fastest way would be to do exactly as I did, only instead of going to the wall you'd need to control the momentum almost immediately and fall straight down and out.  I've done it only very rarely (was never able to capitalize on it) and doing it you run the risk of touching the left side of the wall as well if you don't finesse it.  So it's not the easiest thing.  But I'll give your idea a shot and see what happens.
Edit history:
Jintek: 2012-07-10 07:00:35 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:03:11 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:02:44 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:02:06 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:01:34 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 06:01:16 pm
Jintek: 2012-07-10 05:46:25 pm
Talked to Takuji a bit and there is a faster way, instead of disappearing both blocks, do what I did only jump and bump your head on the top block to gain a bit of speed going down. 

Also, for once I tried to really perfect a level, I guess time will tell if I came anywhere close. Tongue

5-7x - 7.50 secs

Also, how do I hide my videos?  I'm tired of shitting up the page with loads of vids...
SEGA Junkie
The [ noembed ] code is your friend.
Edit history:
Jintek: 2012-07-11 03:05:03 pm
Quote from mike89:
The [ noembed ] code is your friend.

Thx man!


This is for Takuji. Wink

3-20 - 11.60 secs

3-20x - 16.43 secs

Still more time (quite a bit of time) on 3-20x to clean up.  If anyone is interested.  Tip, bumping your head on the upper block and falling straight down is possible with enough persistence. 
3-20 - 11.57 (dat ending)

3-20x - 16.38

Will do it without touching the shaft walls if beaten Tongue

Also got a route that might sub 7 sec on 1-19 but the end is just T_T for me
^Nice work man!  I'll give these another go in the future, falling down the shaft should be annoying, but tbh I'm a bit burnt out on these for now.