Edit history:
Kaede: 2013-09-01 03:29:14 am
Kaede: 2013-09-01 03:28:18 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 08:49:56 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 08:29:52 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 08:29:08 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 06:16:39 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 06:11:22 am
Kaede: 2012-05-13 06:11:09 am
Kaede: 2012-03-17 09:49:30 am
Kaede: 2012-03-17 09:48:10 am
Kaede: 2012-03-17 09:46:54 am
Kaede: 2012-03-17 09:32:35 am
Kaede: 2012-03-17 09:30:11 am
Kaede: 2011-11-22 11:21:21 am
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:43:24 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:19:48 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:19:36 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:18:35 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:06:39 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:02:34 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 04:01:46 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:44:41 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:43:40 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:33:23 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:32:35 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:31:36 pm
Kaede: 2011-10-16 03:31:01 pm
Breakdown: 2011-10-16 12:17:36 pm
Breakdown: 2011-10-16 12:17:31 pm
(originally LaP0573's post, owner changed to make tables editing easier, thank you Breakdown !)
In this thread, I'm gonna talk about Super Meat Boy, this awesome indie platformer that came out a few days ago on the XBLA, and soon on the WiiWare and on PC. I won't present it too much, if you haven't tested it, GO TRY IT NOW, it's just totally awesome.
Anyway, this game is totally suited for speedrunning, and I'm thinking about doing a speedrun on it. However, I wonder a few things. First of all, should I better run each level individually or do a single segment run of all the game ? Of course the SS would be hellishly harder, but I'd prefer the IL runs because it would allow me to perfect each level instead of making mistakes...
Next comes the question about characters. You can unlock 14 characters, some better suited to speedrun a level, some not. So should I pick the best character for each level, or should I keep Meat Boy (or another) for all levels ? I think it would be better to keep Meat Boy, and maybe separate each speed runs of the entire game with each character... ? Anyway I think Meat Boy would be more interesting.
Finally, there is one more problem : The game has replays that play when you finish a level, which would be good to record, but it also shows, at the same time, all the moments you died before you finished it, so it gets flooded with tons of suicidal characters, replays of all your previous attempts. So, I guess it would be better to record it from the spawn to the end while playing ?
I'm done with the questions, thanks !
Kaede's edit : here are the tables (originally posted at page 14)
Notice: these tables features only presumably "SDA submittable" videos, that is to say runs with 60fps ingame footage (not replays), as SDA won't accept replays for Super Meat Boy.
- Meat Boy IL table
- PC table (runs done with any PC playable character except Meat Boy)
- Xbox characters table (note : to avoid repeating times, this list doesn't include runs done with chars who are also playable on PC, these are in the PC list)
106%: Takuji 1:25:08 (as of 2013-08-31)
any%: Exo 0:18:39
In this thread, I'm gonna talk about Super Meat Boy, this awesome indie platformer that came out a few days ago on the XBLA, and soon on the WiiWare and on PC. I won't present it too much, if you haven't tested it, GO TRY IT NOW, it's just totally awesome.
Anyway, this game is totally suited for speedrunning, and I'm thinking about doing a speedrun on it. However, I wonder a few things. First of all, should I better run each level individually or do a single segment run of all the game ? Of course the SS would be hellishly harder, but I'd prefer the IL runs because it would allow me to perfect each level instead of making mistakes...
Next comes the question about characters. You can unlock 14 characters, some better suited to speedrun a level, some not. So should I pick the best character for each level, or should I keep Meat Boy (or another) for all levels ? I think it would be better to keep Meat Boy, and maybe separate each speed runs of the entire game with each character... ? Anyway I think Meat Boy would be more interesting.
Finally, there is one more problem : The game has replays that play when you finish a level, which would be good to record, but it also shows, at the same time, all the moments you died before you finished it, so it gets flooded with tons of suicidal characters, replays of all your previous attempts. So, I guess it would be better to record it from the spawn to the end while playing ?
I'm done with the questions, thanks !
Kaede's edit : here are the tables (originally posted at page 14)
Notice: these tables features only presumably "SDA submittable" videos, that is to say runs with 60fps ingame footage (not replays), as SDA won't accept replays for Super Meat Boy.
- Meat Boy IL table
1-01 Exo 0.87s (tied with Mundungu)
1-01x Kaede 0.94s
1-02 Exo 1.87s
1-02x Exo 2.13s
1-03 Exo 1.38s (tied with Mundungu)
1-03x Exo 2.02s
1-04 Exo 4.20s
1-04x Exo 3.85s
1-05 Exo 5.10s (tied with Mundungu)
1-05x Exo 5.12s
1-06 Exo 3.02s
1-06x Exo 3.10s
1-07 Exo 3.17s
1-07x Exo 3.18s
1-08 Exo 1.63s (tied with Mundungu)
1-08x Exo 2.02s
1-09 Exo 4.28s
1-09x Exo 5.30s
1-10 Exo 4.52s
1-10x Exo 6.23s
1-11 Exo 3.20s
1-11x Exo 3.70s
1-12 Kaede 1.19s
1-12x Exo 1.22s
1-13 Exo 2.90s
1-13x Exo 5.55s
1-14 Exo 3.52s
1-14x Exo 5.87s
1-15 Exo 5.85s
1-15x Exo 6.64s
1-16 Exo 4.15s
1-16 Mundungu 4.14s
1-16x Kaede 6.14s
1-17 Exo 3.87s
1-17x Exo 4.50s
1-18 Kaede 1.99s
1-18x Exo 2.02s
1-19 Exo 7.10s
1-19x Exo 6.95s
1-20 Exo 12.72s
1-20x Breakdown 11.65s
2-01 Exo 5.48s
2-01x Exo 6.62s
2-02 Exo 2.93s
2-02x Exo 2.93s
2-03 Exo 7.17s
2-03x Exo 7.30s
2-04 Kaede 3.62s (tied with Exo)
2-04x Kaede 5.85s
2-05 Breakdown 5.49s
2-05x Kaede 10.64s
2-06 Kaede 6.65s
2-06 Mundungu 6.64s
2-06x Exo 8.42s
2-07 Exo 5.17s
2-07x Breakdown 5.96s
2-08 Exo 7.60s
2-08x Breakdown 9.28s
2-09 Exo 3.57s
2-09x Kaede 5.82s
2-10 Exo 5.98s
2-10x Breakdown 4.07s
2-11 Exo 5.85s
2-11 Mundungu 5.82s
2-11x Exo 8.62s
2-12 Exo 7.70s
2-12x Exo 10.25s
2-13 Exo 5.27s
2-13x Kaede 5.94s
2-14 Exo 6.95s
2-14 Exo 6.91s
2-14x -----------------------
2-15 Exo 7.44s
2-15x Mundungu 16.75s
2-16 Exo 5.42s
2-16x Breakdown 8.30s
2-17 Exo 7.65s
2-17x Kaede 4.59s
2-18 Mundungu 14.45s
2-18x Mundungu 6.51s
2-19 Exo 6.45s
2-19x Mundungu 11.03s
2-20 Breakdown 9.12s
2-20 Mundungu 8.81s
2-20x Breakdown 10.79s
3-01 Kaede 5.78s
3-01x Breakdown 12.99s
3-02 Kaede 5.53s
3-02x Kaede 8.73s
3-03 Kaede 9.24s
3-03x Kaede 10.05s
3-04 Mundungu 5.57s
3-04x Breakdown 9.82s
3-05 Kaede 5.21s
3-05x 12.14s
3-06 Kaede 2.95s
3-06x -----------------------
3-07 Kaede 8.01s
3-07x Breakdown 7.73s
3-08 Kaede 4.53s
3-08x Breakdown 9.82s
3-09 Kaede 7.98s
3-09x 12.67s
3-10 Mundungu 7.98s
3-10x -----------------------
3-11 Kaede 5.97s
3-11 Mundungu 5.84s
3-11x Breakdown 1.74s
3-12 Mundungu 9.84s
3-12x Mundungu 9.81s
3-13 Mundungu 11.58s
3-13x Breakdown 18.97s
3-14 Mundungu 7.14s
3-14x -----------------------
3-15 Breakdown 6.46s
3-15 Mundungu 6.22s
3-15x Kaede 8.62s
3-16 Exo 8.92s
3-16x -----------------------
3-17 Kaede 6.33s
3-17 Mundungu 6.10s
3-17x Kaede 6.20s
3-18 Kaede 7.08s
3-18 Mundungu 6.88s
3-18x -----------------------
3-19 Mundungu 8.54s
3-19x -----------------------
3-20 Mundungu 12.03s
3-20x -----------------------
4-01 Kaede 4.96s
4-01x 7.71s
4-02 -----------------------
4-02x -----------------------
4-03 Breakdown 8.41s
4-03x Kaede 9.27s
4-04 -----------------------
4-04x Kaede 8.79s
4-05 Kaede 5.56s
4-05x Breakdown 6.69s
4-06 Kaede 4.75s
4-06x Kaede 8.60s
4-07 Kaede 4.81s
4-07x Kaede 6.92s
4-08 Kaede 7.88s
4-08x Breakdown 11.60s "this one could still use a little polish"
4-09 Kaede 3.65s
4-09x Kaede 4.66s
4-10 Kaede 10.13s
4-10x -----------------------
4-11 Kaede 6.69s
4-11x Kaede 5.26s
4-12 Kaede 6.74s
4-12x -----------------------
4-13 Kaede 7.48s
4-13x Breakdown 10.92s
4-14 Breakdown 8.85s
4-14x Breakdown 4.88s
4-15 Breakdown 5.51s
4-15x Breakdown 6.88s
4-16 Kaede 6.04s
4-16x Breakdown 2.02s
4-17 Kaede 5.32s
4-17x Kaede 8.68s
4-18 -----------------------
4-18x -----------------------
4-19 -----------------------
4-19x -----------------------
4-20 -----------------------
4-20x -----------------------
5-01 Kaede 13.30s
5-01x Exo 20.09s
5-02 Breakdown 7.85s
5-02x Kaede 10.74s
5-03 Kaede 8.70s
5-03x Breakdown 18.78s
5-04 Breakdown 8.31s
5-04x Kaede 9.66s
5-05 Breakdown 10.52s
5-05x Kaede 11.84s
5-06 Kaede 6.34s
5-06x Kaede 9.56s
5-07 Breakdown 12.62s
5-07x Kaede 7.69s
5-08 -----------------------
5-08x -----------------------
5-09 -----------------------
5-09x -----------------------
5-10 Breakdown 11.15s
5-10x Kaede 10.61s
5-11 Kaede 8.76s
5-11x Kaede 8.41s
5-12 Kaede 7.18s
5-12x Kaede 13.02s
5-13 Kaede 8.46s
5-13x Kaede 8.42s
5-14 Breakdown 9.78s
5-14x -----------------------
5-15 Breakdown 6.63s
5-15x -----------------------
5-16 -----------------------
5-16x Breakdown 8.87s
5-17 Breakdown 11.40s
5-17x -----------------------
5-18 -----------------------
5-18x Kaede 14.17s
5-19 Kaede 15.96s
5-19x Breakdown 14.73s
5-20 Kaede 13.58s
5-20x Mundungu 16.78s
6-01 Kaede 8.36s
6-01x Kaede 14.08s
6-02 -----------------------
6-02x -----------------------
6-03 -----------------------
6-03x -----------------------
6-04 Kaede 15.67s
6-04x Kaede 22.05s
6-05 -----------------------
6-05x -----------------------
7-01 Kaede 6.08s (tied with Breakdown)
7-01x Kaede 9.96s
7-02 Kaede 10.09s
7-02x Kaede 13.25s
7-03 Kaede 4.99s
7-03x Kaede 5.16s
7-04 Breakdown 5.41s
7-04x Kaede 6.02s
7-05 Kaede 5.16s
7-05x Kaede 12.24s
7-06 Kaede 4.93s
7-06x Breakdown 9.13s
7-07 Kaede 6.98s
7-07x Kaede 5.41s
7-08 Kaede 5.96s
7-08x Breakdown 4.01s
7-09 Breakdown 8.65s
7-09x Kaede 8.64s
7-10 Kaede 13.74s
7-10x Kaede 15.62s
7-11 -----------------------
7-11x -----------------------
7-12 Breakdown 5.53s
7-12x -----------------------
7-13 Kaede 11.02s
7-13x Kaede 12.58s
7-14 Breakdown 4.54s
7-14x Kaede 5.83s
7-15 Kaede 13.37s
7-15 73L 12.52s
7-15x Breakdown 21.02s
7-16 -----------------------
7-16x Breakdown 15.03s
7-17 Kaede 5.55s
7-17 73L 5.16s
7-17x Kaede 6.03s
7-18 Breakdown 10.33s
7-18x Breakdown 26.66s
7-19 Breakdown 8.67s
7-19 73L 8.48s
7-19x -----------------------
7-20 Kaede 35.87s
7-20x -----------------------
1-01x Kaede 0.94s
1-02 Exo 1.87s
1-02x Exo 2.13s
1-03 Exo 1.38s (tied with Mundungu)
1-03x Exo 2.02s
1-04 Exo 4.20s
1-04x Exo 3.85s
1-05 Exo 5.10s (tied with Mundungu)
1-05x Exo 5.12s
1-06 Exo 3.02s
1-06x Exo 3.10s
1-07 Exo 3.17s
1-07x Exo 3.18s
1-08 Exo 1.63s (tied with Mundungu)
1-08x Exo 2.02s
1-09 Exo 4.28s
1-09x Exo 5.30s
1-10 Exo 4.52s
1-10x Exo 6.23s
1-11 Exo 3.20s
1-11x Exo 3.70s
1-12 Kaede 1.19s
1-12x Exo 1.22s
1-13 Exo 2.90s
1-13x Exo 5.55s
1-14 Exo 3.52s
1-14x Exo 5.87s
1-15 Exo 5.85s
1-15x Exo 6.64s
1-16 Mundungu 4.14s
1-16x Kaede 6.14s
1-17 Exo 3.87s
1-17x Exo 4.50s
1-18 Kaede 1.99s
1-18x Exo 2.02s
1-19 Exo 7.10s
1-19x Exo 6.95s
1-20 Exo 12.72s
1-20x Breakdown 11.65s
2-01 Exo 5.48s
2-01x Exo 6.62s
2-02 Exo 2.93s
2-02x Exo 2.93s
2-03 Exo 7.17s
2-03x Exo 7.30s
2-04 Kaede 3.62s (tied with Exo)
2-04x Kaede 5.85s
2-05 Breakdown 5.49s
2-05x Kaede 10.64s
2-06 Mundungu 6.64s
2-06x Exo 8.42s
2-07 Exo 5.17s
2-07x Breakdown 5.96s
2-08 Exo 7.60s
2-08x Breakdown 9.28s
2-09 Exo 3.57s
2-09x Kaede 5.82s
2-10 Exo 5.98s
2-10x Breakdown 4.07s
2-11 Mundungu 5.82s
2-11x Exo 8.62s
2-12 Exo 7.70s
2-12x Exo 10.25s
2-13 Exo 5.27s
2-13x Kaede 5.94s
2-14 Exo 6.91s
2-14x -----------------------
2-15 Exo 7.44s
2-15x Mundungu 16.75s
2-16 Exo 5.42s
2-16x Breakdown 8.30s
2-17 Exo 7.65s
2-17x Kaede 4.59s
2-18 Mundungu 14.45s
2-18x Mundungu 6.51s
2-19 Exo 6.45s
2-19x Mundungu 11.03s
2-20 Mundungu 8.81s
2-20x Breakdown 10.79s
3-01 Kaede 5.78s
3-01x Breakdown 12.99s
3-02 Kaede 5.53s
3-02x Kaede 8.73s
3-03 Kaede 9.24s
3-03x Kaede 10.05s
3-04 Mundungu 5.57s
3-04x Breakdown 9.82s
3-05 Kaede 5.21s
3-05x 12.14s
3-06 Kaede 2.95s
3-06x -----------------------
3-07 Kaede 8.01s
3-07x Breakdown 7.73s
3-08 Kaede 4.53s
3-08x Breakdown 9.82s
3-09 Kaede 7.98s
3-09x 12.67s
3-10 Mundungu 7.98s
3-10x -----------------------
3-11 Mundungu 5.84s
3-11x Breakdown 1.74s
3-12 Mundungu 9.84s
3-12x Mundungu 9.81s
3-13 Mundungu 11.58s
3-13x Breakdown 18.97s
3-14 Mundungu 7.14s
3-14x -----------------------
3-15 Mundungu 6.22s
3-15x Kaede 8.62s
3-16 Exo 8.92s
3-16x -----------------------
3-17 Mundungu 6.10s
3-17x Kaede 6.20s
3-18 Mundungu 6.88s
3-18x -----------------------
3-19 Mundungu 8.54s
3-19x -----------------------
3-20 Mundungu 12.03s
3-20x -----------------------
4-01 Kaede 4.96s
4-01x 7.71s
4-02 -----------------------
4-02x -----------------------
4-03 Breakdown 8.41s
4-03x Kaede 9.27s
4-04 -----------------------
4-04x Kaede 8.79s
4-05 Kaede 5.56s
4-05x Breakdown 6.69s
4-06 Kaede 4.75s
4-06x Kaede 8.60s
4-07 Kaede 4.81s
4-07x Kaede 6.92s
4-08 Kaede 7.88s
4-08x Breakdown 11.60s "this one could still use a little polish"
4-09 Kaede 3.65s
4-09x Kaede 4.66s
4-10 Kaede 10.13s
4-10x -----------------------
4-11 Kaede 6.69s
4-11x Kaede 5.26s
4-12 Kaede 6.74s
4-12x -----------------------
4-13 Kaede 7.48s
4-13x Breakdown 10.92s
4-14 Breakdown 8.85s
4-14x Breakdown 4.88s
4-15 Breakdown 5.51s
4-15x Breakdown 6.88s
4-16 Kaede 6.04s
4-16x Breakdown 2.02s
4-17 Kaede 5.32s
4-17x Kaede 8.68s
4-18 -----------------------
4-18x -----------------------
4-19 -----------------------
4-19x -----------------------
4-20 -----------------------
4-20x -----------------------
5-01 Kaede 13.30s
5-01x Exo 20.09s
5-02 Breakdown 7.85s
5-02x Kaede 10.74s
5-03 Kaede 8.70s
5-03x Breakdown 18.78s
5-04 Breakdown 8.31s
5-04x Kaede 9.66s
5-05 Breakdown 10.52s
5-05x Kaede 11.84s
5-06 Kaede 6.34s
5-06x Kaede 9.56s
5-07 Breakdown 12.62s
5-07x Kaede 7.69s
5-08 -----------------------
5-08x -----------------------
5-09 -----------------------
5-09x -----------------------
5-10 Breakdown 11.15s
5-10x Kaede 10.61s
5-11 Kaede 8.76s
5-11x Kaede 8.41s
5-12 Kaede 7.18s
5-12x Kaede 13.02s
5-13 Kaede 8.46s
5-13x Kaede 8.42s
5-14 Breakdown 9.78s
5-14x -----------------------
5-15 Breakdown 6.63s
5-15x -----------------------
5-16 -----------------------
5-16x Breakdown 8.87s
5-17 Breakdown 11.40s
5-17x -----------------------
5-18 -----------------------
5-18x Kaede 14.17s
5-19 Kaede 15.96s
5-19x Breakdown 14.73s
5-20 Kaede 13.58s
5-20x Mundungu 16.78s
6-01 Kaede 8.36s
6-01x Kaede 14.08s
6-02 -----------------------
6-02x -----------------------
6-03 -----------------------
6-03x -----------------------
6-04 Kaede 15.67s
6-04x Kaede 22.05s
6-05 -----------------------
6-05x -----------------------
7-01 Kaede 6.08s (tied with Breakdown)
7-01x Kaede 9.96s
7-02 Kaede 10.09s
7-02x Kaede 13.25s
7-03 Kaede 4.99s
7-03x Kaede 5.16s
7-04 Breakdown 5.41s
7-04x Kaede 6.02s
7-05 Kaede 5.16s
7-05x Kaede 12.24s
7-06 Kaede 4.93s
7-06x Breakdown 9.13s
7-07 Kaede 6.98s
7-07x Kaede 5.41s
7-08 Kaede 5.96s
7-08x Breakdown 4.01s
7-09 Breakdown 8.65s
7-09x Kaede 8.64s
7-10 Kaede 13.74s
7-10x Kaede 15.62s
7-11 -----------------------
7-11x -----------------------
7-12 Breakdown 5.53s
7-12x -----------------------
7-13 Kaede 11.02s
7-13x Kaede 12.58s
7-14 Breakdown 4.54s
7-14x Kaede 5.83s
7-15 73L 12.52s
7-15x Breakdown 21.02s
7-16 -----------------------
7-16x Breakdown 15.03s
7-17 73L 5.16s
7-17x Kaede 6.03s
7-18 Breakdown 10.33s
7-18x Breakdown 26.66s
7-19 73L 8.48s
7-19x -----------------------
7-20 Kaede 35.87s
7-20x -----------------------
- PC table (runs done with any PC playable character except Meat Boy)
1-01 73L Naija 0.67s
1-01x Kaede Runman 0.86s
1-02x Kaede Naija 1.00s
1-04 Takuji Naija 2.30s
1-11 Takuji Naija 1.68s
1-12 Mundungu The Kid 1.25s
1-19 Kaede Runman 5.84s
1-19x 73L Runman 5.72s
2-01x 73L Naija 5.45s
2-03x Kaede Naija 4.98s
2-04 Kaede Captain Viridian 3.77s
2-07 Kaede Captain Viridian 4.28s
2-08x Kaede Naija 7.67s
2-10 Kaede Naija 4.41s
2-12x 73L Runman 7.76s
2-14 Kaede Runman 4.59s
2-19x 73L Naija 5.43s
3-01 Kaede Naija 4.20s
3-01x Kaede Naija 11.81s
3-03 73L Runman 6.29s
3-03x Kaede Runman 7.23s
3-07 Kaede Runman 3.73s
3-07x 73L Runman 4.58s
3-10 Takuji Naija 5.55s
3-13x 73L Naija 12.46s
3-18 Kaede Runman 5.97s
4-01 Kaede Naija 3.62s
4-01 73L Naija 3.30s
4-03 Takuji Naija 4.17s
4-04 73L Naija 3.69s
4-06x Kaede Naija 3.67s
4-07 Kaede Naija 4.44s
4-07x 73L Naija 4.31s
4-08 73L Naija 4.01s
4-09 Takuji Naija 3.02s
4-09 73L Naija 2.11s
4-11x Kaede Naija 2.92s
4-12 Kaede Runman 6.26s
4-13 Kaede Naija 4.57s
4-13x 73L Naija 6.22s
4-14 73L Naija 5.43s
4-15 73L Naija 2.85s
4-15x 73L Naija 3.49s
4-16 73L Naija 4.16s
4-17x Kaede Naija 6.54s
4-18 73L Naija 4.61s
4-20 73L Naija 8.08s
4-06x Kaede Naija 3.67s
5-01x Kaede Naija 5.41s
5-02x Kaede Runman 10.49s
5-04 Takuji Naija 4.68s
5-05 Takuji Naija 8.80s
5-09 Takuji Runman 8.92s
5-09x 73L Runman 11.85s
5-11 Kaede Runman 6.12s
1-01x Kaede Runman 0.86s
1-02x Kaede Naija 1.00s
1-04 Takuji Naija 2.30s
1-11 Takuji Naija 1.68s
1-12 Mundungu The Kid 1.25s
1-19 Kaede Runman 5.84s
1-19x 73L Runman 5.72s
2-01x 73L Naija 5.45s
2-03x Kaede Naija 4.98s
2-04 Kaede Captain Viridian 3.77s
2-07 Kaede Captain Viridian 4.28s
2-08x Kaede Naija 7.67s
2-10 Kaede Naija 4.41s
2-12x 73L Runman 7.76s
2-14 Kaede Runman 4.59s
2-19x 73L Naija 5.43s
3-01 Kaede Naija 4.20s
3-01x Kaede Naija 11.81s
3-03 73L Runman 6.29s
3-03x Kaede Runman 7.23s
3-07 Kaede Runman 3.73s
3-07x 73L Runman 4.58s
3-10 Takuji Naija 5.55s
3-13x 73L Naija 12.46s
3-18 Kaede Runman 5.97s
4-01 73L Naija 3.30s
4-03 Takuji Naija 4.17s
4-04 73L Naija 3.69s
4-06x Kaede Naija 3.67s
4-07 Kaede Naija 4.44s
4-07x 73L Naija 4.31s
4-08 73L Naija 4.01s
4-09 73L Naija 2.11s
4-11x Kaede Naija 2.92s
4-12 Kaede Runman 6.26s
4-13 Kaede Naija 4.57s
4-13x 73L Naija 6.22s
4-14 73L Naija 5.43s
4-15 73L Naija 2.85s
4-15x 73L Naija 3.49s
4-16 73L Naija 4.16s
4-17x Kaede Naija 6.54s
4-18 73L Naija 4.61s
4-20 73L Naija 8.08s
4-06x Kaede Naija 3.67s
5-01x Kaede Naija 5.41s
5-02x Kaede Runman 10.49s
5-04 Takuji Naija 4.68s
5-05 Takuji Naija 8.80s
5-09 Takuji Runman 8.92s
5-09x 73L Runman 11.85s
5-11 Kaede Runman 6.12s
- Xbox characters table (note : to avoid repeating times, this list doesn't include runs done with chars who are also playable on PC, these are in the PC list)
1-01x Mundungu Alien Homonid 0.87s
1-02 Mundungu Pink Knight 1.40s
1-02x Mundungu Pink Knight 1.30s
1-03 Mundungu Spelunky 0.90s
1-03x Mundungu Spelunky 1.12s
1-05 Mundungu Pink Knight 4.35s
1-05x Mundungu Pink Knight 4.27s
1-07 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.04s
1-07x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.04s
1-08 Mundungu Spelunky 1.52s
1-08x Mundungu Spelunky 1.65s
1-09x Mundungu Alien Homonid 5.09s
1-10 Mundungu Spelunky 3.92s
1-10x Mundungu Spelunky 5.86s
1-11 Mundungu Pink Knight 2.70s
1-11x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.35s
1-12x Mundungu Alien Homonid 1.02s
1-15 Mundungu Spelunky 5.51s
1-17 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.15s
1-17x Mundungu Alien Homonid 3.60s
1-18 Mundungu Spelunky 1.63s
1-18x Mundungu Spelunky 1.99s
2-02 Mundungu Spelunky 1.90s
2-02x Mundungu Spelunky 2.00s
2-03 Mundungu Spelunky 5.39s
2-03x Mundungu Spelunky 5.17s
2-04 Mundungu Pink Knight 2.42s
2-04x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.8s
2-05 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.97s
2-05x Mundungu Pink Knight 9.69s
2-06 Mundungu Spelunky 5.27s
2-06x Mundungu Alien Homonid 7.74s
2-07 Mundungu Pink Knight 4.09s
2-07x Mundungu Spelunky 4.25s
2-08 Mundungu Spelunky 7.36s
2-09 Mundungu Flywrench 2.60s
2-09x Mundungu Spelunky 3.85s
2-11 Mundungu Spelunky 5.46s
2-12 Mundungu Spelunky 6.87s
2-12x Mundungu Spelunky 8.74s
2-14 Mundungu Spelunky 5.01s
2-14x Mundungu Tim 18.27s
2-15 Mundungu Pink Knight 6.52s
2-16x Mundungu The Kid 7.57s
2-17x Mundungu Spelunky 1.9s
2-19 Mundungu Tim 6.02s
2-20 Mundungu Pink Knight 6.14s
2-20x Mundungu Pink Knight 7.14s
1-02 Mundungu Pink Knight 1.40s
1-02x Mundungu Pink Knight 1.30s
1-03 Mundungu Spelunky 0.90s
1-03x Mundungu Spelunky 1.12s
1-05 Mundungu Pink Knight 4.35s
1-05x Mundungu Pink Knight 4.27s
1-07 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.04s
1-07x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.04s
1-08 Mundungu Spelunky 1.52s
1-08x Mundungu Spelunky 1.65s
1-09x Mundungu Alien Homonid 5.09s
1-10 Mundungu Spelunky 3.92s
1-10x Mundungu Spelunky 5.86s
1-11 Mundungu Pink Knight 2.70s
1-11x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.35s
1-12x Mundungu Alien Homonid 1.02s
1-15 Mundungu Spelunky 5.51s
1-17 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.15s
1-17x Mundungu Alien Homonid 3.60s
1-18 Mundungu Spelunky 1.63s
1-18x Mundungu Spelunky 1.99s
2-02 Mundungu Spelunky 1.90s
2-02x Mundungu Spelunky 2.00s
2-03 Mundungu Spelunky 5.39s
2-03x Mundungu Spelunky 5.17s
2-04 Mundungu Pink Knight 2.42s
2-04x Mundungu Pink Knight 3.8s
2-05 Mundungu Pink Knight 3.97s
2-05x Mundungu Pink Knight 9.69s
2-06 Mundungu Spelunky 5.27s
2-06x Mundungu Alien Homonid 7.74s
2-07 Mundungu Pink Knight 4.09s
2-07x Mundungu Spelunky 4.25s
2-08 Mundungu Spelunky 7.36s
2-09 Mundungu Flywrench 2.60s
2-09x Mundungu Spelunky 3.85s
2-11 Mundungu Spelunky 5.46s
2-12 Mundungu Spelunky 6.87s
2-12x Mundungu Spelunky 8.74s
2-14 Mundungu Spelunky 5.01s
2-14x Mundungu Tim 18.27s
2-15 Mundungu Pink Knight 6.52s
2-16x Mundungu The Kid 7.57s
2-17x Mundungu Spelunky 1.9s
2-19 Mundungu Tim 6.02s
2-20 Mundungu Pink Knight 6.14s
2-20x Mundungu Pink Knight 7.14s
106%: Takuji 1:25:08 (as of 2013-08-31)
any%: Exo 0:18:39
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