My goal was 250,000, so first time I achieved it I stopped. Seeing that no one to this point had used Sonia (not including the dummy score) or Rob, I felt compelled to use one of them, but I just happened to have better luck with Rob and his massive spread shot.
Now, any of you who knows me and shmups knows that I tend to have no regrets about using bombs (hence I despise shmups like DoDonPachi where you HAVE TO HOLD THEM NO MATTER WHAT for a good score). Here, this philosophy actually went out the door at first - since I didn't read up on the game beforehand (even though I'd played it before and knew about dragon-ramming being the Holy Grail of this game) I had to find out on my own that bombing didn't screw over your chances of a tech bonus. Thus, I felt compelled to hold on to my bombs for the first and second levels unless I was setting up a tech hit (even though I'm well aware they're not strictly needed, it's been a long time since I've played a bullet-hell shmup and I don't trust myself to do it right normally), and I think I lost some by NOT using them when I should have (and taking a hit in such situations instead). I died without any bombs left, as at my last life I was just trying to eke out as much distance as I could.
(hence I despise shmups like DoDonPachi where you HAVE TO HOLD THEM NO MATTER WHAT for a good score)
Quote from Shadow_Jacky:
touhou really got to me where bomb use is shunned or something.
You guys need to play some Yagawa games to wean yourselves off this way of thinking. Just what the doctor ordered!
PS awesome 11/10 game selection continues with Zoop. I really like it but haven't played it in ages, good combination. It's very similar to Plotting/Flipull, I absolutely love Plotting but Zoop is good too. I would have loved a Puzzle Bubble, I'm even a huge fan of the 1p mode. Pop'n Pop (similar to Puzzle Bobble) is maybe a bit easy for a survival week, but that game is one of my favorites, definitely a great choice for something like this because most people haven't played it (especially compared to Puzzle Bobble). Dig Dug 2 is my favorite in the series (which consists of 1, 2, and Mr Driller). Joust is ok, but I'm not really a big fan because I prefer the way Balloon Fight controls more. It also seems a bit too golden-age Jetpac-ish for me, where you have a simple strategy and just execute it over and over again. Q-bert is good too, as is Mr. Do, but anyone who didn't play arcade games in the 80s would hate it. Same with Qix too (the version I would use is Twin Qix). Obviously I am a Taito puzzle fanboy so you can just extrapolate the rest of anything I would say.
Heh, I actually own a copy of zoop for the gameboy. This was the kind of game that had the lowest price tag at the video game trade in centers and it wasn't accepted as a trade-in because they had too many of it. Never played it much though so it's pretty much just as obscure to me as to everyone else
I remember renting this game for the SNES, but I didn't enjoy it very much as kid. It's kind of disappointment with all the other full games out there.
anyone else noticing that sometimes when you push in a direction that it sometimes accepts two inputs moving two squares instead of one? I don't remember that being a problem on a regular SNES. Is there a way to slow down input in Snes9X?
Well guess I couldn't make it through this thing completely problem free. In my initial testing I was using an older version of ZSNES and it worked fine, even with 5 springs, though AquaTiger said on irc last night it'll only freeze if the springs cause you to advance a stage and I can't remember for sure if that happened or not. It did happen to me the other day on what I believe is the most recent version, but I just wrote it off on this computer being a dinosaur (I was honestly a little surprised I got the emulator up and running on this thing to begin with). Didn't try it on SNES9X at any point except to get screenshots (and turned it off right after I took them), so not sure about anything being reported there.
Now I'm about to hop in a car for the next 7 hours so can't really test anything at the moment, so I'll ask you guys to report any problems (or the lack of) you're having as well as which emulator you're using(name and version) and I'll look into it when I get back home. If we can't find something that works well for everybody we might have to switch platforms.
Regarding SNES9X, 1.51 freezes for me constantly (sometimes as much as every other attempt). I switched to 1.43 and the game hasn't crashed since though I still have the issues with the sensitive controls.
I've been using v1.51+ v5.2 without any freezing issues, even when getting five springs that advance me a level, which happens fairly often. I've noticed the game keeps the top score list sorted by score, which means you could score less, but get more zoops, so I suggest clearing out your score often (seems to happen whenever I close snes9x anyway, so I'm taking screenshots.)
Any of the ZSNES users experiencing the sensitive control issues?
edit: zoop too hardcore for zsnes AND snes9x, time to use bsnes on my core 2 duo lol~
bsnes crashes as well, but only when i tab out or use the menu when the rom is loaded, and it only seems to happen on zoop. wtf.
re: controls the controls are actually kind of dodgy in every snes emulator i've tried, so we're just going to have to get used to how the game controls I guess
I doubt my strategy of "clear thingies as fast as possible with no thinking ahead" will get me very far.
That's basically what I do.
I'm guessing not a lot of people (developers of emulators) are testing out their emulators on obscure underplayed games like zoop, which is probably why there are all these issues.
Think we've got one that works. BSNES hasn't crashed on me yet, and since others have reported having no insurmountable problems with it I think we can proceed without any changes. The controls do seem a little floaty at times (a problem I wasn't having with ZSNES), but it's far from unplayable. Very glad we didn't have to switch to the Genesis version as the rows of incoming shapes are shorter which really hurts the gameplay in my opinion, but anyone looking for a challenge or change of pace after the week's over might want to check it out.