Game Name: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
System: PS2-J
Category: Critical Mode Any%
Gameplay Estimate: 4:10 (includes optional boss fight incentives during run)
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth & LV1 Terra fights)
Pros/Cons: KH is a well known popular action RPG series, and showcasing the runs strats displays the games wide variety of potential options the game gives you throughout the run. A disadvantage would be that 2FM is in Japanese on PS2, but we skip scenes anyway.
Possible Donation Incentives: Absent Silhouette fights (5 of them) added to run & LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run (on separate file)
Sample run video:
Game Name: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
System: PS2-J
Category: LV1 Critical Mode Any%
Gameplay Estimate: 4:30
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth & LV1 Terra fights)
Pros/Cons: The difference between this run and the run above is that the entire run is done on LV1, which is usually considered an ultimate challenge playthrough of KH2FM. The con of this is that the run is a bit slower than a regular Crit run, and there is a good chance of 3-7 deaths in the run.
Possible Donation Incentives: LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run (on separate file).
Sample run video:
Game Name: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
System: PS2-J
Category: LV1 Critical Mode Data Org RTA
Gameplay Estimate: 35 Mins
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth/Terra) if run(s) above are not accepted
Pros/Cons: This run is an exciting boss rush on the hardest difficulty at the lowest level possible. The run tends to blow minds of players who struggle with these fights at max level. Unfortunately it isn't an any% category. This category can always be merged with one of the above if the above is accepted as an incentive!
Possible Donation Incentives: LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run
Sample run video:
System: PS2-J
Category: Critical Mode Any%
Gameplay Estimate: 4:10 (includes optional boss fight incentives during run)
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth & LV1 Terra fights)
Pros/Cons: KH is a well known popular action RPG series, and showcasing the runs strats displays the games wide variety of potential options the game gives you throughout the run. A disadvantage would be that 2FM is in Japanese on PS2, but we skip scenes anyway.
Possible Donation Incentives: Absent Silhouette fights (5 of them) added to run & LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run (on separate file)
Sample run video:
Game Name: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
System: PS2-J
Category: LV1 Critical Mode Any%
Gameplay Estimate: 4:30
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth & LV1 Terra fights)
Pros/Cons: The difference between this run and the run above is that the entire run is done on LV1, which is usually considered an ultimate challenge playthrough of KH2FM. The con of this is that the run is a bit slower than a regular Crit run, and there is a good chance of 3-7 deaths in the run.
Possible Donation Incentives: LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run (on separate file).
Sample run video:
Game Name: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
System: PS2-J
Category: LV1 Critical Mode Data Org RTA
Gameplay Estimate: 35 Mins
Ending/Bonus Estimate: 10 minutes (LV1 Sephiroth/Terra) if run(s) above are not accepted
Pros/Cons: This run is an exciting boss rush on the hardest difficulty at the lowest level possible. The run tends to blow minds of players who struggle with these fights at max level. Unfortunately it isn't an any% category. This category can always be merged with one of the above if the above is accepted as an incentive!
Possible Donation Incentives: LV1 Sephiroth/Terra fights post run
Sample run video: