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Quote from Mauste:
"The timer starts when you start a new game, is active during cutscenes and in the hub world, and stops when the player sees the newspaper at the end.  It is inactive when paused."

I actually don't believe that at all. Then a 38m Real-Time on Wii U and a 35m on PC shouldn't get approximately the same In-Game time. Unless it all has to do with frame-rate factors or other adjustments.
The timer probably doesn't run during loading screens. Since PC loading can be much faster than Wii U loading, it would help to explain the similar in-game times with different real times.
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 02:10:19 pm
I got curious after the information from the developer, so I composed a video with mine and Capndrakes PBs. Mine is the full screen, and Capndrakes is the "Picture in picture".

I cut away all that isn't gameplay (pause + skip cutscene selection is kept inside of levels, though) - and I tried to cut both videos on the exact same frames -  and came to the conclusion that my run is 13s quicker. I haven't watched the full video myself yet, but will do so and make sure to check out all parts where he is quicker to further improve my own gameplay.

My previous assumption is that my In-Game is around 33:55 I know his is 34:00. The "pure gameplay" videos are 33:35 vs 33:48, which indicates that there are just some more time added than what I cut together, that is taken into the IGT.

All this assuming that Capndrakes gameplay isn't slowed down in any way, or mine is quicker than normal.

The video can be found here:

(sorry for low quality, but video processing of this kind takes very long time)

Edit - Updates while watching the video:

Both get quite bad Mine Glitch - but mine is still better by quite a bit.
Capndrake is 26s after to the Plane.
I lost 8s on Transsylvania. (note to self: practice more)
He only get one set of bats on Vesuvius, but gets a horrible Giant Dracula instead.
I need to be more brave on the Volcano escape.

He must be able to improve his time quite a lot if Mine Glitch is just improved. If Mine Glitch is taken out, I have around 12s to improve to get up to Capndrakes standards.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-01 02:29:44 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 02:28:56 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 02:07:27 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 02:07:01 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 02:04:29 pm
You are comparing two different platforms. You should be comparing runs from the same platform.
Maybe the timer counts loading times as well? Either way, I will take the developer's word for this.

My PB-run on extreme is faster than any of the recorded runs, but I still only got an ingame time of 35:39 Smiley
For example if I were to compare my run to CapnDrake's RTA (36:29), I should have gotten a 32:28 IGT based on my RTA (34:57) Tongue
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 03:58:58 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 03:51:19 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 03:50:15 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 02:53:00 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-01 02:52:53 pm
The difference being that your game seems to play quicker than both mine and Drakes, which seems to sync up quite nicely. Smiley

But I have to say, I am extremely impressed and jealous of your expert pogo skills.


Some mathematics follows.

- number of frames, climb up the vine after 6th medallion: 82
- number of frames, go with helicopter: 839

- frames, climb up the vine: 88
- frames, helicopter: 915

- frames, climb up the vine: 87
- frames, helicopter: 917

Mauste extra speed ratio (penalty ratio on time calculated In-Game): 1.09011943539631

A time of 32:28 multiplied by that factor gives: 35:23.6

Conclusion: Play on Wii U, or downgrade your computer. Tongue And it must be extra hard playing at that speed!
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:07:06 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:04:36 pm
Quote from rTiimber:
The difference being that your game seems to play quicker than both mine and Drakes, which seems to sync up quite nicely. Smiley

But I have to say, I am extremely impressed and jealous of your expert pogo skills.

That's not my fault Sad
Even if the game wasn't sped up, I think it would be very competitive. Very fast mine's glitch, best pattern on Terra Firmie King, best pattern on glomgold's plane and barely any mistakes Tongue

I will join the Wii U crowd next week, so you better tremble (or maybe I should Tongue )
Next week, because the price drop the Wii U had in the US is rumoured to come with the Wind Waker HD in Europe on the 4th of October. Even if it doesn't get the price drop, I will buy the console anyways, I just don't want to buy it now only to see that its cheaper in a couple of days Cheesy

The sped up game is basically the same as your version. Enemies appear the same way and move the same way... everything is just a bit faster, so it requires a bit faster reflexes than usual. Also the Mine's glitch is harder to execute, since the camera moves faster Smiley
I look forward to more competition, Mauste! thumbsup

When (and if) I start on Extreme, I will do it with a special profile just for Extreme, to make sure I never mix the times.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-01 05:00:38 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 05:00:14 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 05:00:04 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:56:33 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:51:20 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:51:12 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:50:40 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:50:28 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-01 04:47:43 pm
I am kinda anxious about that patch by the way.

The biggest things I am hoping for are:
1) That they have added the ability to "continue" the game after beating Extreme (practising Mount Vesuvius requires you to do a full run!)
2) That they have added your ingame time to the Stage Clear-screens and to the Pause-screen (since it is not active when the game is paused anyways)
3) That they have added the maximum amount of diamonds / rubies for the computer screen (for example 20/30 small, 40/60 big, 10/15 rubies)
4) That they have added separate leaderboards for each difficulty.
5) That they have added more achievements that are challenging (like Look Ma, No Spats!)
6) That they have added a "Game Clear"-screen after the credits, which shows your time, the amount of diamonds you collected (from the maximum) and the amount of money you collected.

Most likely "unrealistic" hopes:
7) Time Attack Mode, where there isn't cutscenes and the timer is visible throughout the run. The Bonus level is also removed.
8) Score Attack Mode, where there isn't cutscenes and your total money from the run is visible throughout the run. The Bonus level will come always.

On the Wii U, I probably won't be recording, since I don't have a capture card yet. Instead, I will be a name on the leaderboards  Smiley
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Time Attack without cutscenes does sound unrealistic, as most triggers happen during cutscenes don't they?
Quote from Radman:
Time Attack without cutscenes does sound unrealistic, as most triggers happen during cutscenes don't they?

Yep, exactly.  It's feasible, but would require a lot of work.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Well there you go, from the programmer himself. Tongue
Edit history:
Cyrax: 2013-10-02 01:02:24 am
Konkey Dong
An update on the PC leaderboards (although I bet some, if not most of you already know or have moved on) the hacked time on the PC leaderboards has been removed. The 24 second one or something like that.

Also, new PB on PC RTA for Easy (38:55). Updated it in the Google doc.
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-10-02 01:36:01 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-02 01:24:49 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-02 01:18:31 pm
rTiimber: 2013-10-02 01:16:19 pm
I got another new PB for both IGT and RTA.

RTA: 37:52.53 in my timing, -3-4 seconds for actual time.

IGT: 33:47

Unfortunately, my Game Capture HD crashed a lot of times today (Wii U update causing this, perhaps?), so I think I only have the beginning and end recorded. So I guess I can forget this as counting for WR RTA, right? I did record my timer live (separately), but that don't display any gameplay.

No matter what, I can still beat this by a couple of more seconds with better Mine Gitch and Plane Luck. Could probably get it down another 10s.

First screenshot of times:

Now to see what's left of the video. Sad

Edit: Unfortunately, the outlook for getting a recording is gone. When crashing, the video don't seem to have saved the video. I only got the last 13m 9s. Angry

Edit 2: I know it's no use, but this is the timer recording I made (intended to go on top of the recorded video). The last run starts around 1:11:19 into this clip and goes on until the end.

Edit 3: Just for the sake of it, end of my gameplay and new leaderboards for Wii U:

Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-02 02:16:08 pm
You have no choice than to improve your time now and record it for us!
It's not that we want proof exactly, we just want to see the run and what mistakes you did and didn't do Tongue

I also found out that I am able to run the game on "normal speed" on PC, if I play on a different resolution and use DxTory to record it.
For example: I got 2:20-2:24 times for moneybin at least, which seems to be what you guys are getting as well Smiley
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-10-02 02:22:29 pm
Quote from Mauste:
You have no choice than to improve your time now and record it for us!
It's not that we want proof exactly, we just want to see the run and what mistakes you did and didn't do Tongue

Yeah, I think by now, that I am a bit more trusted than when I began running this. I'm not giving up this yet, not when I know I can improve a bit more. Most improvement lies within Mine Glitch, getting perfect Plane Luck, but I could also improve 15s (I think that's the amount of time), if I ever get only one round of bats on Dracula. I doubt all of those will happen in the same run, but this run got three extra Beagle Boys on the plane, and it can definitely go better than that.

Quote from Mauste:
I also found out that I am able to run the game on "normal speed" on PC, if I play on a different resolution and record it.
For example: I got 2:20-2:24 times for moneybin at least, which seems to be what you guys are getting as well Smiley

Oh, that's great. Now you have more time to perform sick moves. Tongue

Otherwise, my biggest fear right now is that the thing causing the crashes is the Wii U update. If so, it might take forever before I can stream and record again. If I'm lucky, it's Twitch streaming that crashes it, and then I could just quit streaming and only upload recordings.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-02 06:33:28 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 03:22:38 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 03:17:17 pm
Your 33:47 IGT -20 seconds of you improving =  33:27 IGT. Playing on Extreme, using the Deathskip in Transylvania (-50 seconds or so) = 32:37 IGT.
Doesn't seem like my "32:28 IGT" isn't that far-fetched, so you have no reason to give up! Tongue

Also now I can get used to this regular speed, so the transition to Wii U isn't that big Smiley

Oops, I completely forgot himalayas (Amazon is obviously faster, so I excluded it) from the comparison. I removed the video, but I will post it again when I have included all the stages.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Transylvania has time saved too with coins, but the death abuse there just trumps it.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-02 03:45:45 pm
Quote from Radman:
Transylvania has time saved too with coins, but the death abuse there just trumps it.

Oh yeah, good call. I will add that too (Psst, come back to irc!)
Might as well see how much the difference is.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-02 06:56:26 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 06:53:52 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 06:52:47 pm
Okay, I have done all the magic coin comparisons now (excluding Terra Firmie King boss battle and Mount Vesuvius).

Moneybin: ~2 seconds faster on easy

Amazon 1st coin: ~3.5 seconds faster on easy (if you don't hit the rock to the spider, otherwise it's ~1.5 seconds)
Amazon 2nd coin: ~5 seconds faster on easy

Transylvania 1st coin: ~2 seconds faster on easy
Transylvania 2nd coin: ~1.5 seconds faster on easy
Transylvania after 3rd miniboss: ~64.5 seconds slower on easy

African Mines: ~1 second faster on easy

Himalayas: ~5 seconds faster (if you get the perfect coin placement, otherwise it's ~3 seconds)

The Moon 1st Coin: ~1 second faster on easy
The Moon 2nd Coin: ~0.5 second faster on easy

The Magic Coin parts on Easy amounts to 21.5 seconds. So 64.5 - 21.5 = 43 seconds. So extreme is ~43 seconds faster so far.
However, this is missing the information on Terra Firmie King (which benefits extreme) and some parts from Mount Vesuvius (Magic Coin, quick boulder cycle), which benefits easy. Still, I think it's safe to say that Extreme is around half a minute faster than Easy.

PS: I will post the video tomorrow, in case some one is curious of how I played. I will also try to do the Terra Firmie King (African Mines) boss battle tomorrow.
Just wanted to report after 6.5 hours of grueling runs I was able to tie for 2nd place on the Wii U leader boards with an in-game time of 34:59. But technically I am listed as 3rd because I tied. In other words, I would've been a clear cut runner up to timber if I had finished one second sooner. I am amazed that Timber was able to get a new best of 33:47. That is a total of a one minute, 12 second separation. Congrats Timber! That time definitely won't be beaten anytime soon( if even at all). Does anybody know how much time is lost if you retry a level?
Another question: Is Timbers time of 33:47 the official world's best time? Also, how do I get a time split and a timer like many of you speed run fanatics?
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-02 10:55:34 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 10:54:37 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 10:54:13 pm
Mauste: 2013-10-02 10:48:55 pm
Quote from DuckTalesGuru29:
That time definitely won't be beaten anytime soon( if even at all). Does anybody know how much time is lost if you retry a level?
Another question: Is Timbers time of 33:47 the official world's best time? Also, how do I get a time split and a timer like many of you speed run fanatics?

The game is still quite young when it comes to speedrunning. The upcoming patch is supposed to make speedrunning more consistent, which might mean that they are removing some of the RNG-elements (or it's just related to the ingame timing). In any case, that time will most likely be beaten at some point Tongue

There are many "official world best times". For example rTiimber's 33:47 IGT is so far the best IGT on the Wii U platform, on Easy difficulty, in the "single-segment, any%"-category. However, as far as I know speedruns are only "officially" approved when they have video. In any case, we can consider the time to be legit, because we know rTiimber Smiley

As for the timer, I believe you need to have a capture card first, so you can record your Wii U gameplay to your PC. On the PC, you simply activate the timer when you start playing the game. I am not sure about this, so maybe someone else can shed more light on this.
When you retry a level, you lose as much time as you spend in that stage before retrying. Some say that you could run the game segmented, but the recent comments from the developers says otherwise.
Quote from Mauste:
Quote from DuckTalesGuru29:
That time definitely won't be beaten anytime soon( if even at all). Does anybody know how much time is lost if you retry a level?
Another question: Is Timbers time of 33:47 the official world's best time? Also, how do I get a time split and a timer like many of you speed run fanatics?

The game is still quite young when it comes to speedrunning. The upcoming patch is supposed to make speedrunning more consistent, which might mean that they are removing some of the RNG-elements (or it's just related to the ingame timing). In any case, that time will most likely be beaten at some point Tongue

There are many "official world best times". For example rTiimber's 33:47 IGT is so far the best IGT on the Wii U platform, on Easy difficulty, in the "single-segment, any%"-category. However, as far as I know speedruns are only "officially" approved when they have video. In any case, we can consider the time to be legit, because we know rTiimber Smiley

As for the timer, I believe you need to have a capture card first, so you can record your Wii U gameplay to your PC. On the PC, you simply activate the timer when you start playing the game. I am not sure about this, so maybe someone else can shed more light on this.
When you retry a level, you lose as much time as you spend in that stage before retrying. Some say that you could run the game segmented, but the recent comments from the developers says otherwise.

"When you retry a level, you lose as much time as you spend in that stage before retrying"

@Mauste: I don't think so. I retried the Himalayas after getting terrible plane luck and I still ended with an in-game time of 34:59. I believe it only counts the additional time you are in the money bin by the computer; otherwise there's no way I would've ended up with that good of a time. Regarding Timbers time never being beaten; yes I know it's beatable, but do you realize how difficult it is to get a sub 35 on a speed run, let alone a sub 34? Furthermore, there's a reason that there is a spread of 1:12 between the first and second place times( I'm tied for 2nd by the way). Whatever the case, you and anybody else may join me in the arduous task of claiming the #1 spot on the Wii U leader boards if you wish. Best of luck to all. Lastly, where did you hear about this patch and will they ever release downloadable content? What platform do you speed run on?
@DuckTalesGuru29: The time will definitely be beaten sooner or later on easy - for extreme I believe what Mauste says, 30-40s quicker than best Easy run is possible.

Personally, I hope the easy run will be beaten by myself. Smiley Right now, I feel that by pure skilled gameplay, it can only be improved by ~ 10s, however the three biggest factors is Mine Glitch, Plane Luck and also Dracula patterns, so I'm not surprised if we end up with a 33:30 or even less.

An an additional note, for PC leaderboards, I believe there are 5-10 times in the 34:00 - 34:59 range.
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-03 06:40:10 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 06:05:26 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 06:04:56 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 05:36:56 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 05:36:46 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 05:28:37 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 05:12:27 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 03:06:00 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 03:04:26 am
Mauste: 2013-10-03 03:02:24 am
There are 7 times under 35 on PC, but PC's IGT is not reliable. PC is basically just for racing against yourself Smiley
Some people have higher RTA, but lower IGT. Others have lower IGT, but higher RTA and so on. It seems to be dependent on the hardware, so there is no telling which time is right.

As for retrying stages, that means that you are playing the game segmented and not in single-segment. This is one of the reason why we focus mainly on RTA instead of IGT. Playing the game segmented when others are playing single-segment, is basically cheating, because you can retry until you get the perfect stage.

I speedrun on the PC for now and my RTA record is 34:57, which lead to 35:39 IGT. I am sure the IGT would've been sub 34 if I had done the exactly same run on Wii U. I did it ~5 days ago and I haven't done a full run after that. I have been focusing on the differences. Speaking of them...

So, Terra Firmie King is ~3 seconds faster on extreme and the Magic Coin in Mount Vesuvius is also ~1 second faster on extreme (this was a real surprise to me). So far Extreme is ~47 seconds faster.
The only missing difference is the quick cycle boulder section in Mount Vesuvius. I will try to get it later today Smiley

As a side note, The Count Dracula's attacks are:
- 2 bites = 10 seconds
- Dragon = 12 seconds
- 5 bites = 18 seconds
- Bats = 28 seconds