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Sorry for posting twice, but I think this deserves it's own post. I just beat my own record, so Wii U In-Game time is down to 34:05. I made some bad mistakes on Vesuvius (Dracula mainly) and lost quite a few seconds. I feel I have 33:5X in me, and will continue tomorrow.

While being nervous, I hit my split twice on the escape (I have split after Dracula and each of the escape parts), so for Real-Time, I'll have to go by my recorded video. The Real-Time and a youtube-embed to come when I've saved and uploaded it.
Congratulations Smiley
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Why must I be ill and have to wait until I can see again until I can run. I need to get some legit practice in.
Tiimber what is your RTA time?
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 01:51:28 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 01:49:21 pm
As promised, here is the new #1 time on Wii U in video. Calculated Real-Time (measured from video - when money bin level zooms in - until top platform of Volcano escape) is 38:04. In-Game went down from 34:12 to 34:05 (both displayed in video before and after).

A question - If I were to get a time I'm extra satisfied with (sub 34:00), and wanted to send in to SDA, is there anything I'm missing in my procedures? Would I need to start from a new file with $0, with a profile not on the leaderboards before? Or do I need to show off the balance as well before and after my runs?

This beat my old record by 7 seconds In-Game, and 15 seconds Real-Time (with Bonus level + timing started differently). I have finally really made sure to have alternate diamond grabbing procedures depending on current money balance at start of game, to always avoid bonus levels. The only thing I'm angry about now is the mistakes on the last level (and chickening out on escape shortcut).

Two side-notes:
- I'm currently experimenting with different tools to get splits on my videos (but using a Mac limits my options).
- Also, I realized I will not change from 8-bit music, since I have some sound-queues for when to skip cutscenes which is easier with it.
Timber bro

Ingame time is not the way to go, since every test so far have shown silly stuff (leaderboard might even be possible to segment etc) you will end up killing yourself if you only focus on that shit

The only thing we can use is RTA, so what is your RTA time? post splits etc. The run beast and will most likely be the fastest wii u time yet anyway
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Yeah I tend to play without 8 bit since I can tell how well I do on certain parts by where the music is. Mostly during Mines. If the music hits a certain point during the skip its a reset
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 02:35:03 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 02:29:26 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 02:27:22 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 02:27:21 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-29 02:26:55 pm
Quote from Henjoness:
Ingame time is not the way to go, since every test so far have shown silly stuff (leaderboard might even be possible to segment etc) you will end up killing yourself if you only focus on that shit

But if a SS video shows the leaderboards before and after, on a platform such as Wii U, without hardware differences - that should be reliable, if it would register, right? The leaderboards is what I go by, but of course the RTA should be relative to that, at least on the Wii U.

Quote from Henjoness:
The only thing we can use is RTA, so what is your RTA time? post splits etc. The run beast and will most likely be the fastest wii u time yet anyway

I have all splits except the last one, since i double registered after first out of two escapes.

The splits on the screenshot start on selecting "Easy", and each split ends on the music ending for "Stage Clear". They are comparing "best run" since I added a split for "Plane Luck", which was the run on a previous page.

From measuring in the video, the RTA is ~38:04. That would mean that the last split would be approximately 14s + the 3s where I start my timer early.

Edit: Btw, from next play, I will start using "Llanfair" for timing.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Today's stream was a perfect example of 'marathon luck'. I had an unintentional death on Himalayas, terrible plane luck, and for the first time ever, I got 3 BATS ON DRACULA! Top off missing the first jump in the escape several times and I got my first run over 40 minutes in a looooong time. <_>
Cyrax was in my chat, he can vouch for it.
We have seen almsot every possible senario for igt. People getting faster RTA than IGT, people getting better IGT but worse RTA and wise versa. according to brother main and other french runners your ingame time is only saved when you finish the stage, so you could in theory do a segemted runtil it was perfect and get top leaderboard. Also if you die at a boss that wont affect your gametime for some reason. With that somebody would be able to beat your time but die maybe 2-3 times on lets say Dracula.

So like we can just put it to rest by doing RTA, with that we can finally be "even". No weird stuff can screw us over; if you die your rta gets higher, game runs the same. We could finally do races, and have actual good and competition.

All we need just to collect our wii u time and suddenly we have a great game to play (im saying wii u since it seems like most of the people still play it)
I definitely will switch to WiiU once I get an HDMI capture card. I think that'll be the version to go with.
@rTiimber: Wow, 35:05! You have really set the standard high! I may just have to settle for runner up on the leader boards. What I was wondering is why do you excessively low pogo? Does that really shave off time?
For Fun! For GLORY!!
In some places, yes it will. You can low pogo by simply dropping the pogo stance after you bounce. It stops your vertical completely...or at least somewhat instantly. lol
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:21:37 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:21:22 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:21:11 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:20:58 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:20:02 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:14:54 am
Mauste: 2013-09-30 10:13:07 am
Quote from rTiimber:

A question - If I were to get a time I'm extra satisfied with (sub 34:00), and wanted to send in to SDA, is there anything I'm missing in my procedures? Would I need to start from a new file with $0, with a profile not on the leaderboards before? Or do I need to show off the balance as well before and after my runs?

But if a SS video shows the leaderboards before and after, on a platform such as Wii U, without hardware differences - that should be reliable, if it would register, right? The leaderboards is what I go by, but of course the RTA should be relative to that, at least on the Wii U.

I would think that SDA would use RTA's for this game, since the IGT is not visible during a run and it doesn't seem to be consistent.
Also, if you want to send the run to SDA, you need to follow their rules. For example for RTA, the timer is started when you gain control of the character and stopped when you lose control. In this case, it would mean starting the timer at the start of the MoneyBin level and stopping it when you reach the highest platform during the final climb. The rest of the rules are posted somewhere in this forum.

What Henjo is trying to explain is that if you go by the leaderboards, someone could do the run segmented and get a sub 33 time by perfecting every stage. Bad boss RNG-pattern? die until you get the best RNG. And because that time seems legit enough, you might go crazy by trying to improve your time to beat his time (which would be nearly impossible unless you play the game segmented as well).

RTA is simply superior in every way to this game's IGT, which is why most of us have completely given up on the IGT and focusing on RTA.
Also in regards to SDA submission, wait a bit, alot can still happen with this game.  Tho in the end I dont care, seems like only timber and mauste record locally anyway
For Fun! For GLORY!!
I record, but I want a good run first. My current PB is not my best. Sad
Ok, thanks guys. I understand what you're saying. For myself - I will go by IGT (as a brag factor), but of course I will always have the RTA as well - and unless anyone die or segment this run - that time will always be in relation to the IGT (seems to be very close to 4 minutes in difference in all runs I've ever made). So by saying that I aim towards 33:5X, is practically the same as saying I aim for 37:5X for this game.

As for the SDA timing, that could easily be measured by the video I'm posting, but just with more frame-perfect measurements. Yes, I will hold on a bit to submit any video, but I want to already now abide all rules, just so that a video isn't disqualified after I record it.

On another note: Today, I've experimented quite a bit with CamTwist and LLanfair. I manage to get the videos mixed, but only in really low resolution and bad framerate. The only computer I can use for this purpose is a MacBook Air, whichs processors seem to go beserk when I try to mix videos even with these low settings. I'll experiment a little bit now and then, but will probably have to squeeze in some gaming in between. Will defintely start using Llanfair for timing, though - it covers all that my own splits app did - and more.
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-09-30 02:19:04 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-30 01:05:40 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-30 01:01:10 pm
rTiimber: 2013-09-30 12:59:31 pm
I sort of took your advice and only go for Real-Time. Unfortunately leaderboards was offline at the moment. I managed to get a 37:56.48 (probably like 2.5-3 seconds lower if starting at control of Scrooge). At least I got the first sub 38. Smiley Video to come when finished processing. Since I like In-Game, a qualified quess is that it would mean 33:55 IGT - but I guess I can forget that being registered (unless the system queues the registrations). But no worry, I know I can improve 5 seconds by skill + ~8 seconds on the plane luck, so I will take a new record sooner or later.


Unfortunately, when right clicking and pressing "Save" in Llanfair, seems to send it to "Ready" state. I wished to have all split diffs and such in the screenshot. Sad

Edit: Do anyone know how I can resize to show all splits? I saw they were missing. However the missing ones were:

The Moon - 31:04.23
Vesuvius - 37:14.55
Number One (first escape) - 37:38.11
Yeah of course, nothing wrong is messing around with the leaderboards just for fun we just need RTA to compare ourself.

And I also noticed the leaderboards being down, I wonder if my time got updated there
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:28:20 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:27:22 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:26:37 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:26:00 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:25:21 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:21:09 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:21:01 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:18:27 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:17:48 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:16:47 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:16:04 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:15:41 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:13:05 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:10:43 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:09:48 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:06:07 pm
Mauste: 2013-09-30 02:05:00 pm
Here are the comparison between easy and extreme based on my gameplay:

Moneybin = 1:32 to boss (0:39 seconds during boss)
Amazon = 3:36 to boss (1:50 during boss)
Transylvania = 4:21 to boss (1:50 during boss)
African Mines = 3.33 to boss (1:27 during boss) - without mine skip
Himalayas = 3:05 to boss (1:46 during boss) - plane part excluded
The Moon = 1.08 to boss (1:29 during boss)

Moneybin = 1:33 to boss (0:37 during boss)
Amazon = 3:42 to boss (1:52 during boss)
Transylvania = 3:25 to boss (1:48 during boss)
African Mines = 3:33 to boss (1:23 during boss) - without mine skip
Himalayas = 3:08 to boss (1:43 during boss) - plane part excluded
The Moon = 1:09 to boss (1:30 during boss)

Boss fights are the same speed on Easy and Extreme (Terra Firmie King in African Mines is the exception)

MoneyBin = non-factor, they are the same speed.
Amazon = ~6 seconds faster on Easy
Transylvania = ~56 seconds faster on Extreme
African Mines = ~5 seconds faster on Extreme
Himalayas = ~3 seconds faster on Easy
The Moon = non-factor, they are the same speed.

Overall Extreme is ~40-50 seconds faster than Easy (due to the Transylvania deathskip).
However, Extreme also demands more from the player. For example during the fight with Count Dracula, it is quite risky to do the trick that reduces the amount of bites he does (but you are still able to do it twice).


I timed the runs in segments:
1) Start of the stage to before boss.
2) Start of the boss to the end stage clear-scene.
In Himalayas I timed how long it took to reach the plane section. After that how long it took to reach the boss after the plane section. And then the start of the boss to the stage clear-scene.

In Moneybin I also timed one part from before the red barrel (below the Magic Coin) to the beginning of the cutscene. I was surprised that the difference was only one second with and without the Magic Coin. The Magic Coins in African Mines and The Moon didn't seem to matter any more than the Magic Coin in Moneybin did (~1 second difference).

PS:  I replayed the bosses until I got the same pattern on both Easy and Extreme, so the RNG wasn't a factor. I also replayed the stages quite a lot in order to prevent differences between the runs Smiley
From measuring in the video, the new RTA time to beat for Wii U is 37:52. Here is the youtube video for it:

Summary: Minor screwup on Dracula. One really bad Beagle Ghost (how can I miss this after so much practice?), Mine Glitch could be improved by some seconds and Plane could probably earn me quite a few more seconds. Next aim is 37:45 RTA (which would probably mean ~33:48 IGT).

Btw, really nice summary Mauste. If it weren't that I suck at hard pogo, I would probably give Extreme some real tries. I might practice it after some more spent time on Easy.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Sub 38? That is insane! Now I really gotta practice!
Edit history:
rTiimber: 2013-09-30 03:55:38 pm
Just calculated a bit on my PB splits. If I were to do my PB splits all throughout the run, I could potentially get a 37:33. With some sick Mine Glitch and Plane Luck, I think that a 37:25 would be possible (although very unlikely) without any major tricks being discovered.

For a TAS, I would guess 37:00 is possible (with extreme Mine Glitch, and manipulating RNG on Plane + Amazon boss + Dracula) - same here, without any major new tricks.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Yeah but you have to be lucky. I never am. My last streamed run had horrible plane luck and for the first time ever, 3 bats on dracula. Made me sad.
I need to get that good of times before AGDQ. I must!
Edit history:
Mauste: 2013-10-01 07:03:31 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 07:02:29 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 07:00:34 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:53:21 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:52:38 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:52:16 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:52:09 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:48:56 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:36:32 am
Mauste: 2013-10-01 06:35:54 am
I finally managed to get an answer from one of the developers regarding to the Ingame Timer.
"The timer starts when you start a new game, is active during cutscenes and in the hub world, and stops when the player sees the newspaper at the end.  It is inactive when paused."

This sentence leads me to believe that segmented runs are not in fact possible (exiting a level would still add to your time), which is what I suspected when my segmented run didn't register on the leaderboards. In any case, I asked about that now too, so hopefully we'll get a clear answer to that. And even more good news! THEY HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THIS GAME!

"There was a bug noted on the 360 version that has to do with failed time updates, but I'm not sure if that's the same thing anyone here is seeing. We're working on the patch now and there be some tweaks that should make speedrunning more consistent."

So hopefully after the patch, the IGT will be more consistent (and hopefully more "available"... and not just at the end of the run).
This was posted on the official forums, source:

On another thread about the Pogo Fix on the consoles:
"We are working on the console updates now and I hope to have a release timeline to you soon.  As Espiownage mentioned, Steam updates are super easy for us.  We can literally create, test, and deploy a patch within an hours.  For consoles, unless we started on a patch before the game was released (as in the case for day one patches), you won't see a patch for weeks.  In our case, we started seeing reports of the pogo and other issues and were able to do a quick fix for them on the PC.  After a couple of weeks of data gathering on the game in the wild, we've started work on a list of fixes.  We are currently doing internal QA on them and should be submitting soon.  Once submitted, I'll let you know what the patch content is going to be and when to expect it. "