First off, SUPER HAPPY about the run getting accepted. Thanks to all that helped to make it happen.
I've been working w/ blkyoshi off and on about some possible route optimization, and I've been going back and reading Garlyle's comments on what can be done better with the run. I've also uploaded a few videos to YT rather than keeping them on twitch to make them easier for viewers to watch here. Credit mainly goes to Garlyle and blkyoshi for these strats, but I'll post thema nd they can add on if they have anything else I may have missed. Anyway, just adding to the possible route changes for future runs:
* Going to QuickMan first seems like the best option overall. I was thinking it wasn't necessary if you don't go to BrightMan's stage before IceMan's anyway for MagBombs, but you CAN buy three elecblde's for 3000 instead of an AquaArmr for 2500. If you go to QuickMan's first to get the RegUP and then get the second RegUP in IceMan's stage, you can then preset ElecBlde and use all three to take out IceMan very fast. It's much riskier w/o the AquaArmr, but it's the only real place you would need to use AquaArmr.
* Get the MemUP in NeedleMan's stage (right next to the boss portal).
* Get the MemUP in ClownMan's stage in the second area (that is if you're going for the HPMemory in the second part at the top of the pinball area). Only requires one DoubJump.
* ElecMan doubjump referenced earlier in thread:
* Skip the HPMemory near the Aqua Swordy in SwordMan's stage. That's definitely unnecessary.
* Instead of getting the RegUP in ClownMan's stage, you can get the one in GravityMan's stage much more easily. Both probably would take the same amount of time, but the GravityMan one takes one less DoubJump than ClownMan's RegUP.
* In StarMan's stage, preset Bub-V instead of Heat-V for the miniboss. Chances are that after the miniboss fight in IceMan's stage, you will have A BUNCH MORE Bub-V's instead of Heat-V's for the miniboss fight in StarMan's stage, and you can spam those much more safely than Heat-V's.
* Zero no damage fight tutorial, for those still struggling with him:
* ShadowMan arrow strat:
* At the beginning of PharaohMan's stage in the disappearing/reappearing block section, you can use three DoubJumps to go straight to the top right part instead of using two to go directly above and another two to go across to the right.
* In Undernet (I can't remember for sure), I believe if you use a FstGauge at the beginning of the area right before the Wood DreamBits and after waiting just a tiny bit longer, you can preset Barrier. Use that to get through the DreamBits instead of taking time to use Energy subchips. By the time you're at the entrance to the boss, another gauge will have filled up and you can preset M-Cannon before the fight.
That's all!
I've been working w/ blkyoshi off and on about some possible route optimization, and I've been going back and reading Garlyle's comments on what can be done better with the run. I've also uploaded a few videos to YT rather than keeping them on twitch to make them easier for viewers to watch here. Credit mainly goes to Garlyle and blkyoshi for these strats, but I'll post thema nd they can add on if they have anything else I may have missed. Anyway, just adding to the possible route changes for future runs:
* Going to QuickMan first seems like the best option overall. I was thinking it wasn't necessary if you don't go to BrightMan's stage before IceMan's anyway for MagBombs, but you CAN buy three elecblde's for 3000 instead of an AquaArmr for 2500. If you go to QuickMan's first to get the RegUP and then get the second RegUP in IceMan's stage, you can then preset ElecBlde and use all three to take out IceMan very fast. It's much riskier w/o the AquaArmr, but it's the only real place you would need to use AquaArmr.
* Get the MemUP in NeedleMan's stage (right next to the boss portal).
* Get the MemUP in ClownMan's stage in the second area (that is if you're going for the HPMemory in the second part at the top of the pinball area). Only requires one DoubJump.
* ElecMan doubjump referenced earlier in thread:
* Skip the HPMemory near the Aqua Swordy in SwordMan's stage. That's definitely unnecessary.
* Instead of getting the RegUP in ClownMan's stage, you can get the one in GravityMan's stage much more easily. Both probably would take the same amount of time, but the GravityMan one takes one less DoubJump than ClownMan's RegUP.
* In StarMan's stage, preset Bub-V instead of Heat-V for the miniboss. Chances are that after the miniboss fight in IceMan's stage, you will have A BUNCH MORE Bub-V's instead of Heat-V's for the miniboss fight in StarMan's stage, and you can spam those much more safely than Heat-V's.
* Zero no damage fight tutorial, for those still struggling with him:
* ShadowMan arrow strat:
* At the beginning of PharaohMan's stage in the disappearing/reappearing block section, you can use three DoubJumps to go straight to the top right part instead of using two to go directly above and another two to go across to the right.
* In Undernet (I can't remember for sure), I believe if you use a FstGauge at the beginning of the area right before the Wood DreamBits and after waiting just a tiny bit longer, you can preset Barrier. Use that to get through the DreamBits instead of taking time to use Energy subchips. By the time you're at the entrance to the boss, another gauge will have filled up and you can preset M-Cannon before the fight.
That's all!