The Speedrunning Teacher
Time to work on another game that doesn't have a run yet.
Played this game over this last weekend and found that there is a good potential for speedrunning it. My casual playthrough clocked in at around 8 hours, but a lot of that was exploring around, trying to get as many power ups as I could. I suspect that this can be brought down to about 3 hours in a speedrun. I've only just started looking more in depth into it, but that how most of these threads start. I'll start with what info I have off the top of my head.
Most of the bosses are fairly easy with a few exceptions. Gutsman, Brightman, Starman, Zero, the Firewall, and the Life Virus provide some degree of difficulty for me.
-GutsMan is easy to dodge (just stay off the floor), but his attacks stun and as early as he is in the game, this can be problematic.
-BrightMan's problem for me is getting a good pattern down that lets me hit him and dodges his attack.
-StarMan isn't bad until he gets low on health and starts showering his stars all over the battlefield, making it hard to dodge (to the point where you WILL get hit).
-Zero is pretty easy to manipulate, but the issue with him is how hard he hits. He attacks with a three-hit combo or a pair of big sword waves that you can't dodge unless you're behind him.
-The issue with Firewall is managing health. The top and bottom cannons are annoying unless you destroy one (I usually destroyed the bottom one) then the other becomes manageable.
-The Life Virus isn't bad as long as I can properly learn his attacks. The hardest part about him is that Aura of his. Only attack chips that deal 100+ damage per hit drop the Aura. So some shopping or chip gathering will be needed before fighting it (I'm thinking MegaCannons, they're easy to collect).
I can see this game being done SS, but segmented is also an option. I'm going to start working on a segmented run of it, and then follow it up with some SS attempts. I imagine that the easiest place to segment will be after each boss battle. This would make it to 15 segments. The order that I imagine that the fights will go is FireMan, GutsMan, NeedleMan, BrightMan, IceMan, QuickMan, ColorMan, ElecMan, SwordMan, GravityMan, StarMan, Zero, ShadowMan, PharaohMan, and then the Life Virus. The only ones that can change the order completed is NeedleMan, BrightMan, IceMan, and QuickMan; ColorMan and ElecMan; ShadowMan and PharaohMan.
I'll add more later once I get more data.
Played this game over this last weekend and found that there is a good potential for speedrunning it. My casual playthrough clocked in at around 8 hours, but a lot of that was exploring around, trying to get as many power ups as I could. I suspect that this can be brought down to about 3 hours in a speedrun. I've only just started looking more in depth into it, but that how most of these threads start. I'll start with what info I have off the top of my head.
Most of the bosses are fairly easy with a few exceptions. Gutsman, Brightman, Starman, Zero, the Firewall, and the Life Virus provide some degree of difficulty for me.
-GutsMan is easy to dodge (just stay off the floor), but his attacks stun and as early as he is in the game, this can be problematic.
-BrightMan's problem for me is getting a good pattern down that lets me hit him and dodges his attack.
-StarMan isn't bad until he gets low on health and starts showering his stars all over the battlefield, making it hard to dodge (to the point where you WILL get hit).
-Zero is pretty easy to manipulate, but the issue with him is how hard he hits. He attacks with a three-hit combo or a pair of big sword waves that you can't dodge unless you're behind him.
-The issue with Firewall is managing health. The top and bottom cannons are annoying unless you destroy one (I usually destroyed the bottom one) then the other becomes manageable.
-The Life Virus isn't bad as long as I can properly learn his attacks. The hardest part about him is that Aura of his. Only attack chips that deal 100+ damage per hit drop the Aura. So some shopping or chip gathering will be needed before fighting it (I'm thinking MegaCannons, they're easy to collect).
I can see this game being done SS, but segmented is also an option. I'm going to start working on a segmented run of it, and then follow it up with some SS attempts. I imagine that the easiest place to segment will be after each boss battle. This would make it to 15 segments. The order that I imagine that the fights will go is FireMan, GutsMan, NeedleMan, BrightMan, IceMan, QuickMan, ColorMan, ElecMan, SwordMan, GravityMan, StarMan, Zero, ShadowMan, PharaohMan, and then the Life Virus. The only ones that can change the order completed is NeedleMan, BrightMan, IceMan, and QuickMan; ColorMan and ElecMan; ShadowMan and PharaohMan.
I'll add more later once I get more data.
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