That's an absolutely insane time, looking forward to watching it. Also I just noticed you've streamed Lolo before...I used to be obsessed with that series.
I just saw your RM2 run and was pretty amazed. Keep going man, you gotta take the WR from the Japanese!
When I was playing heavy the Japanese had absolutely no respect for any US players (even when I briefly had the MM2 and MM1 wrs once upon a time). USA for the WR!
And now about me.. :
I simply do not have enough time these days to even think about running this game again. Life is just too busy. I will definitely miss it though: running this game and developing strategies in a time when nobody had really began to consider the possibilities of glitches and zipping was so much fun.
However my running I think has to officially come to an end.
SDA has been a great community though and I had a lot of fun with what will always be my favorite game of all time.
You probably wont be seeing me around anymore, but good luck Cygfer (and anyone else working on MM2)! I'll check from time to time though, and hell I may even lurk your stream every once and a while.