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My feelings on The Demon Rush
Breath of Fire 5 - pure awesome postapocalyptic underground RPG
Lost Vikings - I can't really explain this one but it's true!

You forgot to mention that BoF5 is the best TRPG, and it's not even supposed to be one!

Lost Vikings: I was really secretly hoping that Blizzard's big announcement would be Lost Vikings 3 or Rock 'n Roll racing 2 Sad
Edit history:
Carcinogen: 2008-05-02 08:08:14 pm

(no particular order)

1. Final Fantasy VIII
2. Resident Evil 3
3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
4. Life Force (Greatest music in an NES game ever.)
5. Ikaruga (Guess which ludicrous bullet pattern I can't dodge! Fucking ALL of them!)
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Parasite Eve
8. Quake 3 CPMA
9. Guilty Gear XX
10. Guitar Hero (though I hate to admit it)
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-04-11 09:45:24 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Note: this is not like a top10 for me so don't get the wrong idea!
Top ten huh? That's going to be really difficult.

Learn to read!

This isn't anything like a top 10 for me (Darius Gaiden isn't even on my top10 shmups list), I am consensus building! Smiley Those games were all thrown in there because I know who else specifically likes them, and because they all make sense for INFP. I have games I like more that I excluded because they didn't feel like INFP, like Shoot the Bullet, which I think only spineshark and Quijo love as much as I do. (although thinking about it, I guess it does fit, so an egregious omission!)

I'm actually surprised you could only have a beef with 1.5 games (your opinion of BoF5 is already higher than most, who mainly say it sucks because the atmosphere is so depressing... also, because of your dislike of Lufia 2, I now know of no game that nobody dislikes ;)).

Out of your list, I've played the 8 other than Crash Tag Team Racing and Total Annihilation. It's not an outlandish list at all, actually it's extremely boring. If you want severe opinions, you need 9 other choices like Unlimited Saga. Wink (PS, I don't know what world you're living in, but for modern FF's, I think 9 is the most well-liked actually, since it's the least offensive in any way. Try 10-2 or 8 or 11 or 12 for most hated.)

I know you're just doing your own thing and making your own top10, so I'm not going to say what I think about any of them, just that none of them make any sense whatsoever regarding MBTI type, besides Darkstalkers. And that is actually an amazing choice, I wish I had thought of it myself (and I had no clue if you would like it or not).

I love Lag for one reason though. He is the only person I know who makes me believe in the chaos of mankind. Everyone (including me) is so predictable, but Lag's opinions are genuinely like they are pulled out of a hat (which I suspect he actually does). They make no sense whatsoever and there is no point beginning to understand, and there is nobody else I know remotely like this. It's awesome.

yes, I like Solstice, and Ico (and Shadow) and Lost Vikings.

Awesome, those are actually probably the 3 worst fitting games on the entire list lol (in terms of making specific sense for type). Too perfect. You should retest. Tongue
Edit history:
Lag.Com: 2008-04-11 11:18:52 am
sda loyalist
re: Cromarty Yes, yes I have. They are very similar in nature, though the GBA titles have a good deal more puzzles in than the PS# titles. I'm currently doing a TAS of Empire of Dreams, and if Xaphan gets off his arse, I'll help him with Dream Champ Tournament too. Does that answer your question? Smiley

re: Enhasa Ergh. I thought my choices were strange. FF9 in particular (though it is a mainstream title); just about anybody I talk to about the series says it is worse than 8 or 10, which makes me seethe with unbridled rage. You might have been after more 'obscure japanese games' (substitute other countries if appropriate, but they really aren't, for you :p), while I was trying to find some matches with other people at all. Also, the 'type-specificness' of games... I couldn't begin to work out which personality they should attract. I'm sure I could argue myself into accepting any of them to be appropriate. If I wanted to, I could mention a load of old PC titles (I haven't even mentioned any of the Elder Scrolls games on that list for instance). Still, while you (or others) may agree with some of my choices, I doubt very much anybody else would agree with all of them. Also, stop ruining my secrets!!!!!11

re: philosophy I'm a firm believer in hypocrisy being one of the defining parts of humanity, and instead of ignoring it or being afraid of it, I embrace it. This makes me seem very odd, but I'm really a lot less odd than everyone else. "Only the insane think they are not insane" Smiley

re: retest INFP, 67-62-25-56. That seems a bit different from last time.
astral guard
re: Cromarty Yes, yes I have. They are very similar in nature, though the GBA titles have a good deal more puzzles in than the PS# titles. I'm currently doing a TAS of Empire of Dreams, and if Xaphan gets off his arse, I'll help him with Dream Champ Tournament too. Does that answer your question? Smiley

Those will be fun to watch.  How's Empire going?
sda loyalist
I've done up to Vision 2-2. I hate air vents. link
Everything's better with Magitek
Final Fantasy IX - best plot, best characters, best music of the series. also, everyone else hates it. shoe-in

Not true! Wink

Hmm, probably everyone knows that I like RPGs (especially FFs), so I'll see if I can come up with some less predictable games that I like:

- Dr. Mario (okay, this was predictable)
- Pandora's Box (yay for puzzle games!)
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- Lemmings
- Donkey Kong Country
- Joust (used to play this a lot on my dad's Atari)
- Mega Man X
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Stars (I wonder if anyone has even heard of this--it's kind of like Masters of Orion)
- Boggle (I know it was originally a board game, but I play an online version of it a lot.)

I have no idea if these fit my INFJ type.  I'll have to leave that for Enhasa to analyze. Wink
sda loyalist
If you mean Stars!, yes, I still have it on a floppy with my serial number written on it. Excellent game. Smiley
Hmmm, I'd definitely be interested to learn what personality types prefer certain games.  Here's what I could come up with for me (-NTJ):

- Final Fantasy Series (Except 8 and 10... sorry guys)
- Age of Empires III
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Secret of Mana
- Mario Anything (Especially SSB64, Mario Party, and SMB RPG)
- MediEvil
- Chrono Trigger

I guess the trend for me is RPG for single player games and anything with involves a lot of ass-kicking for multiplayer games.  Grin
Edit history:
YautjaElder: 2008-04-11 07:32:30 pm
Speed is the key.
This is probably the hardest test I've ever tried... I can answer perhaps half of the questions accurately, but most of the others, I have difficulty with. How I act/feel is almost completely dependant on the situation, and those involved, just like I act/talk differently around/with different people.
astral guard
Re: FF, I think after 7 they're pretty much all love/hate - especially 12.  10's story was goofy, but.. turn-based combat!
Also, I don't understand the loathing for FFTA that I see elsewhere.  The judge system is just a way to encourage variety in the clan, right?  What's wrong with that?  (Not to mention how easy it is to take advantage.. banning "fight" or "target area" in particular.)

My own list:
-Odin Sphere
-Yggdra Union
-Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (1, not 2 - why do people overlook 1 for 2?)
-Viewtiful Joe
-Phantom Brave
-Valkyrie Profile
-Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
-Megaman Zero 2
-Final Fantasy XII
-Super Double Dragon

I've done up to Vision 2-2. I hate air vents. link

Those will be fun to watch.

Aha, I predicted correctly.
I don't see what the issue is with air vents, but then, I've never played the game at less than full speed.  Descending one with a box in slow motion must be terribly boring.
Everything's better with Magitek
If you mean Stars!, yes, I still have it on a floppy with my serial number written on it. Excellent game. Smiley

Yes, I think that's the game I meant.  Awesome. Smiley

I forgot one game on my list: Puzznic.

I: 78%
N: 12%
T: 100%
J: 11%
Introverted      Intuitive      Thinking      Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22      50      12      22
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Lenophis is ISTJ (67, 38, 1, 1). This thread needs more vgmrsepitome (_N__) and others!

Yeah, this game listing idea is terrible and I should be reprimanded for it. Tongue

You might have been after more 'obscure japanese games' (substitute other countries if appropriate, but they really aren't, for you :p), while I was trying to find some matches with other people at all.

You do know what I was doing right? I wouldn't want to pick obscure games since everything I mentioned was picked precisely because I already knew that one or more of: you, spineshark, Rane, Quijo, SDSS really liked them. I was hamstrung into picking mostly Japanese console games because I've played more PC games than the other people. I have the huge advantage in this exercise of already knowing what games many people at SDA like. I wouldn't pick an obscure game that nobody else has played, because that wouldn't fit this thread.

I didn't make a single comment about what I thought about the games in your list themselves. I just thought it was funny you hype your strange taste but then all the games you mentioned (besides USaga) are pretty much well liked by everyone who has played them, and not strange at all. Tongue Who could hate Klonoa or MDK or Um Jammer Lammy? Your list was very conservative and boring to me (which is not a bad thing at all, it means I agree), like something I would look at, nod, and move on without a second thought. Most mainstream publication type of top10 lists are "exciting" in how bad they are.

re: philosophy I'm a firm believer in hypocrisy being one of the defining parts of humanity

I say this a lot too (in a positive way also) but nobody called you hypocritical to begin with. Huh?

I just thought of another good choice btw, to go along with the Darkstalkers... Descent. Please don't tell me you don't see why I think Descent is INFP compared to MDK. Wink
sda loyalist
I like likeable unpopular games, so that's normal? Wha? Tongue
I'm not sure I 'hype' my taste, I just have very strong opinions about games, I don't tend to 'just like' or 'slightly dislike' something, it's either 'the best game ever' or 'developers should be shot'.
Would you find it stranger (forget I'm me for a second) if I'd given IGN's top ten?
I know at least one person who didn't like Klonoa 2 because it was 'too cute'. I hate cute things too! Rarrr!

Yes, I know, anecdotal evidence and all that.

I wasn't responding to any accusations of hypocrisy (I tend to do that by saying 'yes? agreed'), just trying to give a reason for my apparent chaotic behaviour. Don't worry, I'm Chaotic Good. Or at least Chaotic Neutral. Angry

Oh, God, how did I forget Descent? I love that game. I also have one of its Playstation-remix tracks on my game compilation CDs. Apart from trying to raise interest in speedrunning it (only to have Drew DeVore trash my times, heh), I wrote a program to mess around with its demo files much like 'demtool' does for Quake. It's a shame Descent3 was so poor.

I still don't get the association with a personality type, though. He's my analysis (start each sentence with 'Descent is X because...')
E: the game is frantic (especially in multiplayer)
I: ...uh, no, I can't think of a way of arguing this one
S: much of the game relies about reacting to enemies?
N: playing versus other people requires a lot of guesswork?
... nah this is kind of pointless. I can't draw any conclusions from the information Wikipedia gives on each axis.

Don't think you're bothering me, I enjoy this kind of debate. Much better than "stop saying 'ur mom'".
Complete. Global. Saturation.
This is probably the hardest test I've ever tried... I can answer perhaps half of the questions accurately, but most of the others, I have difficulty with. How I act/feel is almost completely dependant on the situation, and those involved, just like I act/talk differently around/with different people.

Same here. For some of them, I was thinking, "Well, I kind of need a scenario". I actually realized quite a bit about myself that I didn't notice before, and it's all thanks to a Yes or No test on the internet.
Edit history:
Staralfur: 2008-05-04 12:05:19 am
hello there
Sorry to revive, but two perfect INFP examples came to mind recently: Electroplankton (spineshark likes this) and Soulblazer. I think Quintet [Actraiser, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, etc] is just INFP in general, heh.

Just for the record: I will play Valkyrie Profile someday. Once I can be bothered to chip my PSone (it was never released in Europe).

Also, I retook the test and got... INFJ. Enhasa, we can't unite anymore! This truly is a terrible day. ;-[ (see edit)

I was actually borderline P/J in the first place (I think I got something like 11% perceiving on my first test); this axis is almost definitely the most susceptible to my mood, though. So I could take this test at something as delicate (personally) as different times of the day and get conflicting perceiving/judging results.

I still strongly maintain that I'm fundamentally INFP, since all the type descriptions I've read fit me so perfectly it's haunting. It's just me.

btw, this is a nice website:

EDIT: lol, nice to see you again INFP. (Cromarty, re-update me)

I think the best way of explaining how my mood affects perceiving/judging is that when I'm feeling particularly irritable, my motivation and flexibility go down the plughole so I need to rely more on rigid structure and routine to get me on my feet.

EDIT 2: This post is a hilarious mess in how many guises it's just gone through.

I really need to start finalising my posts instead of making a thousand edits to them in the minutes/hours/days that follow.
from red to blue
Introverted      Intuitive      Thinking      Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78      50      1      11

astral guard
EDIT: lol, nice to see you again INFP. (Cromarty, re-update me)


Maybe that site would be better for people to take the test on, since you have the option to save a page with your type and preferences.
sda loyalist
I thought I did a test somewhere else, and I was right

Huh, seems like I'm an INTP there. Smiley
Extraverted: 89
Sensing: 62
Thinking: 50
Judging: 11

You are:
*very expressed extravert
*distinctively expressed sensing personality
*moderately expressed thinking personality
*slightly expressed judging personality

I don't really know what any of that means, actually.
Edit history:
Cromarty: 2008-05-03 08:46:21 pm
astral guard
Okay, I had another look, and measures the preferences differently than humanmetrics.
Until I finish this update, disregard the section of statistics regarding preferences.

Edit: fixed.
Edit history:
Staralfur: 2008-05-03 08:58:30 pm
hello there
If I'm understanding correctly how presents its results: we could take the dominant percentage for each axis, subtract 50 and then multiply by two to make them directly comparable with humanmetrics.

Using the two tests together isn't entirely reliable anyway since, although the same overall principle applies, the questions are structured slightly differently.
astral guard
That is exactly what I'm doing.
It'll never result in odd percents, though.. not sure how to address that other than by telling people "use humanmetrics and not".