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gia: 2008-04-07 04:19:12 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
44 12 1 22

Most of the questions were 50 50 though, including some of the ones that asked about introversion which I just answered towards it. Craft artisan fits me though Smiley

Ah they don't represent your attitude but your preferences, then its pretty good, even those middles I scored.
INFJ (Counselor Idealist)
Introverted      Intuitive      Feeling      Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78      25      12      11

    * very expressed introvert
    * moderately expressed intuitive personality
    * slightly expressed feeling personality
    * slightly expressed judging personality

I guess pretty close.  Wiki says 1% of people are this type.  Whatever.  The classification is nothing special.  -I- sure don't need to go by it...
astral guard
Is every type 1% of the population now?  Where's the other 84%?

I got:
INTJ - Mastermind Rational
Introverted      Intuitive      Thinking      Judging
Strength of the preferences %
89      12      100      56

You are:
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
very expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality
Wait, I just realized that I got percentages lower than 20% when I scored ISTP... What does it mean? =|
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Enhasa: 2008-04-09 09:17:27 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I want to see lots and lots of people post, so I will bump this forevar! A lot of people I want to see are still missing. Of course, unlike when this was created, now I just want to see if my blind assumptions for people are right. I will not rest until everyone is unfairly typecast into a 1/16 block.

As for me, I get a very strong INFP
I'm a fairly strong INFP

I am floored. This is truly distressing. (I would make a suicide joke but it's inappropriate and also personal for me too) Actually I will feel reassured in the fact that you are very strange and nonconformist and clearly this is the case here as well. Also your SDA persona probably doesn't match your real-life self.

The INFP factoids are awesome btw. Also most likely to hate and feel stress, most likely to hate their job, and highest level of depression with chronic pain.



I'm actually a rather meticulous perfectionist and enthusiast. I've just lacked the motivation to put either into effect for quite some time. But that's improving, or at least I hope so.

btw Enhasa makes the best threads. Kiss

Only INFP's truly appreciate Darius Gaiden. (I am totally serious about this)

I'm very happy you posted, I figured you would be INFP (unite!). BTW if you read the wikipedia article: "INFPs strive for perfection. They may have trouble finishing a project, because they never find it is good enough. Even when the project must be finished they may feel the need to go back and improve on it later." What happens is we lack the motivation and fail, but are optimistic we can improve this. Classic INFP, lol. Also INFP isn't emo or unenthusiastic, it's moody (but tries to mask this). I don't know about the other types, but I think anyone who gets INFP should read the wikipedia, it might creep you out as well.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
My type is a INTJ.

Least surprising result ever.

I may still be an INTP, but the me from two and a half years ago needs to rewrite his entire post.  Aside from just being disgusted with the diction, I think I was misapplying the statement that I thought was wrong at the time.  Oh well.
I do *not* spend too much time second-guessing myself.  I'm way too self-confident for that.  I admit there's a possibility, but I don't think about it until it's forced on me by something else.


Is every type 1% of the population now?  Where's the other 84%?

Not on niche gaming websites answering personality quizzes.

Wait, I just realized that I got percentages lower than 20% when I scored ISTP... What does it mean? =|

1% for a category would mean it was essentially a tossup. 20% is decently high. Almost nobody is completely anything, or you would die of fear of seeing another person if you were like a 100% introvert, lol. This statement can be made funnier if you look back through the thread and see who is 100% introvert.
The baddle haz jusd begunn!
Almost nobody is completely anything, or you would die of fear of seeing another person if you were like a 100% introvert, lol.

Actually, in this test the introverted/extroverted thing is more about what you do to recharge, rather than how shy you are.  Basically, an introvert gets tired of being around people and needs to spend some time alone to reflect, while an extrovert is motivated by being around other people and gets bored when by himself.  So a 100% introvert would just be a person who never feels the need to be around other people.
sda loyalist
The INFP factoids are awesome btw

Yeah, we're a troublesome bunch, but we get things done. Our own way. I think the reason we argue so much is because we are both very strong in our ideals, and both see the innate logic of our own thoughts, but not each others'.

Also, I act very differently to different people. Most contact with SDA puts me in 'angry' mode. Smiley
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Enhasa: 2008-04-07 10:56:58 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Actually, in this test the introverted/extroverted thing is more about what you do to recharge, rather than how shy you are.  Basically, an introvert gets tired of being around people and needs to spend some time alone to reflect, while an extrovert is motivated by being around other people and gets bored when by himself.  So a 100% introvert would just be a person who never feels the need to be around other people.

Yeah I know, I was just joking.

I think the reason we argue so much is because we are both very strong in our ideals, and both see the innate logic of our own thoughts, but not each others'.

To be fair, I think everyone just argues with you. Tongue
Is there any information on compatability friendship/relationship-wise between each of the types? Most of my friends seem to be the opposite to me, other than them being extroverts too.
sda loyalist
Yeah, it's the same for me... my bunch of friends are all different types with me, and strangely enough, my best friend is ESTJ. Smiley
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groobo: 2008-04-07 11:25:32 am
Your Type is ISFP
Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences % 22 12 50 67

I feel so much gayer now.
I think that's very often the case actually, which is quite interesting. I'm a quiet loner type of guy (My Introvert percentage was 100 by the way) while a very good friend of mine is the EXACT opposite Wink
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %  
33 50 12 11

moderately expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality
I might as well ask how has your personality type hurt or helped you in what you do here.

I like where it said "does it work" as a way of thinking which has helped in glitch finding and what not. It hasn't helped in the sense that it leads to me overlooking potential tricks because I thought it wouldn't work.
It does help when trying to apply humor to videos I edit.
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CannibalK9: 2008-04-07 12:15:47 pm
give me your eyes!!!
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %  
78 38 12 1

very expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality

I think that's 10 of us with that so far out of 38, probably makes sense.
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MTGjumper: 2008-04-07 01:57:12 pm
INTJ is slightly more common than ENTJ. I guess it makes sense, as being an extraversion seems at odds with intuitivity, thinking and judging.

It's surprising how many here are INTJ; it's as though those qualities are necessary in a speedrunner, or at least desirable.

I also find it surprising that statistacally more people are intraverted than extraverted. I seem to know a lot more extraverted people than intraverted, but that may be because you don't see as much of people who are intraverted :-P

moderately expressed introvert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality
I'm INTJ, the same type as Vin Diesel (apparantly).

Strength of the preferences % 
100 94 100 67

very expressed introvert
very expressed intuitive personality
very expressed thinking personality
distinctively expressed judging personality

I love how this really points out just how unbalanced and robotic I am.
Everything's better with Magitek
INFJ (Counselor Idealist)
Strength of the preferences %
89      12      12      33

According to this description, it fits me pretty well.  Apparently I have ESP! Smiley
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TheQuietMan: 2008-04-07 07:48:11 pm
Complete. Global. Saturation.
The INTJ's will take over the world. Us ENTJ's must start a cult and defeat these scientists. Our outgoing energetic charismatic confident nature will be no match for their thinking-about-everything non-social non-unity personalities.
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Enhasa: 2008-04-07 07:58:46 pm
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
It's surprising how many here are INTJ; it's as though those qualities are necessary in a speedrunner, or at least desirable.

This is exactly what I said when I first made the thread. My goal was first to actually see how many people would be INTJ. Now that I've actually been around for a while, my new goal is just to see what type certain people get (and laugh when it's obvious like TheVoid). So many of these are matching my preconceptions really.

The INTJ's will take over the world. Us ENTJ's must start a cult and defeat these scientists. Our outgoing energetic charismatic confident nature will be no match for their thinking-about-everything non-social non-unity personalities.

I know that was just a facetious ligerish post, but I think you are the only ENTJ so far. Actually I think you and andrewg are the only extraverts. Tongue
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MTGjumper: 2008-04-07 08:17:22 pm
*Raises hand*

I'm ENTJ too. I mean, we'll do anything you do, but we'll leave the house too  Tongue
While you foolishly expose yourself by leaving the confinements of your own home, we will be waiting... in the dark... you will not last. HahahahaaHAAAHAAHAHAHAAA!
Everything's better with Magitek
Hmm, my husband just took this, and he got the same type as me (INFJ), although with different percents:
11      62      12      78

Not sure what that means...