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Enhasa: 2008-12-03 06:42:57 pm
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Since people seem to be wondering this, the percentages measure how much you are introverted or sensing or whatever. If you get 1% introverted, that means you are basically in the middle between introverted and extraverted. If you get 20%, you would be decently introverted, and if you are 100%, extremely introverted.

When you get your 4 letters, you can click on a description or look it up on wikipedia or something.

Go here to determine your MBTI type if you don't know already. This may seem like a lot of those stupid "what ___ are you?" quizzes online, but it's not. Although MBTI is used in business and is generally well regarded, don't put too much into it, especially when it rigidly defines you. Jung and a lot of those old guys were a little loony, and self-testing is kinda hit or miss anyway.

I made this thread to see if runners would gravitate towards a certain type. I'm thinking more INTJ's, the J being important to be pedantic enough to have good runs, and the I to fit the gamer stereotype I guess. T/F, I'm guessing there's more T's, but might have some F's based on what type of game you like. N/S I really don't know which would be more common for speedrunning.

Edit: Since I made this thread, I've come to think that the INTJ on tasvideos would be very strong, but the people I've met here at SDA seem to be more diverse (every gaming site is mostly introverts though).

Another Edit! Cromarty has volunteered to track the types of the people who have responded so far in this thread, for the good of Science.


As for me, I get a very strong INFP, the "healer idealist." I have to admit, the INFP description matches me way too perfectly (including the negatives), it's almost creepy. A lot of people say this when they read their type description, btw. And it's not just you can read the ambiguous things how you like. I don't agree when I read any of the others.

Explanation: This is all off the top of my head, so somebody correct me if they know better.

There are 4 axes that are each on a continuum: Introverted/Extroverted, iNtuitive/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, and Perceiving/Judging. Each set is independent, but within each set it's a sliding scale between two opposites, like a confidence interval. 78% strength introverted for you means that you are very introverted and very NOT extroverted. The 1% sensing means that you fall about halfway in between intuitive and sensing, just on the sensing side.

I guess I can overly generalize what each factor means:
Introverted: like to keep to yourself
Extroverted: like the company of others
Intuitive: feel out the situation using your intuition
Sensing: use what your 5 senses tell you, this can also be thought of as concrete vs abstract
Thinking: rely more on rational thought, act more calculating
Feeling: rely more on emotions, act more empathic
Perceiving: go with the flow, not too uptight
Judging: control freak, want organization
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slYnki: 2005-12-27 05:49:25 am
I got a "YAAB," which stands for "You are a bitch." That's just not fair <_<;
I don't know what any of this really means, but I got...

Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
The BaldurManiac
Your Type is
Introverted      Sensing      Thinking      Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78      1      75      44

ISTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ISTJ type description by J. Butt

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

    * very expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed sensing personality
    * distinctively expressed thinking personality
    * moderately expressed judging personality
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Enhasa: 2005-12-27 06:18:08 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
For DAMURDOC and anyone else who does this, the 1% S means it's really weak. So INTJ is just as likely as ISTJ for you.

Edit: kratos, you can click on the links after the test to see what it means.
The BaldurManiac
For DAMURDOC and anyone else who does this, the 1% S means it's really weak.

Weak in what? sensing? Sensing what?
ISFP! I feel like Spider-Man.
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Enhasa: 2005-12-27 07:12:10 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Weak in what? sensing? Sensing what?

I moved my response to this to the first post, at the bottom.
Sleeping Terror
I'd been thinking of starting a topic about this. I've seen some interesting results on other boards. At a guess, I'd say the largest group here will be _ST_. Have to wait 'til a lot of people try this test, and see if I'm right...

As for me, I'm INFP. Took the test again to get the numbers, and came up with 33/75/62/44.
King of hearts
INTJ - 44 75 50 33

I remember taking this test a long time ago and I think I got the same thing.  Though, I'm pretty sure I answered a few questions differently.

Reading the description is seriously like a person diving into my brain and reading me, it's scary.  I just read some more... it's just too wierd...
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soteos: 2005-12-27 09:16:52 am
I got something about being reasonable and stuff. I forgot. Wasn't too convinced.
I have summed this test up in two questions (;D)

1. Do you like being around people?
Yes- means you are sociable
No- means you are solitary

2. Do you think before you act?
Yes- means you think things through
No- means you're an idiot (what else?)
MGS for PS1 forever.
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alexpenev: 2005-12-27 12:43:16 pm
I got INFP (hi Strangeness), but my sways were all quite small (30/10/10/10) I skipped a couple of questions that were confusing, and some were iffy... I bet I could cross over to the other side of the pivot if I take this again.

Edit: Did it again, and toggled some of the 50-50 questions. ISTP (30/30/0/10) this time. Seems only I__P are consistent for me, the rest depend on mood.
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Dragondarch: 2005-12-27 12:40:51 pm
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %  
100 1 12 56

Upon reading the 2 "evaluations" I find both of them to be a bit off...
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InsaneB4st4rd: 2005-12-27 12:52:26 pm
Still alive...

And is there a german version of this test? I would like to understand on what I click.  Roll Eyes

And the description pretty much fits me.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

11      50      50      56
Sleeping Terror
Strength of the preferences % 
100 1 12 56

Upon reading the 2 "evaluations" I find both of them to be a bit off...

Since you fall nearly in the middle on two of them, I'd be surprised if you didn't find the evaluations a bit off. I find the INFP description rather fitting for myself, but then, none of my categories test near the middle.

Remember, these tests can reflect your personality, but they're only tests. And the descriptions would be different if they wrote them about someone with those numbers, not just the average person with that result. If they give bad descriptions, don't place any more importance on it than you would bad astrology.
Yeah, I know. It's all just humor for me anyway  Wink
I got INFJ.

Reading the description it seems reasonably accurate.
I got ISTP with 30s in just about every category.  Feh.
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VorpalEdge: 2005-12-27 02:52:33 pm
welcome to the machine

Meh, I'm not surprised.  Much of the stuff about my type in the references seems to be wrong, though.  I do *not* spend too much time second-guessing myself.  I'm way too self-confident for that.  I admit there's a possibility, but I don't think about it until it's forced on me by something else.  Or I let other people do that for me, and just say 'you're right' on occasion.

Then there's this:
INTPs thrive on systems. Understanding, exploring, mastering, and manipulating systems can overtake the INTP's conscious thought.

So true.
1 25 50 56

Except for the fact that I stand by what I believe is right and I'm not afraid to make decissions, this description seems off for me. The description of the ISTPs seems to be more applicable to myself, even if it's still not overly accurate. But hey, with such an generic test, the results can't be expected to be very accurate.
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andrewg: 2005-12-27 03:50:11 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
56 50  25 33
I'd kill for a nobel peace prize...

Introverted 33
Intuitive 75
Thinking 25
Perceiving 22
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Mad_Andy: 2005-12-27 04:26:43 pm
My type is ISFP
47 35 30 20