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Sir VG: 2008-04-01 02:16:29 am
Fucking Weeaboo
I had a little time today so I pulled this out and gave it a run.  I had been practicing at work (yes, I know I'm a lazy slacker).

This run will be 100%, meaning all the hidden switches will be hit.  This means the message after beating Nightmare King will display.

Timing I'm using is such:

Start time: When the Level 1 animation is displayed
End Time: Final hit on Nightmare King

v1 was 1:18:00.  Suffered a few deaths (though I did make it all the way to Level 4 before my 1st one), but when it comes down to being cautious or dying, I'll take the death. ^^;;  (Poor Kirby.)

Overall it wasn't bad, but I'll be giving it another go later.
Thread title:  

I think the other guy gave up or something. Anyways, it's good that you're bringing this project up again.
Obey the Daleks or be Exterminated! Riiiiiiight...
I would rather there be a deathless run, instead of a run with deaths.  Also, what weapon did you use against King Dedede?  I would think that laser would do very good in defeating him pretty fast, and also to keep him at bay as well.
You got a deletion wish?
The pink puffball strikes again!  Go, VG!
Edit history:
Sir VG: 2006-09-05 05:18:36 am
Fucking Weeaboo
For DeDeDe, I believe I grabbed a sword.

I would rather there be a deathless run, instead of a run with deaths.

Kirby games may be easy to play, but they're actually quite difficult to speedrun.  I'll try to have as few as possible, but I make no guarantees of a deathless run.

One funny note, I'm using a PSX controller plugged into the cube to play, and while everything is nice and all, the L1/R1 buttons are the Z button replacements, so if you hit them, it brings up the stupid menu.  I need to break them, considering my hand placement. Tongue

One last thing.  Who was it that mentioned about the "secret" door in 6-2?  I remembered that being mentioned somewhere and I will use it on the run.  Which FURTHER makes a deathless run unlikely.  (I hate the throw and backdrop bosses.  HATE HATE HATE.)
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psxfreak101: 2006-09-05 12:54:11 pm
Yay, a normal run of Nightmare in Dreamland.  Nobody probably remembers me but I did post here about a year ago hijacking one of the previous NiD topics, mainly to ask about Meta Knightmare mode times (which mine still stands at 39:08, and I've still yet to hear of a faster time).  Clearly, I lurk.  I'd be very interested in watching a normal run for this, and it might give me enough incentive to improve on my Meta Knightmare time, just for kicks.

One last thing.  Who was it that mentioned about the "secret" door in 6-2?  I remembered that being mentioned somewhere and I will use it on the run.  Which FURTHER makes a deathless run unlikely.  (I hate the throw and backdrop bosses.  HATE HATE HATE.)

I found the quote from one of the previous topic about this:

On level 6-2, there is a hidden door directly above the door on the first screen.  This lets you skip the first three bosses, but the remaining bosses are harder (they move faster).

I think the wrong stage was noted, as I'm sure the poster was referring to 7-2, where that "mini-boss gauntlet" occurs (either way, I know for sure that the mini-boss gauntlet occurs in the 7th world, haven't played this in AGES, but I'm certain it's the 7th world).  Either way, that's the shortcut you're looking for/referring to.  I used that door everytime I played through MK mode, and did notice that the bosses are a lot quicker.  Of course, skipping 3 bosses saves time, regardless of the increase in difficulty in the other bosses, and you also get the opportunity to pick up 5 1ups after the last boss (but that'd be pretty useless in the long run, especially this far into a run).

I don't believe that there are any other shortcuts in this game.  I look forward to seeing this though Smiley
Fucking Weeaboo
Yeah, you're right.  7-2.

Anyways, this morning I pulled out another attempt.  Mostly better, though a death at Nightmare King about 1 hit away SUCKED. ;_;

Time: 1:14:44
what console is this for?
Fucking Weeaboo
It's the GBA remake.
kk, thanks
You got a deletion wish?
It's a remake of Kirby's Adventure on NES.
I would have preferred seeing the NES version run, but this is better than nothing.

And now I can finally believe that a run for this will get up on SDA.
Edit history:
Sir VG: 2006-09-05 11:09:43 pm
Fucking Weeaboo
Since my afternoon meeting got cancelled, I had time to run it again.

v3 - 1:11:07

I had two stupid deaths (I died more than this, but two REALLY stupid deaths).  I died at Kracko (HOW THE HELL DO YOU DIE AT KRACKO?!) and one at Metaknight. Sad

I'm still chopping the time down though. ^^

*does a kirby dance*

I would have preferred seeing the NES version run, but this is better than nothing.

Yeah, well....I don't own the NES one.  Sorry.
You got a deletion wish?
*does a kirby dance*

Too bad he's sucking in the league. (3-way tie for 2nd)
Speed Running Joy-bringer

Heh heh... that must have sucked. But that cloud isn't excactly a piece of cake if I remember.
Fucking Weeaboo
Heh heh... that must have sucked. But that cloud isn't excactly a piece of cake if I remember.

Actually I was doing the hi-jump section and fell off the bottom of the screen.  Like, MAJOR STUPID.

Honestly though, Kracko isn't that hard on NiD.  I find him harder in AM.
I'm really hesitant to provide any advice, as I only own the NES version, and I'm not sure of all the changes.  Bear in mind that anything I say may not be true for the GBA remake.

Against King Dedede, I would strongly recommend using the Ball power.  Grab it from the beginning of 7-4 before battling.

King Dedede takes 10 Normal star hits to go down (a multi-star hit does 2.5x normal).

Sword only does 0.5x Normal, whereas Ball does 1.6x normal.  The only reusable powers that come close to Ball are Hammer/Stone (the latter I wouldn't recommend), which do 1x Normal.

Just practise, as Ball isn't the easiest power to use against bosses.  I like to drop down, grazing the back of the boss's head, and land behind before bouncing.  Or you could use it like High Jump; roll up to the boss, and jump through its face.
Fucking Weeaboo
v4 is done.  I'm still having problems getting anywhere near deathless, nor do I really feel I will get there as long as that DAMN STUPID BACKDROP BOSS EXISTS GRRRRAAAARGH.

*breathe in, breathe out*

Anyways, v4's time is 1:08:38.  No stupid death at Kracko at least this time.

I'm wondering how much I can honestly improve this.  I'm sure it is improvable, but I'm just starting to feel like I'm reaching my limit...
I'm glad to see you're making progress on this.  I'm really interested to see what changes were made in this update of the NES game.

Have you tried out my suggestion for King Dedede?  Or did the developers fix Ball's insane power?

One trick I discovered independently from the TAS (which is unreasonable to copy, as it abuses picking Wheel from any Mix) is to slide off of an edge, immediately holding forward to maintain the speed boost.  As long as you minimize contact with the ground, you can keep up the boost for quite a while.  Ball is really good for this.  Of course, the developers may have messed with this, too.
Fucking Weeaboo
I tried playing around with Ball a bit in practice, but I'm having some problems getting it down.  Ball is by far one of the hardest powers to control in the Kirby series, outside of double-fire in Kirby 64 with all that time that you lose control after that power is done. ^^;;
Fucking Weeaboo
v5 is under wraps.  The beginning went smoother, but the end is still hard as hell.  7-2 will forever be my bane.  Grrr.

v5 - 1:05:59.  I'm surprised I got as much improvement out as I did.
Fucking Weeaboo
During a process which I wanted to output a computer to my TV, I redid my video input config for my consoles as well.

Kirby finally proved that there IS a minute amount of lag in my DVD Recorder.  Not much, but I know it's there now.

With that, I'm back on the trail of improving this.  I made it all the way to World 5 w/o dying, though things got a bit sloppy after that.  Given the number of deaths, some bad luck in 6-2 leading me to lose mallet (and not be able to get the switch), and dumb (but deathless) DeDeDe and Nightmare King battles, I'm hoping maybe I can get it under 1 hour, but I'd REALLY have to push it.

v6 - 1:03:51
You got a deletion wish?
Sounds like if you get through it without dying, you should get under it.
Fucking Weeaboo
Well, 7-2 is forever gonna be my bane and I'm not sure I can get avoid a death there (stupid backdrop boss).  But if I can drop out most of the other deaths (at least the stupid ones) I can.

The other spot I'm having trouble avoiding a death on a consistant basis is the end of World 6.  I usually wind up taking too much damage at the last level and start the boss (Meta Knight) with too little life to survive. -_-;;

Will keep on trucking though...
Well, I wish you luck.  Literally.  The random movements of enemies can really mess you up.

I tried out little things running the NES version, but put it on hold when I realized that my controller buttons weren't always registering.  It's too bad, too, as I was getting good at balling King Dedede.  At least I will be able to appreciate the level of skill in your eventual run.

Interestingly, I found level 7-2 to be one of the easier levels -- grab hammer, and then let the later bosses dash past you, beating them to death as they recover.  I did hear that the bosses in the GBA-remake were made bigger -- are they too large to jump over now?  Or do they have higher health/faster recovery time/etc.?

It's too bad that you can't copy the TAS strategy, which abuses MIX to get Wheel right at the start of the game.  Unless....

I've noticed that the roulette spins through the powers in a predetermined order, and if you swallow two of the same enemy, then the roulette always starts/ends on the same power.  If there are two different enemies, then it seems to randomly choose which enemy's starting point to use.  Also note that it is relatively easy (with a bit of practise) to reliably grab the second-last power.

My point is:  at the very beginning of 1-1, you can grab two Beam enemies to get Throw, with Back-Drop being the second-last.  Not useful, but if you combine one Beam with a Spark (found right after), and the game chooses to use Spark's starting point, then the second-last is Wheel (I forgot what the very last is).  This should let you blast through the first few levels.

Once again, the GBA-remake may be different, but I would still recommend messing around with mixing.