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Just ran a 31:00 On STCE! Luckiest run i will ever achieve. I was lucky enough for the arena with the huge spikes in the middle before the first javier cutscene after pico and that + no cutscenes until the boss saved about 2 minutes on a run i was about 40 seconds up on already Smiley I feel crazy right now and hopefully i can figure out why this is to save some time for everybody!!
Hello. I would like to start speedrunning guacamelee stce and i was wondering if there is a FAQ or something that explains how to do the glitches and tricks that are used.
Hi Bellyfist! We've created a YouTube channel called Guacommunity, which has video tutorials on most of the glitches and tricks, but please bear in mind that if you are thinking of running the Super Turbo Championship Edition, the tricks may differ slightly. Most of us here run the Gold Edition for PC, as not many of us have new generation consoles to play STCE. If you have any questions, I'm sure that at least one of us here will be able to answer them. I hope this helps and welcome to the community!
Thanks! I'll go and check it out.
hey quick question about the SDG warp from mansion to canal entrance. Where exactly do i do the SDG on the premade save file
Posting a run of STCE soon! Huge ass upload so :/ Its a 32:17 without arena skip (was not lucky enough) But its on the way!
Jstarks you do it in Forest Del Chivo at the hut by where you get Rooster Uppercut.
Quote from Bagel_Thief:
Jstarks you do it in Forest Del Chivo at the hut by where you get Rooster Uppercut.

Alright thanks im trying the route out now.
Heres a true run by me, much requested Smiley

i have literally been practicing swaphopping for 2 hours and still cant get two in a row. is it pollo form then jump RB then RT then RB RB then RT again. Iyt seems like an insane amount of inputs for the time you have. any help?
Ive watched the tutorial i just have no idea why i cant get it. The time in the air just seems too short i cant get it at all:((((
Tachyon, I haven't done any speedrunning for this game as I just finished it 100%.  Can you explain the whole playing through slots 1 and 2 with all the quitting and restarting.  It was confusing watching some of the video on what you were actually doing and how it works.  Thanks!
Edit history:
Protongue: 2014-07-18 04:47:37 pm
Protongue: 2014-07-18 03:57:37 pm
Nice run, Tachyon! Getting through Great Temple with only a single death is very impressive. Too bad about Calaca 1 being so blue shield heavy!
Do you plan on doing runs that prioritize real time over in-game time? Real time routing could be interesting. Eel mentioned using two pre-made saves to set warp regions as quickly as possible, which could be a neat optimization.

Quote from Jstarks19:
i have literally been practicing swaphopping for 2 hours and still cant get two in a row. is it pollo form then jump RB then RT then RB RB then RT again. Iyt seems like an insane amount of inputs for the time you have. any help?

Learning the swap hop rhythm takes practice. To start off, try doing it horizontally from an elevated area
(such as the Sierra Morena hills in Weskurrr's original video: ).
This way, you can practice the inputs without the need to gain height. Here are step-by-step swap hop instructions to confirm you're doing the right inputs:

1. Start in pollo form on the ground
2. Hold down the A button (don't let go!)
3. At the top of your pollo jump height, press LB and then LT
4. At the top of your human jump height, press LB
5. Once you're back in pollo form, press LB and then LT
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5

You can also replace LT presses with right analog stick flicks. Tachyon uses that approach to good success.
Edit history:
Protongue: 2014-07-21 11:45:42 am
Protongue: 2014-07-18 08:36:21 pm
Protongue: 2014-07-18 08:35:59 pm
Protongue: 2014-07-18 04:53:53 pm
Protongue: 2014-07-18 04:18:35 pm
There's a possible skip for Guacamelee! Gold Edition, and it might have utility in certain STCE categories too. I haven't timed it out yet, though.

The Guacamelee! STCE FAQ ( mentions that you can use El Infierno room #8 to "restore" special moves, and this applies to Gold Edition as well. When you exit this room, the game checks the current objective to determine which special moves to restore (Rooster Uppercut, Olmec Headbutt, Frog Slam, Dashing Derp Derp, Goat Climb, and Goat Fly).

This leads to a Temple of War skip for Guacamelee! Gold Edition. Here's the basic idea:
1. After acquiring Double Jump from Tule Tree, enter and exit Sierra Morena to trigger its associated objective.
2. Go to El Infierno room #8. Upon leaving this room, you will have Dashing Derp Derp and Goat Climb.
3. Go back to Sierra Morena and complete the game.

It might be possible to skip Tule Tree and Double Jump too, with the addition of Goat Climb.
I'll be doing some tests to see if this route change saves time. It might open up some other skips as well!

EDIT: This skip is faster, and shakes up Any% in disappointing way. Losing Temple of War is unfortunate, but gaining Goat Climb for free really reduces the run's skill level Sad
EDIT 2: Skipping Tule Tree and playing the game without Double Jump can be made faster, despite the disadvantage. This might actually be an interesting route change after all...
@ BAR JACKIE Please add me on xbox i would love to be of help! The STCE run as far as it goes is hard to explain through text.

ANYWAYS i have a video here that can save really good runners 1P1C about 3 seconds, and its easy!
Edit history:
Tachyon: 2014-07-19 10:57:15 pm
Tachyon: 2014-07-19 09:02:47 am
Just ran a 48:49 On Any% Normal ! Im hyped!!
Alright im super interested in running this game but have no clue where to start to learn.
Edit history:
Protongue: 2014-07-22 06:15:30 pm
Protongue: 2014-07-22 06:11:33 pm
Quote from Ivanthemoderate:
Alright im super interested in running this game but have no clue where to start to learn.

Welcome Ivan!

A good place to start might be to practice movement and combat. Watch other runs on Twitch/YouTube to see how they handle platforming and arenas. For studying these fundamentals, I recommend watching FriedEel's runs:

Routing and tricks vary between the original release (PC, PS3, Vita) and Super Turbo Championship Edition (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, Wii U). As far as speedrunning tricks go, these are the main ones (from the original release, but still applicable to STCE with some variations):
* Wall hopping :
* Swap hopping :
* Select door glitch :
* El Infierno No. 8 (read "new tech" section in video description for details):
Ruling the cosmos!
I'm just getting into this game as well, so I appreciate this post, Protongue, it's very helpful. I might also ask, though, is there some sort of leaderboards of some sort where people tend to post their times, such as PBTracker? (my apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I haven't the patience to read through 500 posts)
Quote from Copilot:
I'm just getting into this game as well, so I appreciate this post, Protongue, it's very helpful. I might also ask, though, is there some sort of leaderboards of some sort where people tend to post their times, such as PBTracker? (my apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I haven't the patience to read through 500 posts) is where we post PBs and stuff, and we have a wiki for some of the tricks in the run.

Man, no double jump runs are looking pretty insane. I'M SCARED GUYS
Ruling the cosmos!
Cool, thanks a ton.
Edit history:
CnEY: 2014-07-31 10:37:33 pm
I've been somewhat casually speedrunning Guacamelee! Gold Edition on PC for the past week or so (1:03:00 IGT) and only now stumbled across this thread.  You guys are all awesome.  I also only just now discovered the wiki page on Guacommunity that maps out the SDG.  That's some amazing work.

Gotta admit I'm intrigued by that El Infierno glitch, mainly because I'm horrendously slow at wall-hopping right now compared to the top runners Smiley

Last I checked some of the wiki pages seemed unfinished... would there be interest in e.g. finishing the any% route page (at least, given the current WR route)?  I'd be willing to write some stuff, even though I'm relatively a noob myself.

Edit: hahaha I crack myself up.  "Current WR route."  I said that before I noticed Protongue's Infierno-route run.  So uh, yeah, I could try writing that one up, if it'd help people.
Hi CnEY!

to be honest, the only reason we've not wrote up the route for all the categories is that they keep changing...GRR. By the time one of us would stop being lazy to do it, a new strat usually comes up and changes the whole damn thing. Protongue and FriedEel maintain the Wiki so they would be better suited than me to ask for your help on that (I know nothing on how to do it). As for routes we usually say to watch our YouTube videos to get the latest one as we are pretty good at keeping on top of that.

Look forward to seeing you move up the board man!
Welcome CnEY! Thanks for the kind words on the SDG writeup. I started writing wiki articles a couple months ago, but abandoned the project due to a lack of personal interest and collaboration. Definitely do some writeups if you are feeling motivated, as it will help new players learn the game. But as Bagel mentioned, things have been volatile as far as routing is concerned, so keep that in mind Tongue

Also, a note about the El Infierno glitch - room #3 works just like #8 for ability acquirement. Use room #3 from now on to save an easy 9 seconds.
I apologize in advance if this question was asked or answered somewhere within the prior 20-page history of this thread...  I've noticed that the recent WR runs skip the first Javier dialogue in Sierra Morena.  What's the trick to that?  I've been curious but haven't found any explanation yet.

I hope to work on updating the any% route on the Guacommunity wiki sometime this week.