OK, so there's been some activity on skype lately, and Nitrodon, Freddeh and myself have all but cut Vaan out of the post-Jellies route. It's not like he's the main character anyway.
Basically it looks like he will be used for a little bit of running, and maybe Shemhazai if Basch is a little short on LP for some reason. Also we get a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace after Bergan instead of an Officer's Hat from Phon Coast, and it goes to Basch instead of Vaan.
So, here are some updated License Board routes. And even these might get blown up if we incorporate some of the things Emanon does in the early game...
Up to Jellies
No early Golden Amulets
One early Golden Amulet
Two early Golden Amulets
So, here are some updated License Board routes. And even these might get blown up if we incorporate some of the things Emanon does in the early game...
Up to Jellies
Before Daguza
Vaan: WM1, BM1
Before Mimic Queen
Balthier: BM1
Vaan: BM2, TM1, AM1, TM2, Staves 1
Fran: BM2, TM1, AM1
Ashe: BM 1-2, TM1, AM1, TM2
Penelo: BM1, BM2, TM1, AM1, TM2, Staves 1, Light Armor 2, Shields 1, Mystic Armor 2 and 3
After Garuda
Ashe: WM 3, Gambit 20, ML25, Spellbreaker, Smallswords, Staves 1*
Penelo: Gambit 15, HP+50, Gambit 20, ML25, Spellbreaker
*If Ashe is short LP, she can wait until after Demon Wall to get either Staves or Spellbreaker
Licenses before Henne Mines
Vaan: Light Armor 2, Daggers 2, Poles 1
Balthier: Traveler
Basch: Daggers 1-2, Poles 1, Shields 3, Heavy Armor 4, Accessories 5, 7 and 8
Penelo: Daggers 2, Poles 1
Vaan: WM1, BM1
Before Mimic Queen
Balthier: BM1
Vaan: BM2, TM1, AM1, TM2, Staves 1
Fran: BM2, TM1, AM1
Ashe: BM 1-2, TM1, AM1, TM2
Penelo: BM1, BM2, TM1, AM1, TM2, Staves 1, Light Armor 2, Shields 1, Mystic Armor 2 and 3
After Garuda
Ashe: WM 3, Gambit 20, ML25, Spellbreaker, Smallswords, Staves 1*
Penelo: Gambit 15, HP+50, Gambit 20, ML25, Spellbreaker
*If Ashe is short LP, she can wait until after Demon Wall to get either Staves or Spellbreaker
Licenses before Henne Mines
Vaan: Light Armor 2, Daggers 2, Poles 1
Balthier: Traveler
Basch: Daggers 1-2, Poles 1, Shields 3, Heavy Armor 4, Accessories 5, 7 and 8
Penelo: Daggers 2, Poles 1
No early Golden Amulets
After Tiamat
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3 – this leaves Basch 24 LP short of GM1 baseline after Bergan
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2*
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
*Ashe will likely be slightly short at first
Before leaving the Henne Mines, make sure that Ashe has at least 210 LP available after getting the above licenses (this is seven behind baseline, but workable)
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3*
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
*AM 2-3 will likely have to wait until after Vinuskar, which is fine
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1 (if you got Cura earlier you may have to postpone PL3 or LA6)
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
Ashe has a decent chance of being able to afford MA6 here – test if she needs warmage
Before Ahriman
Ashe: Warmage, MA6
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan: AM3 (optional: GM1) – Vaan doesn’t need to be used here
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2 (and AM3 if not using Vaan)
Ashe: WM5, GM4
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
After Tyrant
Ashe: Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
After Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
Optional: GM1 for Basch
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, plus any following she can afford: Channelling 80, ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 (if she can afford it) – Penelo done
Beat the game
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3 – this leaves Basch 24 LP short of GM1 baseline after Bergan
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2*
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
*Ashe will likely be slightly short at first
Before leaving the Henne Mines, make sure that Ashe has at least 210 LP available after getting the above licenses (this is seven behind baseline, but workable)
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3*
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
*AM 2-3 will likely have to wait until after Vinuskar, which is fine
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1 (if you got Cura earlier you may have to postpone PL3 or LA6)
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
Ashe has a decent chance of being able to afford MA6 here – test if she needs warmage
Before Ahriman
Ashe: Warmage, MA6
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan: AM3 (optional: GM1) – Vaan doesn’t need to be used here
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2 (and AM3 if not using Vaan)
Ashe: WM5, GM4
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
After Tyrant
Ashe: Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
After Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
Optional: GM1 for Basch
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, plus any following she can afford: Channelling 80, ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 (if she can afford it) – Penelo done
Beat the game
One early Golden Amulet
If you get the Golden Amulet from the chest, put it on Basch just before you finish the Tiamat fight
After Tiamat
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
For Jellies 1 give Basch the Golden until Ashe can afford it (52 Jellies baseline), then Penelo when she can (100 baseline)
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, MA6*
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
*Ashe has exactly enough for this baseline, postponing MA6 isn’t a big deal
Optional: give Basch +150 HP before Ahriman
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan: AM3 (optional: GM1) – Vaan doesn’t need to be used here
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2 (and AM3 if not using Vaan)
Ashe: WM5, GM4, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
Before Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, Channeling 80, plus any following she can afford: ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 – Penelo done
Beat the game
After Tiamat
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
For Jellies 1 give Basch the Golden until Ashe can afford it (52 Jellies baseline), then Penelo when she can (100 baseline)
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, MA6*
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
*Ashe has exactly enough for this baseline, postponing MA6 isn’t a big deal
Optional: give Basch +150 HP before Ahriman
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan: AM3 (optional: GM1) – Vaan doesn’t need to be used here
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2 (and AM3 if not using Vaan)
Ashe: WM5, GM4, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
Before Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, Channeling 80, plus any following she can afford: ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 – Penelo done
Beat the game
Two early Golden Amulets
If you get a Golden Amulet from the chest, put it on Basch just before you finish the Tiamat fight
After Tiamat
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
For Jellies 1 give Ashe the second amulet as soon as she can afford it (52 Jellies baseline), then give Basch’s to Penelo when she can (100 baseline)
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, MA6*
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
*Ashe has exactly enough for this baseline, postponing MA6 isn’t a big deal
Optional: give Basch +150 HP before Ahriman
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2, Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan or Basch: AM3 (optional: GM1 for Vaan if used)
Ashe: WM5, GM4, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
Before Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, Channeling 80, plus any following she can afford: ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 – Penelo done
Beat the game
After Tiamat
Minimum 110 Jellies assumed for each round
Basch: Steal, Gambit 15, PL1
Penelo: Rods 1, Staves 2, BM3 Headsman*
Penelo will likely be just short of Headsman. If she is, give it to her after the first wave
For Jellies 1 give Ashe the second amulet as soon as she can afford it (52 Jellies baseline), then give Basch’s to Penelo when she can (100 baseline)
Between rounds of Jellies
Basch: (optional) WM 1-3
Ashe: Accessories 5, 7 and 8, BM3, Rods 1, Staves 2
Penelo: Quickening, Accessories 8
Before Stillshrine
Basch: Gambit 25, Shield Block, Traveler, Remedy Lore 1, Phoenix Lore, PL2, Spellbound
Ashe: Mystic Armor 2, 3 and 5, Gambit 40, Swiftness 30, AM 2-3
Penelo: Swiftness 30, Spellbound, Ether Lore 1, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, Channeling 50
After Bergan
Buy two Sorcerer’s Hats and Habits and a Pirate Hat from Bur Omisace
At Phon Coast camp do that shopping
Vaan: HA6 (straight right from LA2), LA6
Basch: LA6, Shields 4, HA6, PL3, WM 1-2, GM1
Ashe: Spellbound, ML40, Channeling 30, Warmage, MA6*
Penelo: Mystic Armor 5-6, ML55
*Ashe has exactly enough for this baseline, postponing MA6 isn’t a big deal
Optional: give Basch +150 HP before Ahriman
Before Cid
Basch: +150 HP
Ashe: BM4
Penelo: BM4
Before Rafflesia
Basch: Swiftnesses 30 and 50, WM 3-4, GM3, AM2, Belias
Ashe: Channeling 50, ML55
Penelo: BM5, Quickening
Fran: AM2
Before Tyrant
Vaan or Basch: AM3 (optional: GM1 for Vaan if used)
Ashe: WM5, GM4, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Penelo: WM5, Gambit 50, Swiftness 50
Before Hydro
Fran: AM5, Quickenings: left of WM8, below Axes and Hammers 3, and below Greatswords 1 – Fran done
Basch: Remedy Lore 3, HP +200
Ashe: BM5
Penelo: GM 4-5, AM 4-5
After Hydro
Balthier: GM3 – Balthier done
Before Slyt
Basch: BL 80, HP +500
Before Cid
Basch: WM5, Acc. 11, Shemhazai – Basch done
Penelo: Channeling 80, ML 80, Quickening
After Cid
Ashe: Famfrit, Channeling 80, plus any following she can afford: ML80, Brawler + ML 120 – Ashe done
Penelo: ML 120 – Penelo done
Beat the game