Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
I've been improving my time by a lot since I started doing this game. My first time was 2:14 now it's down to 1:26. I'm getting better and better and hopefully I'll do more runs and practice of this game
Crash Twinsanity(100%)
I've been recently practicing first levels of the game. I've managed to find some new stuff and even made skip consistent. Hopefully I'll manage to practice rest of the game
I've been improving my time by a lot since I started doing this game. My first time was 2:14 now it's down to 1:26. I'm getting better and better and hopefully I'll do more runs and practice of this game
Crash Twinsanity(100%)
I've been recently practicing first levels of the game. I've managed to find some new stuff and even made skip consistent. Hopefully I'll manage to practice rest of the game