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I might be a bit of an arse and ask for a bare minimum amount of people talking in the call, unless they know my game inside and out, or ask questions/take questions from the chat based on my run. I'd like to give a bit of commentary, as it seems many people are kind of unsure about the games I'm running. There would be plenty of spots for donation comments though, I just wouldn't like it being too noisy. Also, people need to hear the rapid keyboard clattering. People love that apparently.
I forgot to mention that I can save Agrippa as a donation incentive. If it is too late to add this incentive that is completely understandable (I am planning on saving him either way). Also, I think Bl00d_Thunder is going to co-commentate with me. I expect to be giving pretty constant commentary throughout just so people know.
Yeah I'll be stepping in to help LePhoque with his commentary since he's a scrub <3.

For my BioShock and Quantum Conundrum runs, I'll probably be providing quite a bit of commentary for them as not too many people know what is going on in those games(speedrunning wise) so there probably won't be a lot of room for others to talk but reading comments/questions from the chat or donations should be fine :3

Arbitrary forum emu
I'd like to have Angiebug, PresJPolk, a person that's reading donations, and if UberGoos would like to join since they're after me, that's fine.

And... just as a fair warning, there will be game audio.

Once I'm done, I'll probably drop from the call and just settle into the twitch chat.
The TrUest of Shades
honestly  i don't care who is in my skype call.

Only person that gets priority is Kn4life during it.

Also there will be game audio through my mic, only warning
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-04-04 09:56:29 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-04 09:56:09 pm
I'm fine with people in the skype call for my fusion run, as long as I get priority for commentary, then dragondarch. Also as long as I get serious time for yakuza and sector 6 cleanup Tongue

(no, I don't really need serious time for nightmare 1% if that gets donated for... i should practice that a bit now though)
Quote from kirbymastah:
I'm fine with people in the skype call for my MZM run, as long as I get priority for commentary, then Kirbymastah.

I'm lazy and don't feel like typing too much, even though clicking quote, replacing text, bolding it, and typing this line probably took more effort than it would have taken to just type it out myself...
Did a little glitch work this morning.  I'm ready for this tomorrow.

Also yeah, I'd like Inzult's and my commentary to get some priority in my runs.
Infinite Combo
I want a call and I want it now.

anyway, yeah a call would be good now or soon, I need help to test more things
also I MUST be updated at all times on if Any% is in the lead or 100%.... its realy important.

tho I prefer 100% most practiced with this.
Edit history:
Softman25: 2013-04-05 07:41:42 am
Adventure an empty call.
Just a Skypey creeper...light on his mic. (OK FINE ILL STOP)

But yeah, I'll take anyone who wants in for my games...

Just shuddup when I ask, k? Tongue
Personal text
Quote from Softman25:
But yeah, I'll take anyone who wants in for my games...

Just shuddup when I ask, k? Tongue

Same goes for me
Guys check out;

TrUShade's website! It has EVERYTHING you need to watch this marathon on it.

Shout at to crew who have done this!
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I can vouch that TrUShade has a good website for viewing the marathon!
The TrUest of Shades
Quote from mikwuyma:
I can vouch that TrUShade has a good website for viewing the marathon!

Thanks, I have to really thank my friend Diedae (he is the techy). He agreed to help me set up the website for the marathon.
If only Twitch were reliable for STREAMING the marathon Kappa

May I never again see Status:Netstream.Reject
Before I can go and sleep for the next 48hours.

I just want to say thank you to everyone involved. We did an amazing job and I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves this weekend. I know not a lot of people had heard of this charity but hopefully it has raised some awareness!
We managed to hit our Goal of $3,000! This is amazing. I can't thank you guys enough for helping raise money for ICP Support.

Thanks again guys.
This means a great deal to me and I feel proud to be part of this community.

And now...over to this thread.

But yeah, big huge mega massive f***ing props to iMysty for setting this up. I believe my words at the end of James Bond Game Boy sum it all up pretty accurately. (If you were there for that)
Thank you iMysty for organizing this event. This was my first marathon, but everything went great and I had a terrific time!
I'd Like to give another BIG THANKS to iMysty for setting this all up as well! It was a great time and I loved it!
To everyone that watched and everyone that participated: if you saw something highlight-worthy, or you want something of your run highlighted, post it here with video timestamps so we can make the highlight! You can find all of the streams here.

We have one highlight already, thanks to the bonus stream! You can check it out here!
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-04-08 08:19:30 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-08 08:19:09 pm
Metroid Fusion
Saving one second: 43:45 - 44:38
Nightmare 1%: 1:12:48 - 1:15:00
Pogo Omega!!!: 1:55:28 - 1:56:35
Edit history:
TrUShade: 2013-04-09 03:15:46 pm
The TrUest of Shades
So i can't say all of James Bond GB then o.o

But seriously

Resident Evil: ORC

Wait wat: 1:37:17 - 1:40:07
I guess you could have the entire run as a highlight, but it would have to be spectacular! Cheesy <-- like that.
Well you obviously weren't present for James Bond GB then. happy

Since it keeps getting requested, I decided to find the time-stamps. Giving time stamps as per the videos themselves.


"Oh god I'm so dead" - 20:40 - 21:30
Reserved for other highlights - will go through run...maybe...

Alpha Protocol (Attached to Goldeneye video - same video, so timestamps as appropriate)

Final Scene / Steven Heck Final Speech - 2:54:58 - 2:57:00

Also, I know I said I wouldn't do my own runs. Well I lied, so bite me. Tongue
Final Fantasy - White Mage got the killshot on all four fiends in the final dungeon, I wasn't keeping track of Lich.

I believe every highlight mentioned so far has been made. Keep them coming! Cheesy