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when I used Mumble for sandy marathon, there was a bit of lag between mumble and the stream video itself. Though mumble is good, when I rewatched my runs from the sandython, I noticed that everything I said on mumble was a few seconds ahead of the stream itself. At the very least, Skype doesn't really have this problem (yeah, people in the skype call itself will see the stream before the actual call, but the skype call and stream will match up for the stream viewers, which is what matters)

I never used TeamSpeak so I can't say anything about it.
Mumble: I just reinstalled Mumble, but I can't really test it with anyone since I have no server to connect to. I recently bought a 3.5 mm headset to see if I could get rid of hearing myself that the USB headset is doing, but this one seems to have a problem that nobody can hear me at all (at least on Skype/stream). =\
Skype: Currently my best option, and would prefer to use this.
TeamSpeak: Don't have it, can't say anything about it.
If I had a Skype call set up. Got everyone in the call Friday so people can come in and out.

Would this be best?
Yeah just loop everyone in, then people can join or leave the audio as appropriate.
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
I couldn't use skype.  I tried this when i stream and I get disconnected from it.  Sucks but I think setup I have to use is just me talking unless someone can help me with mumble audio so it can help cancel out my gameplay audio.  I don't have line in so all sound comes from my pc
I think a Skype call would be best (for the majority of people), very easy to use and set up.

Mumble is a good 2nd choice, but there can be some problems with setting up audio quality and mics.
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iMysty: 2013-04-02 02:31:58 pm
Okay how is this.

We will use Skype for everyone who can. I will send everyone my Skype name tomorrow or later on.
If Skype is not good for you, we can use mumble as I have a mumble server. I do no have a TS server but a lot of people seem to use Mumble over TS anyway.
I use Skype to get people in on my own stream - works like a treat.

So yeah, I've got no qualms with this.
Talk to the Hand
Yes, I like Skype as a course of action myself. Used Mumble once for Sandython, and it worked well enough, although not so much better than Skype as to justify a permanent switch from me.
I shall jump on the Skype bandwagon myself. I don't have Mumble prepared and I've never used it before so it would mainly be personal preference.
I'm fine with Skype or Mumble. Either works fine for me.
Arbitrary forum emu
Ditto. I'm fine with either, as long as with Skype we have someone saying "okay, xxx, you can jump in the call now."

Also, should we be getting the stream key soon?
Note on chat moderation: There is a troll on Twitch who's registered literally almost 100 accounts to keep evading bans to post comments badmouthing speedrunners, attempting to make fun of me, and posting anti-Semitic remarks.

When I'm running I *will* need help moderating.
How will chat moderation work as a whole anyways?
Chat rules are posted on the channel page I believe.
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
So I did a full speedrun with webcam on and it wasn't too bad.  Will make sure I do a full test stream with how I want the stream layout to be presented to ensure it looks fine.  Also only thing I can wear that's semi-casual would be a polo.  So i'll try to look as best as I can and I'll also make it marathon language and ignore trolls
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Joka: 2013-04-03 02:10:43 pm
Personal text
Skype is fine for me too. However I still don't have a good mic-solution :/
Nevermind, I found a long enough extension cord. Should be possible now! Smiley
Chat moderation is generally just a common sense thing for the most part. I'll keep my troll side out of it for this of course. thumbsup (I've always been a fan of the 1 second time out for fun. But obviously, I only do it to those who know it is a joke, and on channels where everyone is cool...not here.)

RE: Skype - not sure how it's going to run exactly, on circumspection. I guess for runs like mine, where not many would really want to come in, just anyone can come in I guess? Do I call an open slather or what? Because quite frankly, I'd love to have everyone who wants in, in! (With limits to the amount of course.)

I know that some would have already organised co-commentary, and that's simple, just get those people in. But for those who haven't, what would the process be?
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
for the skype/mumble will this be required to be streamed during our time slots? 
Edit history:
iMysty: 2013-04-03 04:18:00 pm
Chat moderation will work on common sense. I will be modding every runner and other people we can trust and who want to mod. They can speak up if they want to help modding!

Regarding Skype. I guess the best way would be to make a huge call with everyone in so people can come in and out as they please. Regarding people sticking around in the call. I personally do not have a problem with this (If there are too many people in the call then yeah, you guys aren't stupid and people will drop out of the call) but I think we would have to ask permission from the runner to see if it okay with them. After all, it is their run.

If you do not want that many people in the call during your run please post now!
The only issue with Skype I have is hosting. I will be doing this and I will invite everyone into the call, if you know someone who wants to commentate and I do not have them added. Add them into the call, say who they are and I will call them in. Easy.

Zewing, I would prefer for you to have Skype on. That way we all can talk during your run, read donation comments and ask you any questions directly without you having to look at chat.

I will be sending out PMs to every runner giving you all the info you need. So keep an eye on your PMs please.
If I have missed anything let me know!
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
I would love to do that but like I said skype really messes with me.  I can try it out tonight by skyping with someone else but if the call keeps droppings then idk
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presjpolk: 2013-04-03 05:31:12 pm
Well I'd rather not have TOO much background commotion going on but whatever should be fine.  As long as people respect the few points I'm going to wnat serious time Smiley
Serious time is a time honored principle which should be followed by all.

Those who do not should feel wrath...Of someone...
Final Fantasy VII Fanatic
Using Skype is fine, as long as you don't publicly give it away without a proxy on it, kids these days will try and shut you down you in seconds for no reason.
If you do not want that many people in the call during your run please post now!

I don't mind if people are in the call with me, they can chat and let me concentrate on the run. I would prefer if people knowledgable about FF1 were on with me, but I know they aren't really out there. Oh well. ^_^