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No visible connection because no one is looking at Eliz when they fall on the bank.  She has 4 different positions, landing on the bank, falling off and spawning in (frozen), falling off and spawning in (following) and falling off and not spawning.  I honestly think that has something to do with it.  It's really the only thing that hasn't been checked for consistency across multiple successes
Well I tried messing with Elizabeth's position a lot already and didn't see any consistency.
I'll run some tests on the Elizabeth bank position tomorrow just out of curiosity while I work on some attempts...I don't think it will make much difference though.  If you watch early attempts at the skip (like Ferret's first day attempts) you notice Elizabeth in the bank/not in the bank for several, as he is taking the time to set up obsolete suicides.

I'm in the same position as you RealLink, I got 7 quick successes followed by probably 4 hours of failed attempts...I've watched all my videos several times and see no similarities between any of them.

I've also read through some of the game files to see if they have any information about how they calculate re spawn positions when the player falls too luck.  I'm almost wondering if it would be worth getting a 3rd party program to give me my xyz position in game to see if that makes any difference...

As a final note, if you place a Bucking Bronco Trap on Comstock Gate, when you fall onto the bank, if you look up and to the left, you can see the trapped position of Comstock Gate relative to your position for just a moment before the Bank fully loads.  If anyone wanted to test the bank jump position relative to the Gate position this would be an easy way to mark it...
While consistency isn't happening, I haven't had anywhere near 4 hours of failed attempts. Since getting it for the first time I don't think I've had more than 12 or so consecutive fails without a winner. I feel bad about not having tons of practice vids up. Had to buy a car so the PC has been put on a month or two delay. : (

It's also probably worth noting that I've had zero successes that I can remember fresh from the Emporia fight. I think it takes me at least 2 or 3 times to get it. Whether that's because it takes a de-rust suicide or two or it's a time-based thing I don't know.
Quote from Chadbrochill84:
No visible connection because no one is looking at Eliz when they fall on the bank.  She has 4 different positions, landing on the bank, falling off and spawning in (frozen), falling off and spawning in (following) and falling off and not spawning.  I honestly think that has something to do with it.  It's really the only thing that hasn't been checked for consistency across multiple successes

Your posts had me look for her in the bank. While I don't think I had any successes when she wasn't around, I definitely had failures when she was around. Could be related, but it definitely seems more complex than just that.
Edit history:
RealLink: 2014-03-11 10:30:55 pm
I just fired up my game, got it first try. Here is exactly what I did:
-Attempt Emporia Fight skip and fail it, get handyman to suicide, kill rest of the enemies, and make elizabeth open the left gate.
-Make my way to the place with the statue, jump on top of the podium where the lady comstoc statue is(not going up the stairs)
-walk around the statue and suicide through the right side of the gate
-do suicide #2 the usual way
-moved elizabeth as close as I could to the place I jump off(she then fell right down with me and landed on top of the bank ceiling)
-jump off diagonally from the wall
I reloaded the checkpoint (was now after the fight), tried the exact same steps, and I got it again. I might be onto something. I will record the next try.

e: well this time around I ended up at the place before I jumped on the podium :/
Quote from The_Scrivener:
Quote from Chadbrochill84:
No visible connection because no one is looking at Eliz when they fall on the bank.  She has 4 different positions, landing on the bank, falling off and spawning in (frozen), falling off and spawning in (following) and falling off and not spawning.  I honestly think that has something to do with it.  It's really the only thing that hasn't been checked for consistency across multiple successes

Your posts had me look for her in the bank. While I don't think I had any successes when she wasn't around, I definitely had failures when she was around. Could be related, but it definitely seems more complex than just that.

I'm sure its not just that, and I don't think it is even a major factor in where the game sends you.  I just think it improves consistency
Got it on two consecutive first tries. I'm convinced it's all about dying within the middle of the gate. I really don't have any issues otherwise, Handyman or no, Elizabeth position was random. Zero issues. Just seems super precise.
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Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-03-12 06:00:23 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-03-12 05:58:49 pm
I got it twice today in about 30 minutes.  Basic setup:

1.) Emporia Skip(spawning handyman, escaping over the wall)
2.) Have Elizabeth press the Comstock Gate Button....otherwise she stands there right in your way :-( (if you bypass the Emporia handyman, she stays in combat so you can just jump through her, haven't gotten the skip to work this way yet though)
3.) Prep for the suicide right in front of the gate
4.) While looking at the Comstock Gate Button, back up until your cursor "bumps" are now standing on the yellow and black portion of the floor.
5.) Do a running suicide; aim for the eagles head on the floor...your goal is to land pretty much directly on the other side of the gate on the piece of metal on the floor (as opposed to the stone).  I'll clip my stream video later to give visuals.

Edit:  Video  Sorry for the loud music, I just couldn't take Booker's screams anymore :p  Also, for whatever reason I didn't have Elizabeth press the button, I just happened to jump over her.
Quick note: if you fire a weapon inside the elevator at the start of the downtown emporia fight, Liz will be in combat for some time, letting you clip through her.
Just tried Stoic_Squirrel's way and got it first try. I'm gonna give it a few more tries to see if there's any consistency.
Just put about 20 attempts at Squirrels way and didn't get any makes :/
I think the respawn timer is set when you first touch the ground of the gate area and is reset every 15 to 20 seconds, but I can't say for sure. I made a video describing what I've done so far.
Edit history:
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-03-12 07:16:36 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-03-12 06:49:43 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-03-12 06:45:38 pm
Twice in a row hype!?  Going for a third, but it takes awhile because for consistency I restart the checkpoint in Emporia.

Edit: Now three four times...not in a row, but about 10 minutes.  6 times during one session.
Squirrel's way was just a lucky try for me. I didn't get it even once since, doing the exact same thing every time.
I've done long waits in between failures and successes with no correlation. If there is a timer issue going on, I can't find any connection. I just get it when I die in the middlemost part of the gate and don't get it when I'm off.
Same here, each time I got it, I was centered.

BTW, about that Elizabeth in the bank thing, I've had so many misses where she was in the bank that I don't think it's a giveaway at all. There's probably nothing there either.
So I'm up to 15 successful attempts but still have no idea how this skip works.  Here are 2 successes today, the first was my first attempt today and the second was about 20 minutes later...although I was testing some theories with timers so that lead to several obvious fails (i.e., not even suiciding inside the gate).  The first video is educational, heh, I failed so many times, but from the time I hit the stairs until the end of the suicide is about 55 seconds.

The second video is interesting...I hit the gate at around 16.4 seconds after spawning, but if you use a timer from the time I "step up" onto the yellow/black bar, it takes about ~15 seconds.  If you guys could run timers in all of your attempts it might help to pin down if this is time based.  As of yet I cannot draw any conclusions, but perhaps more data points in the future will yield some answers...

Edit:  Thanks teliot for your video!  It was a pretty good demonstration of some game mechanics that I had so far unsuccessfully tried to determine.  There is still a long way to go but this provides some good estimates. 

I have a curious test I want to run when I have time today...I want to see if the game will set a respawn point when Booker is reloading a weapon.
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 05:01:34 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 04:47:16 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 04:44:36 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 04:42:40 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 04:35:06 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 04:33:05 pm
Ok so I know it sounds completely retarded, but when I try it on my friends computer I get it around 35% of the time, where as on my own computer I get it max 1/50 tries.  Even when I restart at Downtown Emporia I get it very often.  It may have something to do with hardware.

EDIT: Yea just got it 7/10 times with 6 makes in a row.  I have not gotten it in a week on my own computer.  Also I always spawned looking the exact direction I was looking when I killed myself and in the position I landed after the first suicide

Currently up to 13/15 and the non-makes are only when I spawn another loading zone while falling off to the bank.

Welp 16/20 even after doing Emporia skip again.
Could it be a version difference? I'm not sure how to check though
I think the version is written on the "Options" menu. Should be something like "1.0.XXXXXXX". You could just compare those to see if it's any different.

If it's hardware related, it just means it's performance related, so timing must be involved in some kind of way.
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 07:13:18 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-03-13 05:47:57 pm
I googled it and you are right it should say the version there, but it doesn't show anything for me - NVM you have to wait 30 seconds for it to show up

I'm getting it 80% of the time now no matter how many times I reset back to Emporia, I'm probably just gonna start throwing runs at it since my best time without hill runners was 2:11:XX
Not that it means much because I'm offline for another month, but I'm also confident enough to do runs with it. It doesn't feel any less consistent to me at this point than factory skip jumps--although a single attempt obviously takes longer with the new trick.

FWIW, PS3 Version is 1.05 currently and that's all the version info it has listed. Useless I'm sure, but whatever. Too much info beats not enough.
An particular setup Chad or Scrivener?  It sounds like you both believe the skip is entirely positional and very precise.
I don't the skip is setup dependent, I'm entirely convinced its version.  On my friends version I can get it 80% of the time no matter where I kill myself on the first suicide or how long I wait until I kill myself.  To me this rules out it being setup dependent or timer dependent.