Yeh, sounds about right. I was wondering more out of curiosity as apposed to it being any sort of substantial time saver. Also does anyone happen to know if its faster to swim or get to the surface and jump + flap. I usually do that later, they are pretty much the same also.
Ive been considering the Clanker's Cavern route. This is what i'm planning
-Jump on pipe, mumbo token, notes, yellow jinjo
-Green jinjo and free clanker
-Blue Jinjo
-Defeat Crabs
-Jiggy in tunnel
-Notes in tunnel on bottom
-Notes up pole right of spring pad and MUMBOS2
-Left up spring pad, Orange guy and EHP2
*Possible change the order of these and jump straight onto Clanker's back, whatevers best
-Jiggy on clanker's back
-Up clanker's tail
-Notes on pipe, mumbo token
-Alcoves; 2 notes
-Shoot gold tooth, get jiggy
-8 notes, hoop race
-Swim out through bottom tunnel getting notes
-Up clanker's blowhole, notes, jiggy
-In blowhole
-Witch Switch, leave jiggy side
-Fly, get jiggy while flying, go into where bottles is
-Run through propella's of doom
-Pink Jinjo
-Leave as quick as possible
Anyone got any better idea's or see any flaws?
Ive been considering the Clanker's Cavern route. This is what i'm planning
-Jump on pipe, mumbo token, notes, yellow jinjo
-Green jinjo and free clanker
-Blue Jinjo
-Defeat Crabs
-Jiggy in tunnel
-Notes in tunnel on bottom
-Notes up pole right of spring pad and MUMBOS2
-Left up spring pad, Orange guy and EHP2
*Possible change the order of these and jump straight onto Clanker's back, whatevers best
-Jiggy on clanker's back
-Up clanker's tail
-Notes on pipe, mumbo token
-Alcoves; 2 notes
-Shoot gold tooth, get jiggy
-8 notes, hoop race
-Swim out through bottom tunnel getting notes
-Up clanker's blowhole, notes, jiggy
-In blowhole
-Witch Switch, leave jiggy side
-Fly, get jiggy while flying, go into where bottles is
-Run through propella's of doom
-Pink Jinjo
-Leave as quick as possible
Anyone got any better idea's or see any flaws?