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sub 11 sounds hard enough in itself, let alone 10.40 and below.

Yeh, are you sure he doesn't kill himself or skip some mumbo tokens and stuff like that!? Also if there is a route for it somewhere could someone link it to me. 
Edit history:
Play-doh: 2008-12-31 07:16:23 pm
The grunty square questions are the same every game, memorise them and you won't need to waste time in the recorded run or the furnace fun.

PYRO's clanker's cavern route.

My Clanker's cavern route seems better, i'll try to record, but if not I'll explain.
^ That's an old route. His new one is basically the same as the TAS. He doesn't death warp and gets 3/5 mumbo tokens, missing the one inside Clanker's mouth on one of the golden teeth as well as one in a lone underwater pipe. He gets all honeycombs and the witch switch. I believe he had a death warp run of roughly 10.20 while the no deaths run was 10.40-10.50

You're also wrong about the Grunty squares. The answers to questions are randomised at the start of each new game.
Every time i've played furnace fun the grunty square answers have always been the same.

I've just got a 11:05 on Clanker's and am sure 20 secs could be shaved off.

-Jump on pipe, MUMBOS1, $4, get yellow guy
-Blue guy
-Green guy and free clanker
-Notes in tube on bottom
-Notes up pole right of spring pad and MUMBOS2
-Left up spring pad, Orange guy and EHP2
-Jiggy through tunnel
-Defeat Crab dudes
-Jiggy on clanker's back
-Up clanker's tail
-Notes on pipe, MUMBOS3
-Alcoves, $2
-Shoot gold tooth, go in gap shot out
-$8, hoop race thing
-Swim out through bottom tunnel, $5
-On clanker's blowhole bolt, $5, jiggy
-In blowhole
-GLswistch, exit on jiggy side
-immediately fly up, get jiggy while flying and quickly tap A once to get through to molehill place
-Pink dude
-Exit collecting remaining notes in starting place
basically my 10:35 was a fluke (a skillful fluke, but a fluke)

what happened was I actually fucked up the angle of the dive to the anvil section, but in doing so I went straight down into Gloop's bubbles, allowing me to do the entire anvil section without going anywhere near Gloop (until I had to resurface). Then he was perfectly placed for the trip to the surface.

I also used the talon trot in the purple pipe, and the odd talon trot dive.

I know there was something else, but I can't remember it ._.

But yes, it's the TAS route with a slight change to accommodate for not being able to do the hop from the pipe at the far end of the level to the hollow honeycomb.

My route usually averages 11:10 or so normally.
-Jump on pipe, MUMBOS1, $4, get yellow guy
-Blue guy
-Green guy and free clanker
-Notes in tube on bottom
-Notes up pole right of spring pad and MUMBOS2
-Left up spring pad, Orange guy and EHP2
-Jiggy through tunnel
-Defeat Crab dudes
-Jiggy on clanker's back
-Up clanker's tail
-Notes on pipe, MUMBOS3
-Alcoves, $2
-Shoot gold tooth, go in gap shot out
-$8, hoop race thing
-Swim out through bottom tunnel, $5
-On clanker's blowhole bolt, $5, jiggy
-In blowhole
-GLswistch, exit on jiggy side
-immediately fly up, get jiggy while flying and quickly tap A once to get through to molehill place
-Pink dude
-Exit collecting remaining notes in starting place

That's almost the same as my route, except I get the notes above clankers blowhole and the jiggy as im leaving, then drop down into water and swim back to the entrance. My PB is 11.09, and i think about 15 - 20 better is the best possibility, unless like Qgstkpnjtp, some fluke thing happens on the way down past gloop...

Im going away tomorrow so i might not reply for a few weeks. Happy new year
Either way (bolthole before GLS or last) it would be roughly the same time, it depends whether you swim up at the right time to jump in the bolthole or not.
I think you might be right play doh, I have found I have to wait for a number of seconds for the blowhole to raise, both ways, I might start trying it your way.

I don't think the segmented run is possible, because the Grunty questions are going to change everytime you start a new game. The only possible way would be to only talk to Brentida's on the very last segment, you would be able to speak to at least 3, so I suppose that would be just enough, but not ideal.
This is the CC route I use for XBLA runs - remembering that it does not include MTs, HHs or exiting the level, but HHs are easily added in and MTs aren't too hard to put in either. It's not the same as my route for the 10:35 which I can't even remember too well (other than it's pretty much the same as the TAS; this one is as well), but it's very fast and got me 10:48 w/ save & quit and no text skipping (not like there is all that much anyway); could very easily go 10:20 or lower with the mistakes I made.

- Jump down from start, get 8 notes + Jinjo from pipes (you would change this to using the pipe jump since I s&q at the end of my run)
- Swim down to anvil, try and get a bubble on the way down (Gloop will usually be on the left side towards the back of the anvil using the 8 note strat, he'll be on the right otherwise)
- Get notes first (go clockwise if using 8 note strat, anti-clockwise otherwise), then turn around for green jinjo - grab a bubble (Gloop should be very close) and unlock Clanker (This is not the fastest method, but it's extremely safe as long as you get a bubble on the way down)
- Have 5 bubbles before swimming up to blue jinjo, get jinjo and turn around
- Surface near the ramp to the small alcoves, get the notes and jump down to platform next to jiggy tooth
- Open Clanker's mouth, get jiggy, jump down for 8 notes
- Swim through pipe, jump through hoops to raise water level, leave via underwater tunnel (5 notes)
- Jump up on Clanker, grab notes on his rear half + jiggy
- Run up fin, get jiggy (I use eggs to be safe, but air B is faster if a little risky)
- Jump down to semicircular pipe, get notes starting from the end closest to the alcoves (i.e. left side)
- TT dive to jiggy pipe, get jiggy
- Swim to Snippets, get jiggy + notes
- Swim directly from snippets to underwater note pipe, surface via hollow honeycomb (if Clanker's fin is in a shit position, just get on the platform with air B at the peak of your jump)
- Right-hand side pipe (+ MT if you want)
- Left-hand side pipe (+ HH)
- Jump to Clanker's back again; if blowhole is up, get 4 notes then go to high jiggy; if it's down, just get on the blowhole
- Get jiggy, jump back down (if you missed the 4 notes, get them while you're waiting for the blowhole to shoot up)
- Jump down inside blowhole (hit WS), run through blades for jiggy
- If you're confident, grab hoop jumping jiggy while flying. If not, just go to purple blade cave
- Wonderwing, TT through blades, jiggy, exit via hoop jiggy if you didn't pick it up
- Exit Clanker via surface pipe via purple jinjo (and jiggy) and 3 notes; this is where I S&Q, but you'd just go back to the start via the 4 notes you skipped (or die on the handy whiplash)

The blue jinjo in the tunnel, is it closer to either side or is it in the middle? Does anyone know off the top of their head.

And do you have a video of your 10.40 time by any chance?
Edit history:
Qgstkpnjtp: 2009-01-05 03:25:18 am
Fastest way to get the blue jinjo is from the right hand side (closer to the alcove platform), a) because it's closer to the anvil hole and b) because it's closer to the alcove.

Also, no, it was part of a full-game run and at that point I had no way of recording anyway.


Play-Doh, just looked at your route - fairly similar to my old one, just with a few really weird choices like doing Clanker's back after the snippets. Also, coming up from the anvil section to the note pipe would require 5 air bubbles, especially if you're getting the HH underwater (it's about the same distance for Snippets -> Note Pipe which is 5 bubbles, and I've tested enough routes to know anyway lol), compared to 4 for the blue jinjo, meaning you'd need to get an extra bubble probably 75% of the time, and since Gloop will be on the left hand side of the anvil if you've done the anvil right you'll be losing even more time.
If you mean play-doh looked at my clip on youtube, my route has changed since then. My new route is exactly the same as the one Play Doh posted a few posts back. I might slightly alter it though to get the blue jinjo after the anvil segment though. However ive had a lot of consistency with Gloop lately.

My usual method is after getting the blue jinjo I swim straight down and get the green jinjo, from there I get 1 or 2 notes to the LEFT if your facing AWAY from the anvil, then turn back the other way and seek out gloop. I usually just paddle behind him until I fill up all my bubbles and I can usually swim straight into the rest of the notes smoothly, then after unleashing Clanker I need about 1 more bubble and I can swim up and get the notes in the tunnel and then the honeycomb. I'm not sure it's the fastest way but it's been strangely consistent lately...
Just wanted to get something straight - have you/are you going to try and send in the 20.40.50 run now? Because I'm really not sure what the next time anyone will be able to do a run is going to be...
No I won't be sending it in yet. If I was to, the very earliest would be about the 22nd of Jan. I'm currently out of state, im going to give it as many more attempts as possible when I get back before starting study. Now is probably the best chance to finalise any last minute route changes. I think the only ones that need attention are Clanker's and perhaps Treasure Trove. I am pretty sure collecting the Jiggy in the Treasure Chest while flying, then flying straight up to the lighthouse is a big time saver, but im a bit nervous to use it. Though I use something slightly different, this is my proposed 'best' route:

- Collect Notes, get blue jinjo
- Notes in Tree, Dive into water -> Piece of gold
- Run up mast, green jinjo, bottles
- Fly to treasure chest, get jiggy, fly to top of lighthouse (collect yellow jinjo if possible)
- Witch Switch, run to Hole in ground
- Collect note, jump down, run up other side of mast, jump down get mumbo token, other gold piece
- Collect jiggy from pirate, notes in tree, Bottles
- Mumbo token at top of shock pad, Collect notes from top of shock pads, Jiggy in Alcove area.
- Notes in treasure chest, run up to first X
- Jump down, run up stair railings, mumbo tokens in chest, jiggy in water
- *Orange Jinjo, jump down to jiggy.
- Honeycomb, Snapper (or whatever his name is)
- Shock pad up, notes near crab, 2nd X sign
- Continue along getting the next 2 X's, then jump down to Leaky
- Sandcastle
- jump onto shockwave pillars via tree, pink jinjo, second last X + notes
- Honeycomb, Last X + Jiggy
- Run to entrance

* After getting the second X, it is possible to run and jump + ratatarap from the same level down to the jiggy, it is very hard to pull off though. I think this would be a time saver aswell, but i usually only pull it off 1/5 attempts.
That's pretty much my route except with a bit less flying. Believe me - getting the yellow Jinjo in flight is a lot easier than flying into the chest, although it doesn't waste too much time if you land in the chest and have to jump back down to the ship to fly again.

I also get the token above the shock spring pillar while flying and the alcove jiggy (as well as the honeycomb out at sea) but the notes above the pillar almost always prove a hassle while flying.

BTW - have you seen Sami's new route for RBB? I'd say it's quite a bit faster than the current route, plus there's some nice new tricks such as swimming to the top of the underwater area with the pink jinjo and performing a beak buster (jump then Z) to glitch up onto the platform above with the notes. This method should relieve a bit of pressure since this part of your route usually ends up with the player getting out on only a single bubble of air.
Edit history:
Gibbatizer: 2009-01-06 06:43:31 am
I just found a little diagram with paint drawn circles. I searched through numerous pages on youtube and couldn't find anything. Where can I see it? That glitch sounds promising, hope it is reliable, because I wouldn't want to stuff it up a couple of times with my air running down...

Also Kowbrainz can you please explain one more time how you drop down into the water from a talon trot. I know you do something like let go of Z as your falling off the edge, but i just can't seem to pull it off regularly.
While in talon trot mode, jump and then when you land, slide over the edge of the platform which is above water. When you're on the edge of the platform during this slide, let go of Z. I find this to be the easiest method, but you can also pull it off if you have a bit of momentum while running off the edge and let go of Z when you're on the edge.

A beta route of Sami's can be seen here: (click on part 10 beta)
Just note that it doesn't include the pink Jinjo trick at the end yet. Test the glitch out for yourself on an already completed file a couple of times first if you like.
Im on a Mac, what program can I watch it with?
Oh, damn... I have no idea haha.
I'll try uploading to youtube for you and see how that goes. Final time is 9.23 so it should be okay... we'll see.
The start of the route is basically the same as yours I think, there's just a couple of changes towards the end.
Edit: You can find it here after the video's finished processing. I'll take it down after you've watched since it's only a beta and all.
isn't VLC mac-compatible?

If so, VLC. Search it.
Yes, VLC works perfectly, thanks very much that will help with a lot of things.

Very very impressive Sami. The route certainly has a lot of potential. Although I don't think I want to jump through the propella's in the engine room, so I might have to make a small change to account for that, but shouldn't be too major. Actually maybe it will.

A couple of things which stood out:

-Is it possible to run past those guys who come out of the wall for a 'normal' player? In the anchor room, and the blue box?
-How did he go through the wall after leaving the area with the shark? Is that easily done?
-Wow! after raising the box jumping across onto the lifeboat, looks as though it can be done!? Mad trick!
-I think going to the blue boxes that way is most likely quicker than the way I do it.

Is there an easy way to glitch through the wall in the engine room? On one of my recent runs I got caught on it for over 30 seconds.

Thats about all for now, this has given me a lot to think about.
30 seconds? I've been caught there for ten, but thirty is a bit much. Try running in there with Banjo alone; I have better luck getting through like that.

Um, when Sami goes through the cage, it's actually another hole at the bottom of it that practically nobody knew about until now, haha.

The jump from the crane to the lifeboat is possible, but is quite tricky on console and I haven't been able to do it without setting up the camera properly beforehand, in which case it only saved a second. The trick saves 10 seconds max either way so it isn't something to lose sleep over.

I think the way Sami avoids the Grille Chompas is so that he's in the air from a jump and only triggers their sensors when he is right in front of their holes, so that they come out too late to get him. Might be worth practicing on console.

Try practicing the beak buster invulnerability through the fans on an already completed file with a few extra lives handy to learn where to do it and when if you can. You may need to alter your TV's brightness for it as I find it can be quite dark and you need to beak bust in a certain spot quite close in order to get across. See what you can do; if it's too much of a hassle drop it.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yeah that jumping in lifeboat it little tricky, you need good timing. I belive its easier to jump in middle of the boat than the front like I did.

You should get trought those fans using invicibility glitch because way I did it its so random, fan can throw you in to the pit.

That sharkcage second hole...I found it by luck when I randomly swimmed around.

You can get trought that engine room window in manyways. I think easier way to do it is running against that wall using Kazooie and then jump trought.

My fixed RBB WIP is ready today and i think new time is something between 9.10 and 9.15
Alright, there's really not much I can do at the moment without a console. I noticed in the clip also Sami that you jump and then let kazooie slide, before jumping again. Is this a provin way as the fastest form of moving on flat? Or is it all roughely the same.
I doubt he'd be doing it just for show.  Tongue

The slide does give a slight boost but is only really effective if you're using it over and over and jumping before the lag at the end of the slide.