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I found some new stuff in the last level of Justine that skips the slow hallways and the shovel.

So I had to make a unique keybind setup for this level because of the boost to the ceiling right after the first clip.
Jump:    Mousewheel Up and Mousewheel Down
Crouch: Mousewheel Up and F

This lets me do ceiling clips in the rest of the run with mousewheel down and for the boost shown in the video i scroll both directions.

The two setups I use are consistent enough for a 4 minute run although I do often get pushed back into bound when doing the first clip. (Shown in the video)

The second setup to get on top of the wall crushing room is just difficult because of the jump timing, but I would also recommend using mousewheel down for the jump as I had worse luck getting it with a crouch jump.

The clip back into bounds at the end is easy, you just stand in the center of the hallway with the stairs and you fall back in every time.
This clip is so difficult to get. Been practicing it but cant seem to make it to the top of the level everytime. GG
We should have a race soon. For those who are still alive in the Amnesia community we should run all of the games SS any%. Anyone else for it?
Hey guys! I'm new to speedrunning. I was practicing sewers (Nosferatu's route) and found two things i haven't seen before.

1. Drop down without using the ladder. If you land in a certain area you wont take fall dmg.
2. A wall-boost while slowed down by the monster.

PLUS i wanna brag with my first time-try almost perfect Study (part1) Wink
Sewer drop and boost

Perfect study
Edit history:
Nosferatu: 2014-12-12 05:53:15 pm
For anyone that's interested, Frictional just rolled out a patch for The Dark Descent that can be found here:

- The patch doesn't fix any glitches in the current run
- It removed the boxes in front of the crawl space in the Refinery, saving the time it takes to move them and avoid the grunt hit
- Added new functionality to the debug tool including "Fast Forward" that makes the game go into superspeed

- Secondary keybinds are broke in the in-game menu, if you want a second key for any action you now have to set it in user_keys.cfg
- The new patch broke the Load Removal Livesplit plugin that Fatalis made

If anyone knows of any other relevant changes let me know

The pig in Prison North has some weird physics now
Have you guys tried this already?:
When having 6 orb pieces, right before you get caught->get out of bounds and die. Resurrect in the sacrificial room (the opposite to the machine room in the Chancel).
I'm trying to get to the orb chamber without being caught. By going straight to the orb chamber makes the game crash.
I'm now trying to solve the puzzles with the orbs to get to the door without glitching it.

Have you tried it? I wanna know if solving the puzzle will make the game allow me to the orb chamber.
The version of Chancel you load during the ambush/capture event is the same Chancel that you load without having the 6 orb pieces. The only difference is the Grunts are there to bring you to chapter 3/Cells. So the door to the Inner Sanctum is still broken because you're in the chapter 2 version of the map. To get to the chapter 3 Chancel you have to enter it from the chapter 3 Nave, which is also different than the Nave in chapter 2. You can tell identify the differences in the 2 map's versions by the Shadow's goo all over the place. Chapter 2 has no goo and in chapter 3 it's everywhere.
I'm having huge problems with Amnesia crashing and unable to open it. You guys having that to? You know any solution? I've been googleing and tried a few without success. :c
The crash on start-up is a know issue the last patch seems to have caused and Frictional is working on a fix.

There's a link to the sticky thread on it with a potential fix (it didn't fix it for me) but it looks like the problem has something to do with their new gamepad support.
Found a consistent setup for the study clip.
Here's a description-video of the clip:
I just posted a video explaining a cutscene skip in Prison South.

It should save around 7 seconds if you nail it.
Totally rad
Interesting trick. The chair throw is a nice way to keep the monster far enough behind you to pull it off for sure.

By the way, Nosferatu, have you messed around with Amnesia 1.0? I have a DVD copy of the game, which should be unpatched. Will look it up after AGDQ and I can also upload an ISO somewhere for others. There were various clipping glitches they fixed with the first patches.
I've never looked around in 1.0, but from what I've heard the clip in Guest Room doesn't work in that version. Are there other tricks that make up for that time loss?
Also, comparing this most recent patch, 1.3, with the one we had before, 1.2, the removal of the boxes in Refinery make 1.3 the fastest version I've played.

Regardless, I'd still enjoy checking out 1.0 to see what's different.
Totally rad
All I know of is that there's an additional clip in the Back Hall, which would let you skip a flashback before entering the machine room, afaik. In any case, I don't think anyone's experimented with it properly. I do remember seeing someone do casual runs of the 1.0 version via OnLive (some cloud computing service, which never updated the game). That person didn't experiment/glitch hunt, sadly, but practically all glitches seemed to work in that version. I believe the guest room clip worked there as well. Chemistry Pot was causing issues, however, as you don't automatically get it (which is irrelevant with the updated Storage routes).

Patch notes imply there were several clips fixed in it, so who knows what's still left to be found in it?

New controls of 1.3 are a real pain in the ass, by the way, since I liked having jump on both space and scrollwheel, along with having crouch on E and Ctrl.
Being able to skip the Back Hall flashback would be amazing, that thing lasted 1/3 of the way through the puzzle in Machine Room.

As for the controls in 1.3, you can still edit them to whatever you want in "user_keys.cfg"
Documents\Amnesia\Main\"Profile Name"\user_keys.cfg

The new patch also added a "super-speed" button to the debug menu, hotkey on F3, that makes setting up files for practice a lot easier. (it's also just hilarious to hear the dialogue at such a high pitch.
Edit history:
AdamAK: 2014-12-25 06:18:38 am
Totally rad
Thanks for the tip about the controls. I'll check it out.

Here's a link to the patch notes btw:

This one in particular caught my interest:

Can jump through the gap in the floor without widening it.

I think it refers to the Prison. This would mean you can skip the hammer and chisel altogether there, perhaps. I've climbed into this tunnel via an OOB route in patch 1.2 already and it didn't trigger anything, but I'm not sure if there were any trigger changes implemented in that area. Could be that they added the hammer+chisel "puzzle" as a failsafe after that hole bug.
If the trigger for Prison South's exit used to be a load zone rather than a click event we should be able to skip all the flashbacks and puzzles in that level with Weable's early OOB clip next to the elevator. Although they could have meant that you used to be able to fall through the gap without triggering the click event, letting you go through the Prison South version of the crawl tunnel, which just leads you OOB. That would be a bit less exciting.

Regardless, I'll probably do a research stream on 1.0 sometime tomorrow, the patch notes seem promising to say the least.
Edit history:
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:13:40 pm
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:10:09 pm
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:10:03 pm
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:10:01 pm
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:07:26 pm
Apjjm: 2014-12-25 01:02:26 pm
I thought the disc version was (at least) v1.0.1 and not v1.0 - i have a disc too so i could check i guess.

Edit yeah:

1.0.1 went out on sept 22nd 2010, and retail didn't happen until 2011 (

1.2 (Justine) came out on May 17th ( ) [actually a little before this on steam  to coincide with the potato sack arg for portal 2 release].
Edit history:
Nosferatu: 2014-12-30 06:23:13 pm
I did a quick run through the 1.0.0 version and it looks like it would need a lot of new stuff to make it faster than 1.3

Here's a quick list of things on the current SS route that don't work on 1.0.0
-The window clip in Entrance Hall
-The Guest Room wall clip
-The final wall clip back into bounds in Storage at the drill bit rooms
-The clip OOB in choir on the way to the 3rd orb piece that lets us skip that room's flashback
-The Nave 2 wall clip to get OOB (this doesn't really matter as there's a route that does still work that is as fast, just much more difficult)
-The Inner Sanctum wall clip

And the patch notes that mentioned the Prison South gap was just referring to the poor collision of the hole. The end of the level is still triggered the same way, but you can fall into the gap without using the tools. It doesn't trigger anything, you just get stuck down there.

After going over 1.0.0 in greater detail I think I'm going to give up on researching it. The only thing on the list above that wasn't correct was the Choir clip, everything else looks like it will either cost a lot of time, be much more difficult, or both.
Hey guys! Why isn't anyone running Amnesia: TDD at AGDQ 2015? Sad

Maybe we'll see a run in June?
Get over here!
Quote from RabzZ:
Hey guys! Why isn't anyone running Amnesia: TDD at AGDQ 2015? Sad

Maybe we'll see a run in June?

Amnesia has seen a lot of screentime during the past events. I highly doubt we'll see another run on schedule until next year. That includes TDD, Justine and AMFP. Well .. maybe AMFP has a tiny chance since Weables run was more leading towards entertainment than actually showing the fastests route. Not too sure if Adam wants to put in time to get updated on all the new finds and see if it would work for a marathon route.

Chances would still be slim I guess. TDD was in AGDQ 2014 and AMFP + Justine were run at SGDQ 2014. Can always submit though.
Edit history:
Nosferatu: 2015-02-07 05:52:02 am
Two things...
First: Did anyone know about this?

It seems like something I should have heard about but I've never seen anyone make objects hover over their heads like that before. Seems like a simple enough trick that it should have been known about.

Second thing: New Transept Route

The flashback skip does save a bit of time but since it is a bit complicated compared to doing the level inbounds it only ends up being a few seconds.

Edit: Turns out you don't need to climb onto the hallway by the second orb piece after you pick up the second orb piece. You can just stay on ground level and hug the outer wall all the way to the third hallway. For some reason I thought the flashback extended OOB there but it doesn't. Thanks to LoLArazath for pointing this out to me.
I'm pretty sure I've seen that box-on-head thing in Penumbra a long time ago. Forgot about it since then, but it makes sense that it still works in Amnesia. The game optimises physics by not calculating it on objects that have stopped moving.
I need some help understanding a glitch I've come across a few times before but never quite understood. It involves a change in the physics of grunts and brutes that allow you to push them across the floor by running into them or by throwing objects at them. I don't know how this change in their physics comes to be but I made a video showing what I mean.

If anyone knows how to trigger this weightlessness in monsters I would really like to know. At this point it only seems to happen when I load a save several times until the physics change occurs.