I don't see anything on the first page about the TAS block so I'll quickly run through who is doing what:
- Speed TAS competition: The developer of the (secret) game will be providing couch commentary along with micro500 and I who can both be considered runners. Couch is closed for this game, seeing as it's a four-way race with two humans along with the dual-wielding might of TASBot who will be playing two games simultaneously. How am I doing on selling the entertainment of this? - Brain Age: Runners are micro500 and I. At the moment none of the artists appear to be able to make it which is unfortunate, so I am open to couch commentary requests if you can make a convincing case as to how you could add value. Give it your best pitch! - Total Control: Runners are p4plus2 and I. If you know SMB3 well and have an easygoing personality, let me know. No, we're not doing a repeat of AGDQ 2015, and no, I'm not going to tell you why we need it as it's shrouded in mystery and all that, but we do actually need this. Bonus points if you have actual playing ability. Let's just say you might get pressed into playing.. er.. something, and it's possible you might get schooled by TASBot. Just sayin', be prepared.
Raelcun, thanks for organizing the couch commentary!
Burn - yep, Raelcun *did* contribute some art which will be revealed in due course, but as he well knows he won't be able to sit on the couch at that exact moment. (No offense intended at all, Raelcun - you make a very valid point)
Hey, Spelunky runner "Bom" here. I think this is the right place to ask about dev commentary. I've been in recent contact with the games developer Derek Yu and we'd like to get him in via a skype call for the run. I hope it's not too late to organize something like this. Derek said he was on board and he'd try to get Andy Hull in for a skype call (if that's the program you'd use) to chat during the run at the end of the indie block.
Hey, Spelunky runner "Bom" here. I think this is the right place to ask about dev commentary. I've been in recent contact with the games developer Derek Yu and we'd like to get him in via a skype call for the run. I hope it's not too late to organize something like this. Derek said he was on board and he'd try to get Andy Hull in for a skype call (if that's the program you'd use) to chat during the run at the end of the indie block.
Are we allowed more? I have a few others that wanna be couch/behind couch
You can put as many people on the couch as the people on the couch are comfortable with. (Within reason) For the space behind the couch, the runner gets priority on who sits there so if someone's already there tell them you have crew coming in and you need the space.
sagev3 offered to couch for TASBot Total Control and I accepted - she's cool and said she would be fine with TASBot winning if it came down to it. Thanks! Edit / update: MitchFlowerpower just confirmed for the couch and the couch for Total Control is now closed.