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Quote from romscout:
Some changes were made to accommodate different runners. The main things that should be noted are that the 3D Sonic block is several hours earlier, everything that was after VVVVVV but before that block previously is now later, and anything after They Bleed Pixels for the remainder of the schedule is about 45 minutes earlier. If there is any time conflict that was created from this somehow, I must know immediately. Spam my twitter/Skype/whatever to get my attention.

More in-depth details:

- TASbot block is now split up in the listing as requested, but this did not affect the actual time on the schedule at all.
- 3D Sonic block is moved to being right after VVVVVV so that runners for the rest of the day aren't having their flights come in after their runs are scheduled.
- F-Zero Climax is now before the F-Zero race just to give EdwardFourZERO6 a little extra time to arrive
- Tiny Brains was removed because Laz had way too many technical problems with the game and was worried about how it would hold up at AGDQ. Because previous schedule changes had already made the marathon end later than intended, nothing is replacing it so that we will be right on track with the original plan. Again, this means everything for the rest of the schedule is about 45 minutes earlier than the previously most recent listing. Make sure this doesn't mess up any runs you have.

For the hosts and volunteers involved in the time changes, I will be fixing this as soon as I wake up.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Sorry about posting this so late, I posted it in the Donation Incentives Topic, but it might have just been lost there.

We, the Kingdom Hearts Community, would like to request 30 minutes being added to the schedule, in order to let an extremely(at least imo) hype donation incentive appear at the end of the run. It's a 30 minute Boss Rush to end all Boss Rushes, where we would be fighting 13 Super Bosses all at Level 1. All the fights are flashy as hell and super impressive even to the un-trained-not-a-KH-Fan-Eye. For reference, the WR(the WR holder is attending):

My main pitch for having this 30 minutes added would be:

1. IMO, it would raise a ton of money
2. It would look sick as hell even to someone who hasn't played a KH game before
3. Since we are covering the final graveyard shift, all it would mean is that the runners going on the final day would start 30 minutes later, and for the people right after us (Vanquish, Metal Gear Rising, Goldeney, Perfect Dark), they get to sleep for 30 extra minutes.

To note, KH1.5 is 30 minutes shorter roughly then KH2FM, so if that wins the bid war, this fits in perfectly anyways, but if KH2FM wins, we would need the extra 30 for it to get in.

We hope you guys consider this, as I think it would raise a lot of money and be better for everyone involved.
Going to show obvious bias here, but with 2.5 having been just released, pretty much every KH fan is now fully aware of how difficult these fights are on NORMAL Difficulty with Max Level, Equipment, all that good stuff. 
Not to mention that Bizkit047's Tutorial on how to do these fights has gotten 16000 views in 2 weeks... I think this is a really strong incentive.
One hand is enough.
I know it isn't up to me, but I would definitely be fine with the KH lvl 1 boss rush being added in and putting the schedule back 30 minutes to where is almost was. A fast paced boss rush would also probably transition better into Vanquish and MGR than most of Kingdom Hearts (which isn't meant as an insult at all, of course).
I know everyone is busy with the event so close, but is there any way I can get confirmation that gdq staff knows crazy taxi will be a race? The official schedule still shows it as "2dos and/or chuckles825" and "race?" in the description. Mike has stated before that he is ok with it being a race. Both 2dos and myself have already planned for a race and done several practices race sessions over the past month and a half. Maybe the staff already knows, but at least updating the schedule to reflect that would ease my mind.
Quote from mikwuyma:
there won't be speedrunning content on there, except for some blind races and a possible bingo.

That's pretty dissapointing. Is it some kind of new rule? or is it simply that no would be runners will be staying past the normal marathon?
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Quote from mikwuyma:
there won't be speedrunning content on there, except for some blind races and a possible bingo.

That's pretty dissapointing. Is it some kind of new rule? or is it simply that no would be runners will be staying past the normal marathon?

It is a new rule that was posted and explained quite some time ago by someone in charge™ (likely Mike, but I can't find the post right now).

In a nutshell: Because there were way too many runners wanting to show runs during bonus, it became too serious and less fun. They're trying to get back to the original bonus feel.
Well since bonus streams sometimes went on for nearly a week themselves that's a lot of speedrun content to be missing out on. Is there any plans for future GDQ's to extend beyond a week? the bonus streams have certainly shown that a lot of runners will be up for it
I don't think that's likely. The logistics and planning for a week is bad enough. Everyone tends to very tired after the week is over.
They would need more people planning, more logistics planning, possibly more equipment and more. So I don't think it's likely.
All the things
It's not a matter of whether "runners are up for it." Having a week-long event nonstop is already a huge undertaking by all staff and runners alike.

If you want more speedrun content, people will still be streaming all the time.