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Quote from Roach788:
I just attempted to register and got the error
"You've already signed up for this event. You can't sign up again."
Which this is my first attempt to, a bug or was I automatically registered somehow?

I had the exact same happen. Considering, I haven't updated the payment method in my profile, how can I possibly be signed up? :p <-- they're aware of the issue, and working on it.
Worked for me now. Thanks for the fix, guys!
Yep. All signed up now. Thanks and nice job on the quick fix!
Can't seem to find a way to select PayPal when paying the registration fee.
Edit history:
TheMG2: 2014-11-26 08:30:23 pm
Quote from dsx:
Can't seem to find a way to select PayPal when paying the registration fee.

Quote from mikwuyma:
Anyway, as of right now you can only pay by credit card, but paypal will be added soon (it's pending at the moment), and refunds will be added soon too. We just wanted to get the registration process moving.
woops sorry
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Yeah to be more specific, the Paypal link takes about 24-48 hours. My guess is closer to 48 because Thanksgiving.
Travel light, travel smart
95% sure I'll be attending. If I can't find a room can I still attend if I'm not staying at the event hotel?
Keeper of TASBot
Quote from OneBagTravel:
95% sure I'll be attending. If I can't find a room can I still attend if I'm not staying at the event hotel?

I'm not staff, but as noted when registering at, registering for the event is separate from the hotel reservation.  The event discount makes the Dulles Hilton about the best option and the Hilton has 449 rooms based on Mike's investigation so you should be able to find a room.
Quote from OneBagTravel:
95% sure I'll be attending. If I can't find a room can I still attend if I'm not staying at the event hotel?

You can attend AGDQ regardless of whether you are staying at the hotel or not.  Just make sure to register!
My feelings on The Demon Rush
The Paypal has been linked so it *should* work. Haven't made a big announcement because I've only had one confirmation so far.
I want off the ride....
Quote from mikwuyma:
The Paypal has been linked so it *should* work. Haven't made a big announcement because I've only had one confirmation so far.

Paypal worked for me.
Just saying.
Paypal worked for me as well.
I was among one of the first to register for the event.  Looks like my payment went through fine but I never received a confirmation email.  When I registered I was told to wait 24-48 hours for a confirmation email, but it's been a lot longer than that now.  Someone else in #yoshi said that he also had the same problem.  Is it possible to get this email sent?  I'd like some kind of paper record.
Glad my fanboy lvls aren't THIS high
My situation is the same as esi's.  I also have yet to receive some kind of payment statement after registering after waiting the 24-48 hour period doing so.  Probably there was some kind of error with the first initial registration payments before now.  Regardless, I do hope for some kind of confirmation of payment for those with similar issues.
Dapper as fuck.
I also have never gotten the confirmation email.
I also don't see a confirmation e-mail (registered on day 1).
i also never got the confirmation email, i paid for registration wednesday night/thursday morning. the payment shows up when i check my bank account, and my account on the games done quick site says i've signed up and don't owe any money.
Since there's only multi-day pass option, and no change in cost based on duration, are the arrival/departure dates a formality? Seems you could just set earliest/latest days and figure out the actual times later, unless there's a need for specific check-in/check-out dates.

I ask because plane delays happen and I'm wondering if it matters whether I end up getting there, say, the 3rd or the 4th.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Confirmation emails will be going out this week, regardless if your balance is 0.00 after 48 hours you are good to go. Any issues with payments would have come up before then.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from CapnClever:
Since there's only multi-day pass option, and no change in cost based on duration, are the arrival/departure dates a formality? Seems you could just set earliest/latest days and figure out the actual times later, unless there's a need for specific check-in/check-out dates.

I ask because plane delays happen and I'm wondering if it matters whether I end up getting there, say, the 3rd or the 4th.

We're not going to brow beat you over it but we do want semi-accurate data so we have a good idea of how many people will be on site on any specific day. It's really for us to judge capacity.
Uh... I was able to register before I payed, does that mean I can pay it later? Is there a deadline? Or is it "If you don't pay your spot can be taken" or you have to re-register or something like that.
MrGrunz is a guay
I'm a bit confused about registration for children - my 16 year old brother is coming with me, does he need to register as well or can he be under my children registration? 
Quote from Madtaz64:
Uh... I was able to register before I payed, does that mean I can pay it later? Is there a deadline? Or is it "If you don't pay your spot can be taken" or you have to re-register or something like that.

As far as I can tell if the event reaches cap and you haven't paid, then you won't be registered. With exceptions for people who have worked out alternate payment methods with Mike. However, Mike intentionally planned for 1000 people with the hotel and set the cap at 920 so that they could accommodate things like that. It's unlikely that the cap will be reached, since previous attendance was in the 500s, but best bet is to pay as soon as possible.