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sumichu: 2014-11-27 02:24:26 pm
Cool Matty: 2014-11-26 11:18:16 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Edit: Registration is now available here.


I know a lot of people are wondering about registration and why it's not up yet, so I figure I'll make a quick update.

Registration will be up this week or next. Registration has been taking longer than anticipated because we're moving to a credit card processor and we’re meeting their requirements such as a privacy policy. Yes, this means you don't have to deal with Paypal. However, for people who still want to use Paypal, you don't need to worry because the credit card processor also allows Paypal (it's Braintree, which is owned by Paypal). This should make things more convenient for everyone, because I know not everyone has a Paypal account, and sometimes people have had trouble getting their credit cards recognized by Paypal.

Q: How much will registration be?
A: 50 dollars until December 21st, which is two weeks before AGDQ. Afterward, it will be 60 dollars to register. That is, if there are spots left.

Q: Spots left?
A: Yes, we are capping registration at 920 people.

Q: But wait, I'm a runner/staff/volunteer who has put a lot of hours in the past. What if I don't register in time?
A: That's why registration is capped at 920. At that point we'll only be letting in runners, staff, and volunteers at our discretion because the maximum amount of attendees we can handle is around 1000.

Q: Can't the venue handle more people?
A: Yes, but there's the matter of keeping growth sustainable for staff and the runners involved, if AGDQ grows too fast, it could overwhelm everyone, including attendees.

Q: Isn't a cap open to abuse?
A: It's one registration per person, and we're going to check IDs at registration, so use your real name when registering. Underage kids do not count toward the cap (if you're bringing your kids to the event, they're fine).

Q: I don’t see a day registration anymore, does it still exist?
A: No, we abolished day registration for two reasons: it’s not a common option (less than 10% of registrants) and it’s becoming too difficult to enforce because of how long the event is.

Q: Will there be refunds?
A: Yes, refunds will be allowed until December 28th, a week before the event.
Thread title:  
For Fun! For GLORY!!
920 huh? Is that close to the record amount of attendees for a GDQ? If so I might have to reg on day 1.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
The most we had was over 500 for AGDQ 2014. We haven't come close to hitting 1000 yet, but I'm just being safe.
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Fair enough. Given how they've been growing i wouldn't be surprised. Tongue
I'm addicted to games
1000 or bust, let's do it people Wink
For people that pre-register and only plan on staying for a fraction of the marathon ( say one person wants to stay the first half, another stay on the second half ),  would that be counted as 1 or 2 people for the cap?
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Naegleria:
For people that pre-register and only plan on staying for a fraction of the marathon ( say one person wants to stay the first half, another stay on the second half ),  would that be counted as 1 or 2 people for the cap?

We're counting registrations as if everyone was there the whole time. Managing partial visits would be ... pretty messy.
Edit history:
The Sid: 2014-10-29 02:04:25 pm
raising the stakes on being bad!
this feels like one of them dumb questions....
so from the start would someone like me that plans to do(i.e. I will be putting in as soon as its open) volunteering count towards the 920 or the extra 80?

thx matty just felt need to ask, not sure why, makes a lot of sense now that i stop and think.
Edit history:
Cool Matty: 2014-10-29 11:50:26 am
Cool Matty: 2014-10-29 11:37:43 am
Cool Matty: 2014-10-29 11:36:31 am
Cool Matty: 2014-10-29 11:35:52 am
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from The Sid:
this feels like one of them dumb questions....
so from the start would someone like me that plans to do(i.e. I will be putting in as soon as its open) volunteering count towards the 920 or the extra 80?

Everyone is counted towards the 920. Once the cap is hit, Mike will be able to allow further registrations at his discretion. There will be a counter on the website.
I'm just wondering, how did the 920 cap come about?  Why not 950, 900, or even 1000?  920 just seems like an oddly specific number.
Well, the  max is 1000 and there's 80 safety slots for staff, runners, volunteers who could have been late to sign up. That makes it cap at 1000-80=920.
Doesn't look so odd when you think about it Smiley
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Naegleria: Separate, as Matty stated.

StingerPA: I figured it wouldn't be 100+, but it could be anywhere from 50-100, so I just settled on 920. It is a bit arbitrary, but I wanted enough backup slots in case if there were a lot of runners, staff, and important volunteers who didn't sign up in time.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Just FYI, the current plan is to test registration (to see if there are no bugs) Thursday, and then make it public Friday.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from mikwuyma:
Just FYI, the current plan is to test registration (to see if there are no bugs) Thursday, and then make it public Friday.

Unfortunately, Cool Matty's grandfather is in the hospital so registration will be delayed at least a day, I apologize for this, and hopefully Matt's grandfather makes it out okay.
Thanks for the update, and yes, hopefully Cool Matty's grandfather will be alright. One or two extra days is not a problem.
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ZachSK: 2014-11-09 07:23:52 am
Feudal Family Lord
registration is still at
also, get well soon GranpaMatty
Just to make sure I'm not being daft, if we booked our hotel already via the group - we still need to register for the actual marathon attendance as a separate thing?  Or is that handled automatically and this is just for people who are staying elsewhere?
Registering for the marathon is separate from hotel reservation. Registration is required for all attendees, regardless of where you're staying.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Yes, registration is on and it's separate from the hotel registration.

I haven't forgotten about registration, BTW, but getting the flu this week means most of what I've been doing is trying to recover. Sad
Dapper as fuck.
Bop that flu for free man.

Seriously though feel better.
Screw the Sanity meter, who needs it
Damn, now I feel like an ass for emailing you again, Mike. My bad.
Hope you're feeling better. Any updates on registration?
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
It's coming along, since we're implementing a new payment system it's taken more work, which requires time I've had very little of (for above cited reason). I think I've got all the main kinks nailed but I'm not going to put a timestamp on anything other than to say "as soon as humanly possible".
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Okay it's just been tweeted, but registration is finally live. Sorry for the numerous delays, it really came down to getting the flu at a terrible time, and Cool Matty's grandfather going through the hospital. Anyway, as of right now you can only pay by credit card, but paypal will be added soon (it's pending at the moment), and refunds will be added soon too. We just wanted to get the registration process moving.

You can register by logging into

I'll make a more detailed post about it later.
I just attempted to register and got the error
"You've already signed up for this event. You can't sign up again."
Which this is my first attempt to, a bug or was I automatically registered somehow?