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Quote from ziggirawk:
It's unlikely that the cap will be reached, since previous attendance was in the 500s, but best bet is to pay as soon as possible.

I wouldn't hold to that logic too closely. GDQ attendance has typically doubled year-over-year, so that cap is a lot closer to reality than you'd think. For example, around half of the spots are already gone. It's better to close your spot as soon as you can to guarantee attendance.
Edit history:
Cool Matty: 2014-12-04 09:42:35 am
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Madtaz64:
Uh... I was able to register before I payed, does that mean I can pay it later? Is there a deadline? Or is it "If you don't pay your spot can be taken" or you have to re-register or something like that.

As it says on the profile page, you must pay for your registration before the cap is met to be secured a spot for the event. You do not HAVE to pay now, but you run the risk of the cap being reached. Also, as it says on the sign up page, the cost for registration goes up after December 22nd by $10. Waiting to pay on-site will be the same increased price.

Quote from ZFG:
I'm a bit confused about registration for children - my 16 year old brother is coming with me, does he need to register as well or can he be under my children registration? 

Anyone 16 or older must register for themselves. Anyone under the age of 16 is not allowed to register, and thus must be listed under a parent or legal guardian.

Quote from ziggirawk:

As far as I can tell if the event reaches cap and you haven't paid, then you won't be registered. With exceptions for people who have worked out alternate payment methods with Mike. However, Mike intentionally planned for 1000 people with the hotel and set the cap at 920 so that they could accommodate things like that. It's unlikely that the cap will be reached, since previous attendance was in the 500s, but best bet is to pay as soon as possible.

Treat the cap as a hard cap. You can arrange alternative payment with Mike, and then I will mark your registration towards the cap, but so far no one has done this. Any exceptions will likely only be made towards volunteers or runners. Also, as Omnigamer said, the cap could actually be hit. The number of registrations has been much faster than last year. We've already almost reached the total registrations that we had last year (in the high 400's prior to the event), and there's still a month left before the marathon.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Also, for those curious:

We currently have 105 people who haven't paid for the event, but are signed up. So that's a significant amount of people who may fill the cap up at any time.
I intend to pay next week. I have drill this weekend and that eats up my money.
Screw the Sanity meter, who needs it
I've registered, but I'm waiting on response for my hosting application. Just trying to figure out if I can afford to go to AGDQ or if I have to wait until SGDQ.
I don't want to alert anyone since this most likely is pure coincidence, but:

Has anyone had any unauthorized charges on their credit or debit card (unrelated to the gamesdonequick one) since paying for registration? I had an unauthorized charge show up on my card around a day ago from a site I've never used (, an Indonesian travel company; I had another "facebk *purchase" with no amount shown, but that one disappeared). There's only two new obvious places I've used my card recently, registration being one. CC company can't help me out with additional info until the charge goes through, if it does.

Just wanted to check if anyone has had anything similar show up and would feel dumb if I didn't ask.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
I can't see it being anything other than coincidental. Mike and I both used our own cards to test the system and I don't show any issues on my card. In addition, we don't process the payments (we don't even receive your credit card number), we use Braintree for payment processing.

They're about as reputable as processors can be, and as you can tell on their site, they serve quite a few large websites and businesses.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Done and done.
I registered/paid shortly after registration opened but still haven't received the email receipt. Weren't they supposed to go out last week?
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Kylebutler1:
I registered/paid shortly after registration opened but still haven't received the email receipt. Weren't they supposed to go out last week?

I haven't had time to finish the code. I've manually verified every transaction: as long as your balance says 0.00 after signing up, you are 100% confirmed. That's official as of this very post.
The Great Farming Empire
I can't seem to pay. I keep getting an error message saying:

"Whoops, Looks like something went wrong"

Every time I try to pay.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Sonikkustar:
I can't seem to pay. I keep getting an error message saying:

"Whoops, Looks like something went wrong"

Every time I try to pay.

Are you seeing the credit card form?
Edit history:
Sonikkustar: 2014-12-20 07:58:14 pm
The Great Farming Empire
I fixed my problem.

Quote from Cool Matty:
Are you seeing the credit card form?

No. I tried using Explorer and all it showed was the button. I then tried using Firefox, but the tab to get to the payment options wouldn't even load. It only worked when I used Chrome.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Sonikkustar:
I fixed my problem.

Quote from Cool Matty:
Are you seeing the credit card form?

No. I tried using Explorer and all it showed was the button. I then tried using Firefox, but the tab to get to the payment options wouldn't even load. It only worked when I used Chrome.

Then you have something wrong with your Javascript, and potentially your PC from the sound of it. I'd give your PC a thorough rundown.
Hi, I registered and paid on the site, and am hoping to attend next week, but it may conflict with an upcoming job interview. I understand refunds are available until the 28th, but I won't know if there's a definite conflict until after that date. In the event I cannot attend, is there some way to redirect my registration fee as a donation towards PCF? Should I message anyone in particular about this situation? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Edit history:
Cool Matty: 2014-12-27 02:34:29 pm
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Poorscythe:
Hi, I registered and paid on the site, and am hoping to attend next week, but it may conflict with an upcoming job interview. I understand refunds are available until the 28th, but I won't know if there's a definite conflict until after that date. In the event I cannot attend, is there some way to redirect my registration fee as a donation towards PCF? Should I message anyone in particular about this situation? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

In this situation I'd recommend you don't pay for your registration. If you don't come to the event, you owe us nothing. If you do come to the event, you can pay on site when you pick up your badge. You won't be reserved a spot in the cap, but it's unlikely we'll hit it, as it looks right now.

If you already have, I recommend you give me a PM so I can process your refund immediately.
Hey, I missed the deadline to register (I had no idea that the location was so close to home.) Can I register there? I know there are about 55 slots still open.
Edit history:
TheBlazeJp: 2015-01-01 07:14:00 pm
Quote from Cool Matty:
Also, for those curious:

We currently have 105 people who haven't paid for the event, but are signed up. So that's a significant amount of people who may fill the cap up at any time.

I think I paid, but I can't remember. When I log in it sais Balance $0 - Signed up.

The last few months have been busy for me, my memory wanders a bit, I don't know if theres a way to confirm?
Quote from TheBlazeJp:
Quote from Cool Matty:
Also, for those curious:

We currently have 105 people who haven't paid for the event, but are signed up. So that's a significant amount of people who may fill the cap up at any time.

I think I paid, but I can't remember. When I log in it sais Balance $0 - Signed up.

The last few months have been busy for me, my memory wanders a bit, I don't know if theres a way to confirm?