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Quote from Tp_Fox:
OMG YES **** YES, I've never been this excited before. I tried for more than 12 hours yesterday, I played this the whole day and I couldn't get it. But after sleeping and doing it for 2 hours this morning I GOT IT!!! It's pretty good but the bad news is I won't be able to upload until Sunday though. But expect it then. Smiley

What segment is that?
Quote from TLoZSR:
Quote from Tp_Fox:
OMG YES **** YES, I've never been this excited before. I tried for more than 12 hours yesterday, I played this the whole day and I couldn't get it. But after sleeping and doing it for 2 hours this morning I GOT IT!!! It's pretty good but the bad news is I won't be able to upload until Sunday though. But expect it then. Smiley

What segment is that?
City in the Sky (after getting the double clawshots or Segment 35)

Woo there it is
destroy them with lazers
Just finished watching and its great to see this awesome run being continued. Great segment.
awesome job TPfox!!  does this run count as a low percent run?
well it might be considered as a low%, since the any% would do the BIT glitch.  But then again, when you do the BIT glitch, the sword and shield aren't actually in the inventory.  So this could also be an any% and possibly face rejection unless BIT is a separate category (though it probably shouldn't be because it is only a 5 minute time saver).
Yeah I'm not sure really, and if it's rejected oh well, it'll still be the fastest time unofficially and will be for a while since TP is known as a run that doesn't get finished by many.
I'll guarantee it won't get rejected...the run is pure awesomeness.  I'm happy you decided to continue on and finish it
I remember playing this this temple a while back, looking for the fastest possible routes through the propeller portions, but the combination of being ON a moving propeller and shooting AT a moving propeller lead me to believe that none of them would be possible in a run of this kind. You proved me wrong by a long shot...and I'm glad. Smiley
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Quote from Caveberry:
You proved me wrong by a long shot

I think you mean... A Clawshot.

Nice segment, Tp_Fox.
Even if you think it will be rejected, try to submit it anyways.
Unless if someone is really determined and can ignore some little mistakes here and there, no one will beat your run.
I've seen some good starts, but then they decide to start over because of a 1-2 second mistake.

How do you get out the forest early exactly? From what I heard you use a howl stone. Even if you can warp glitch through a howl stone, how does that get you out early.
So your saying you can exit the forest dungeon without beating the boss and continue with the game up to the Canon but get stuck there?
I just got a hold of the GC version and I wanted to try the boomerang super slice trick, but I can't get it to work. Doesn't it work with the PAL version or something like that?
Make sure you just throw the boomerang, pull out the sword, and jump attack at the right time without doing anything else. If you touch the control stick or most anything on the controller then you'll break the lockon on the boomerang. If you can do the jump attack then you're probably just throwing the boomerang to the wrong spots, make sure it's higher than you and either over a void or over a platform that's higher up than you are.
Edit history:
Rygert: 2011-04-18 01:54:45 pm
Quote from Paraxade:
Make sure you just throw the boomerang, pull out the sword, and jump attack at the right time without doing anything else. If you touch the control stick or most anything on the controller then you'll break the lockon on the boomerang. If you can do the jump attack then you're probably just throwing the boomerang to the wrong spots, make sure it's higher than you and either over a void or over a platform that's higher up than you are.

Thx Parax, I'll try that. Sounds like the matter of fact that I play PAL doesn't matter at all then.

EDIT: Master Sword is mandetory to skip Death Mountain, right?
Edit history:
Tp_Fox: 2011-04-19 11:03:16 am
Tp_Fox: 2011-04-18 03:29:29 pm
Tp_Fox: 2011-04-18 03:29:16 pm
Zant isn't being very corporative right now. On a side note:

Edit: I got the segment, should be up soon.
Leftward punch go!
Dancing in the corner. That sneaky lunatic.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Beast segment Tp_Fox, can't wait for the whole run to be done, I'm sure you think the same! =D
Nice TPfox....everything you do is like perfection
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Tp_Fox: 2011-04-19 10:20:30 pm

Here's another segment, and thanks everyone. Smiley Next segment is gonna be tough though, I just did a test run and the hardest part is definitely the underwater phase of the Zant battle. :\ It's so luck based because if I don't guess where he's going to be correctly, I have to waste another bomb and another cycle. Sad

That's Segment 38, sorry for the double post, figured I'd bump this to let people know a new one is up. Only two more left!
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Flip: 2011-04-20 09:41:08 pm
Idk if you do it on purpose, but you don't need to put the youtube link in [url] tags because they auto-embed.

edit: Great segment, btw. Zant fight was awesome.
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Tp_Fox: 2011-04-21 12:51:29 am
Thanks Smiley And I didn't know that haha.

Btw does anyone know if skipping the mailman works on GCN? I forgot if it does or not....

Edit: Nvm I just remembered it doesn't work because the trigger is bigger on the GCN. Thanks to MrP0tter's old video that helped me in the past, or should I say Paraxade? :p
There seems to be som kind of warp glitch preformed to be able to get to Snowpeak early, but I don't get it... Open the map, open portals, switch map section and what seems to be warping, although this is cancelled somehow, but I don't get how.