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Now 100%? Wink
I'll ddos you if i want to.
Pheenoh the mean-o
I'm not doing 100% again until the summer, sorry.
oh well, I guess you need some rest from this game.
If you ever do decide to go for a serious attempt for 100%, I might consider submitting a bounty. Smiley
See you next summer then !!
Pheenoh the mean-o
I changed my mind about submitting (again). I'm going to go for sub 3:20 after AGDQ.
Good, we don't need a spliced run up anyway.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2012-11-26 05:50:02 pm
For people bitching that Ing's record isn't legit:
Edit history:
ING-X: 2013-01-08 05:21:25 pm
People were bitching that my record wasn't legit? D:

fuk u guys

Big thanks to interslice for encoding my run btw, I haven't been able to because my laptop has had a serious overheating problem that prevented me from doing anything that consumed a lot of processing power.
Quote from ING-X:
People were bitching that my record wasn't legit? D:

If it means anything to you, I believed you.
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
Congrats.  Can't really blame people for not believe you.  It's like me saying I have a WR but no video proof...even if I'm well known.
Well the run wasn't very good (well, it was by my standards, but pheenoh raised the standards a lot shortly before I did the run) so I figured it wouldn't be that big a deal if I didn't upload it. Guess not Tongue
Pheenoh the mean-o

Pretty good single segment time. The luck/gameplay was better in this run than my one with resets, so I guess I'll get back to doing attempts at that.
Nice run too bad the beginning sucks
Probably considered a necrobump, but been curious about running this game a bit differently than most. Currently practicing just playing through right now, but the intent is to do 100% single-segment glitchless on the Wii, and I'm really interested if anyone out there has any idea what a "good time" is. As far as where we're at right now (we're s/q at points we know don't move us anywhere to take a break as I don't have entire days to playing one run but if we'd actually try it would likely set aside days to do it) I'm looking at 13:15:06 entering Twilight Palace, having already cleared Cave of Ordeals and everything (I believe) required for 100% in the overworld. Also note this is attempt 1, having beaten the game three times before and gotten to the end a fourth time (but didn't bother finishing the game)

As a refresher, from the low%/100% definitions thread:

-Zelda: Twlight Princess, The Legend of: All hearts (heart pieces, heart containers), all upgrades, item screen complete (all items), collection screen complete (swords, clothes, shields), all poe souls, wallet, quiver, and golden bugs.

I've been grabbing Dungeon Map, Compass, Occooco, and Big Key from every dungeon so far; I know Big Key is required to complete the dungeon so skipping that isn't an option but wasn't sure if the other three were required for 100%.

I completely cleared Cave of Ordeals once (right before finishing off the overworld, right after finishing CitS) and wanted to be sure that clearing this (not just getting the poes) is a requirement of 100%. It doesn't appear so, but one can never be sure.

Lastly, Hena's Fishing Hole is only required for Bottle #3 and a Heart Piece- the RollGoal minigame (to get Frog Lure) and Lure Fishing (to get Hylian Loach along with Sinking Lure) aren't considered part of 100%, correct?

P.S. Waiting for night sucks, especially in the massive post-LBT collection. Might do another practice run to get a feel for playing quickly and then see about coming up with a better route other than "get stuff when you can"- that segment alone of after Master Sword but before Gerudo Desert was longer than anything else I've had yet and probably longer than anything else I will have, clocking in at ~1:40:00. Also don't have any good way to segment this as it's extremely reliant on doing stuff when you can, so any segmentation would vary from run to run until I get extremely consistent, which for now I'm nowhere close to.

Thanks guys, appreciate any advice/pointers.
Finishing Cave of Ordeals is not required for 100%.
In that case, what's the fastest way out in SS? If I remember correctly, intentional death is a grey area and there's no way to head back to floor 40. Midna also can't warp you. I'm thinking that even though it's not required for 100% I have to do it anyway to get out of there, which stinks as F48/F49 are not that quick.
Intentional death is not a grey area. It's called death warp and used all the time where it saves time.
Thanks, my only known reference was the any% on GameCube during a GDQ where Cosmo mentioned having the miniboss of CitS kill him after he got double clawshots was something they were debating as it was an intentional death. Appreciate clearing that up.
Edit history:
Mystery: 2014-05-21 11:43:53 am
I cannot speak for runners of a specific game, but I can answer how things are usually regarded by SDA. I'm not familiar with the debate regarding GDQ, but maybe he can clear that up.
Ended up with 14h 35m, which I don't think is bad, especially considering it's both glitchless and is not optimized *at all*. Now, to work on a route.

I know Cave of Ordeals can be "completed" as early as right after having activated the Dominion Rod, because Double Clawshot requirement wasn't entirely planned out the best (there's a fair bit of the target accessible from the starting platform, which you'd think they'd have noticed) so we only have to make two trips to the desert (once through for the Poes and Arbiter's Grounds, once later for Owl Statue and Cave of Ordeals' Poes), but if one considers it a glitch that that target is accessible then we'd make a third trip post CitS to get it then.

Been considering doing deathwarps, but not sure how much/where they'd go. Forest Temple isn't that useful as it's just about as long to run there as it is any other way, from any place we'd DW from. Goron Mines requires third boss key, and by then there's one room to go through before reaching the central area again. It's probably faster unless extremely low on HP to just go on with it than DW, especially with the first room being as annoying as it is. Lakebed Temple isn't a good spot to DW, as entrance room is too far away. So none of the pre-MS dungeons are a good spot to DW in.

Arbiter's Grounds is highly inefficent to DW in as the route is extremely linear. Snowpeak has potential, but without a quick way to suicide it's unlikely. Also, it's only useful in the late stages of the dungeon, well after we have B/C (to get back to 2F). This is the dungeon I see having the most potential for DWing, except it's so small that it's unlikely. Temple of Time is straight up out as the statue forces us to take it back the full way. CitS is maybe, although we're more likely to be faster going back after Compass than DWing (under a bridge with Babas and up vs iron boots in the wind and man-chicken flying). The only way we could make this worth it is if we do cutscene skip, which isn't entirely "legitimate" as then a DW puts us right where we want to be (we'd DW after Compass).

Twilight Palace is out (ToT reasoning) and Hyrule Castle is out because we only pass the entrance twice- once from having grabbed dungeon map in the west (east on GC) and second is after getting small key from King Bublin final fight (even though we have to run there, this key is marginally faster than Owl Statue key, although both are slower than Aereflos key)

Outside the main dungeons, the only logical place is Cave of Ordeals to deathwarp out, and that's the only one that has "this is going to be faster" written all over it.

Open for thoughts. Might type up my thoughts on a route for this, depends on how wordy I can keep it from being.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Hey everyone,

Im praying that someone is still watching this thread as  have a huge problem.
Ive been playing this game for a little bit and all was fine, however whenever I now try to soft reset (Start + X + B) I do NOT go back to the title screen, Instead my wii turns itself off.
Im playing through Dios Mios as I havnt found a Gamecube copy I can get and its now really anoyying me.
I have literally been sitting here for 3 hours trying to find the cause of why my soft reset is turning the console off.

If anyone has encountered this or knows how to fix it please let me know, This is the one zelda game I really would like to learn to run but untill this issue is resolved I wont be able too.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
I just tested the Start X B on Super Mario Sunshine and it turned off (well more like froze/crashed) the console, I lost all video signal however the green power stayed stuck on.