Quote from mzxrules:
Odd and slightly off topic question, but can't we BiT and beat the game without getting EMS (even though it would be slower)? Just trying to remember stuff about TP.
I think finishing the game with non-ems BiT became possible once sword/shield skip was discovered.
Useless and random stuff. BITE works just before 2nd goat herding, Mayor Bo's house, Castle Town (non-twilight), Hidden Village, ToT, Kakariko village, Arbiter's Grounds, Snowpeak (sometimes will crash...don't know what the trigger is), CitS (I saw your video of that from awhile back. It crashes if you skip the Argorok cutscene, save, then attempt BiTE). Regular BiT crashes for me when I do it off Kakariko gorge. The screen just stays black. I haven't found any other spot where regular BiT crashes like that. BiTE crashes in every boss room (I was hoping it would work after Morpheel, but before exiting Lakebed just to see if any side effect would happen).
I might have mentioned this awhile back. The exact trigger for being able to warp the DM rock is the tunnel entrance with Kargaroc. With fixed ems before going to lake hylia, I opened the ZD portal, then warped to DM. The Z-warp option for the rock was not available. I then went to lake hylia, tamed Kargoroc as a human, did the glitch to get off Kargoroc and was standing in the tunnel, warped to ZD, warped to DM, and could then warp the rock.
I'm fairly certain that even if half of forest temple is skipped, you can still warp the DM rock. The Z-option is automatically there, and the portals are shown on the map without having to press the D-pad. We know that with skipping half of FT, one huge obstacle is warping the sky cannon early. But how can you skip half of FT and climb Snowpeak without reekfish scent?