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GoHC farfadet: 2013-05-28 03:25:11 am
yop, ok brass, thx for the tip, i didn't know the bunker door after the deer had circunstances like this

edit: now it make sense to me, since i presume the two mini-tutorials (skills and weapons upgrade) can't work together on the same firecamp's opening without reloading.
So, using ballstics method, I found a way to skip the spawn trigger for the enemies at the second grim skip. This leaves 1 guy to kill. After that, only guy left throws molotovs so its 1000 times safer. I don't think it can be done every run. Ill try to get a video soon.
np GoHC. i was having the same issues in my attempts and thankfully pewable was watching and he let me know.

Zydin - please keep finding stuff!
I have something else I want to try, but I only get 1 attempt per run. You are in prime position to test it because of how you do your segments. Ill let you know tonight.
when you get to the checkpoint, change your save slot to another one.
after you attempt it and succeed/fail, go to the main menu and load the other save slot and repeat the process.
That's the easy way to back up 1 save slot on console.

On the 360, you can access all 3 save slots (they are numbered) from the dashboard system manager.  put them onto a flashdrive then into a folder on your computer, and that's how I back up all my saves.  to replace, just copy from the flash drive to the harddrive and replace the save slot.  it really is quite easy.  to backup multiple saves on your computer, just put them in different folders. examples for me are:

Desktop -> TR Run -> Saves -> Segment 5 -> Xbox360 (this is the folder from the flashdrive)
Desktop -> TR Run -> Saves -> Segment 23 -> Xbox360
Omg. This is gonna help so much in figuring stuff out. Thanks.
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Zydin: 2013-05-27 06:01:34 pm
Just a few minor things and some glitches:

Wiggle Method: When you press left or right, hold that direction and wiggle the stick up and down to about 45 degrees. The game registers each wiggle as a new input so you get extra momentum.
0:00 - idk if this was known, probably doesn't save much time over the normal method. there is a fast version.

1:40 - interesting. I will check this out before I do another run.

2:16 - hmm, i couldnt cut off one direction...

2:34 - this was known for a while, but no one has found a use for it yet.
0:00 - by fast version do you mean just running past all the enemies? In that case, the one I posted is safer for sure. I didn't think it saved time either but I wanted to post it just to put it out there.

1:40 - those 2 guys are the ones that run out from the little scripted bit while on the crate. I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility to skip that scripted bit by jumping across like ballistic showed, then jumping like I showed, and to not have to fight a single person. If you just do the last jump, you could probably just kill those 2 guys to get the Grim's death cutscene. If you just do the first one, well...the guys spawn later so you can go for the fire jump like normal.

2:16 - It's not easy to do, which is why I wanted to show that it -was- possible. I can do 4 on the second part, but she catches fire and it goes out. Doesn't persist so I don't think it saves time on the second half.

2:34 - I attempted to do the same thing after the bridge sequence but I couldn't get off the ground and into the air. I thought I was able to do it before but perhaps I was mistaken.

Also, I may have found a new path in that OOB skip at the Solarii Fortress. Stay tuned for the update.
from the 2 boxes by the second guy you kill you can jump up to that platform.

Lol I tried that repeatedly and never made it
it's a weird jump and I can't get it consistently
Hey, how are doing with the grim skip after my advice?
I wont be able to test or play anymore until mid July due to an audition and festival.
Oh yeah. I forgot. Good luck with everything. I won't bother you with skip details for now, but I'm working on a few promising leads
it's fine. I'll be able to keep up with everything, just can't test it
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Potato Handle: 2013-05-29 07:23:47 am
Plays games quickly. Eventually.
Found a new little skip, been trying to work out this for a while after doing it by accident once, only saves like 3-5 seconds, but comes with plenty of style points, once you work out where to "aim" yourself it's pretty easy. (Although I've only done it a few times myself so far.)

AFAIK it wastes no time to try it, Lara gets up before the end of the cutscene either way, so see how you guys go with it. \o/
Well, all that was useless. I took a gander at skipping the chasm fight and searching for the trigger that loads the next section (see if I could find something like I did with the beam in shantytown). It doesn't load until the wind blows the wood off of the door and allows it to be grabbed by the rope arrows. Looks like that fight is a must (unless somehow we discover that that trigger isn't caused by killing all the enemies). In other news, I found another possible skip that I need to test further, and all other things I was thinking might work turned out to be nothing. I'm still convinced there's more the shantytown though so I'm not giving up on breaking it.
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brassmaster: 2013-05-31 12:46:44 am
brassmaster: 2013-05-31 12:46:11 am
2:04:01, new console WR!!!

Here it is with commentary with Zydin
Good job! I'm pretty sure now you can beat PC times on Xbox which means sub 2h Wink

On a further note: I still haven't managed to jump down during slow-mo when you get the fire arrows (tried with spamming jump and spamming jump plus holding forward). And I'm not sure if it is clear by now anyways or not, but the shanty town skip is possible on PC you just have to wait until the bar is burnt down so you can stand close enough to the gate and also you have to kill off the first wave of guys (because the waiting causes them getting too close). It still saves a good amount of time and if you fail you lose maybe 10sec.
Hey guys, just speedrunned this game by myself 2 times got 3:15 (just without glitches,skips and tricks) and i want to become into real speedrunning it. Means that i want to learn the tricks but i think i'm a bit late. So any tips to get into it in the next time? ( i have alot of time :D)  I'm watching the commentary run right now (WR). Is there a good YT channel with skips and tricks?  Well i have alot more questions but that should do it for first Cheesy  Iam on IRC chat #tombraider everytime i'm on pc btw.
idk if sub 2 is possible SS without perfect luck.  we'll see what all zydin can find since he's still looking.  sub 2 might not be too far off.

for the "bar burn gate skip", you need to roll into the gate to get closer. at least that works on console.

Welcome Ascendancylf.  3:15 isn't too bad, my first attempt was 3:57.  unfortunately there is not a single channel that has all the skips explained.  I started working on tutorials and should probably get back to that.  Most skips are easy enough to learn by watching runs, but the door clips are an exception.  PC door clips are different then on console so I can't help you there.  you're best bet is to watch artistic's record PC run.
If you are having problems with any of the skips, feel free to ask about them specifically and we'll be glad to help.
Hey I proudly present to you New PC WR (Normal SS any%) 1:58:44.4

Warning: First couple of splits were HORRIBLE I was almost 2min behind at the second split... so after the 3rd split the run went pretty smooth :).
dang!!! nice!  that's pretty awesome!
Also know as L0rdy
Congratz Artistic, gj on that time : )