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Yeah. I just saw it. I told you :p umm...I know a few routes in certain places that saves time but nothing major that I can think of off the top of my head. Ill watch a run and take notes.
May have found one at the long fight after you get the grenade launcher. It avoids the trigger to spawn the enemies as well as the trigger to play the scene for the turret. Don't have to slide down the rope either.
I know how to avoid that trigger, with the dude with the turret, but it looks more slower than faster. Maybe we don't have the same thing.
I'm clipping underneath the buildings and running. Its an easy clip so its fast.
Btw I know a way how you can Skip the Grim 2 cutscene (Grim are you there?, It's a trap bla bla show them your teeth) It also let's you do the second grim skip without reloading before you attemt it because the enemies spawn later. Can save you some seconds but you have to catch the right gondola that it works, so you probably can't do it in a run.
I know a way to get those guys to toss the fire bottle consistently (for the damage skip). I want to test it further but my steps have worked the last 4 times.
Whats the damage skip? If it's the second grim skip there's already a video link some pages back. Works very constant if your aim is good.
Yeah, sorry. I don't know of another skip that requires you to take damage so that's what I call it. I didn't see that video.
That cutscene skip doesn't seem to save any time for segmented or SS.  as far as I know the gondola continues to move through that cutscene... I could be wrong though. 

Interesting find Zydin.  I'm interested in seeing it if you can record it.
Recorded. Its sub optimal but you'll get the idea. Tech guy is coming in the morning to fix my internet. Ill try to have it up by friday.
Brass.. the time saving part is that the enemies spawn later and therefor you dont have to reload checkpoint before attemting the skip. Without the cutscene skip it's pretty luck based if it works or not without reloading, the classic or the barrel shooting way (for SS runs). Except if Zydin has found a completely different technique.
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Zydin: 2013-05-23 01:51:37 pm
I don't know all these ways. I just take 2 shots at certain times and it makes it happen every time. And why do you say you need to reload?
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Zydin: 2013-05-23 10:54:28 pm
Zydin: 2013-05-23 10:48:15 pm
Here a few things that I think will save time over current methods:

The OOB one has potential. It might be possible to jump ontop of that building and skip needing to kill the turret to get to the rope. This might allow you to skip the cutscene. I need to play around with it.
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TheArtisticBallistic: 2013-05-24 02:05:57 am
TheArtisticBallistic: 2013-05-24 01:39:28 am
TheArtisticBallistic: 2013-05-23 11:56:24 pm
TheArtisticBallistic: 2013-05-23 11:56:10 pm
TheArtisticBallistic: 2013-05-23 11:55:56 pm
Very nice stuff!!(I just hope you are familiar with the RNG of this game^^) I reload the checkpoint because you most likely will get killed if you just go for it. Except when I can skip the cutscene. So Im looking forward to seeing your 2nd grim skip video:) Because it pretty much sucks when the guy throws the molotov but you die in mid-air...
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Zydin: 2013-05-24 09:48:25 am
Edit: Looked it up (random number generator), and no; I'm not. I've not really encountered any situation in this game that seems random. To what are you referring?
I'm usure about lighting the boxes in the water. for SS runs it could because of RNG (the boxes are randomly flowing down)

0:57 - thank you!

1:15 - 22 seconds using either route, so it doesn't matter, they are the same. but from your video, I would jump off the roof onto the rope. the jump speed is faster then her climbing speed.

2:08 - interesting

2:35 - nice, definitely worth it in SS runs. I'm not sure about segmented though...

3:06 - similar idea to what I found, except yours is a little further up so it might be 1-2 seconds faster :), and at 3:21 you can jump over some of the rocks there saving a second or two

3:42 - why not shoot the door right away? also the route you used for this fight is nice. definitely adopt it for my segmented run. although I dont know how reliable this is for SS...

4:14 - nice find. yes, need to test this!
As brass already said it starts with the boxes you light on fire. On Pc the door clipping is partially RNG (probably on console as well). Even the jump down the ladder after the deer door can kill you like 1 out of 30 or 40 times. Sometimes you get super long slow-mo when the wolves jump on you. (this was just the first few minutes of the game I hope you'll get the idea). You definately will understand once you start speedrunning it.
yeah, there is RNG everywhere.  some of your strats do avoid some RNG which is nice and that's also what we look for when speed running: how to manipulate or avoid RNG.  This game actually has a LOT of RNG.
0:57 - you're welcome! I'm still searching for a way to skip that house entirely.
1:15 - there's a way to go faster but its harder, and I often miss the rope when I jump. Took the safe route for the recording.
2:08 - it looks easy to miss but you can't fall into water from above so you can just run till you can't go further, then jump.
2:35 - you can do it faster. I got hung up on the hanging tire.
3:06 - cool. I've only seen killing the 3rd guy after passing the second. Thanks for the rock jump.
3:42 - the door blowing up is the event trigger for the enemies. It only gives you 1 grenade to start so picking some up after throws off the timing. Only reason I almost died there is because I didn't kill the second guy. You can do this without taking damage.
4:14 - definitely needs more testing. Gonna kill everyone then go exploring for a few
new OoB - cant find anything with it, but maybe someone else will find something.
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Zydin: 2013-06-12 06:52:01 pm
you can kill the deer in one shot. Didn't know it was possible.
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GoHC farfadet: 2013-05-25 06:56:43 am
don't know why, but my xbox freeze 1/2 times opening the firecamp when auto-upgrading the axe for the big door.
Any suggestions?
if you do the deer door skip, you need to reload a checkpoint between there and that camp, otherwise it freezes.  best place to do it is after the three wolves when Lara's foot is caught in the trap.  there's a checkpoint as she is standing up from that camp.
Hey, brass, how much time do the skips that we currenty use save?
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brassmaster: 2013-05-25 08:25:23 pm
oh dear, that's tough to answer. most we haven't timed because it obviously saves time so there wasn't any need to check.  I'm listing them as I remember them, but feel free to question about others i may have missed.

Deer door - 30 seconds?
Village house (PC version) - 20 seconds?
Village house (Console version) - 3 seconds if that
Up to the wolf den - 30 seconds?
rifle wall clip - 15 seconds or so
Radio tower door - a minute, maybe more?
rope avoid over water after you get the rope - 5 seconds or so
cliffside route before first monastery - unknown, probably 30 seconds to a minute from an "intended" route
Monastery skip - minute
Shantytown fight skip 1 - unknown, at least a minute
Shantytown fight skip 2 - minute
Grim Skip 1 - unknown, probably 2 minutes
Grim Skip 2 - minute or so
Friendship skip - minute
Sallarii fortress OoB - 7-8 seconds
Bunker skip - no idea. a minute maybe?
Alex Skip - 4 minutes
Elevator skip - 3 minutes
research base escape fight - a minute
final fight - 10 minutes, probably less? this was honestly a VERY early find and I've only done that sequence the intended way twice, way back on the release week

maybe some of the other guys can help me be more accurate