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Hold a direction or do something like UP + PAUSE ~ PAUSE. It's how I did it. Hard to explain...

The most important part to do Alex Skip is the beginning, landing a feet on the pipe, do like I said earlier... The rest is not easy but if you are on the right spot it is ok.
if you think you can explain it better in french, go for it. perhaps there is someone who can translate it
I can try to explain while showing it to you if you want. Even in french I will have trouble. So messed up.
haha alright. I guess we'll just have to give it a shot ourselves and see.
I will start a stream then and try to explain it to you!
Also know as L0rdy
I am pretty sure that this skip doesnt work on PC, I can make her climb it when I limit my FPS to 30 pretty easily but with 60 FPS no chance that she makes it : (.
Are you sure she is not moving backwards even a little? Why don't you just put the game to 30 fps when you need to do it then :> ?
Also know as L0rdy
That is not allowed, you would use a 3rd party program to alter the game.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-04 05:12:24 am
Oh ok, I don't know how  those stuffs work so... yeah. Were you able to do it anyways, with 30 fps Smiley ?
Also know as L0rdy
Well I guess you thought 30 fps would be an ingame option which you can just turn on, but thats not the case I use a different program to lower my fps to 30. And yeah I tested it only really briefly with 30 fps and Lara just moves so much on that stuff there and just goes all the way up with ease T_T. When you do that on 60 fps you maybe get up half way if you are lucky : P.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-04 05:21:53 am
Pewable: 2013-04-04 05:21:39 am
But then were you able to jump? To trigger the checkpoint after Axel's death...

Try to delay your down and up movement. Weird that you can pause buffering or I don't know. You have to be sure to be on the pipe all the way up or else she will fall.
Edit history:
Aphox: 2013-04-04 05:48:36 am
Aphox: 2013-04-04 05:44:32 am
Aphox: 2013-04-04 05:44:11 am
Also know as L0rdy
I did try everything in my might to make that happen on 60fps but I wasnt even able to get half way upwards on the pipe, while with 30 fps I can make it half way with basicly every single try by just the first little movement of her I am already nearly half way up there lol. You just dont move like that on 60fps and no I cant jump there either I would be really supprised if someone even managed to get close to up there on 60 fps : x

EDIT: I made a short video that shows how different the forces work between 60 and 30 fps (this is only a demonstation).
You can see the FPS counter in the top left. First 3 trys are on 60 fps last try is on 30 fps.

It really looks like you can do it, go more to the right and I suggest to move the camera all the way up too...
Also know as L0rdy
Ofc I can do it, but thats what I wanted to showcase here... I can do it on 30fps... not on 60 fps : x
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-04 05:57:11 am
Do all the game with 30 fps then :p ... I don't think it is cheating, you are alternating the game yeah but... Hm. This is your punishment for doing an easier Friendship Skip.
Also know as L0rdy
No sorry we have to follow a certain kind of rule as PC gamer and that is not use a different program to gain any advantage in the game.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-04 06:02:37 am
Glad you said that. Don't worry, not tomorrow than we consoles players will have a best time than you pc gamers... Maybe.
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Aphox: 2013-04-04 06:04:12 am
Also know as L0rdy
There has always been a difference between platforms ^^, sometimes PC gamer have advantage sometimes console player : P. I dont mind that too much to be honest. We might find other stuff again on PC which you cant use ^^ who knows : )
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-04-04 10:56:37 am
Pewable: 2013-04-04 09:03:47 am
Pewable: 2013-04-04 08:41:34 am
I think I have reach my limit for this game Sad ... So good luck if you find new stuffs. Will try a speed run a little later.

Found an oob in the second part of the first forest but it is reaaally hard and rocks are solid so can't go to the big door...

Edit: News OOBS, news oobs everywhere.

Edit 2: We can actually FLY with it...
Also know as L0rdy
And you just said you reached your limit haha. Hope we'll see some good stuff soon.
They are useless so far :/ ...
wow so many new skips! you guys are awesome Cheesy
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Mrkrabs06: 2013-04-04 07:29:57 pm
Forgot to mention that I found something weird four weeks ago in this game and maybe you guys know how it happens. Was playing and I was in the geothermal caverns and at some point in the level, i noticed that enemies were suppose to be in that area but they weren't there and I was able to run through that part with no problem and save a few seconds. Not sure how this is possible and how it happens, but I think maybe it has to do with the game loading, but not sure. This also happened to me in some other area too. And I haven't tried the Alex skip yet, but when I do my recording with fraps it records on 55fps and I have not problems doing any of the glitches.
Are you speaking about the room before Friendship Skip? Happened to me once. The room can be done quite fast so don't bother trying to understand what happened.
seems like alot of random stuff happens in this game lol. While doing the base door skip I encountered an invisible guy.. I could see his swords but his body was gone :S Also I managed to make Lara do some sort of crabwalk while trying to jump out of a small cutscene.. that was freaky as hell