Dixie Kong Fan Club
Quote from KVD:
Oh, this is obviously true, but I still feel they should have left it out, it has no style. In my eyes, the case presented by the ESA group isn't helped by throwing this quite personal attack in there (contrarily, it makes it feel a bit vendetta-esque), while there are plenty of other points in there that do.
I disagree, the way it was worded was about as tasteful as it could be. Never once was it referred to as "trashing a toilet", and in fact that's really not the main concern. Not only was the action committed, but he avoided responsibility for the action until confronted. That IS information I want to know if I'm evaluating a situation. I could not care less that he got heavily intoxicated, I do care if he can't own up to actions that not only hurt the attendees, but presumably damaged the relationship between Team Ludendi/ESA Organizers and the administration of the facility they were using for the event.