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I know right??? And it's tiny compared to the SNES box...it's so cool!
Professional Second Banana
That box immediately made me think "Welcome to Moonside Wel come to Moo nsi ns dem oons ide"
SDA Speedruns: 1
Quote from Brettatron:
That box..... why dont they make em that cool anymore?

The kids that drew these images grew up.
I finished another picture for the marathon http://miraimika.deviantart.com/art/You-light-up-my-life-354205674?ga_submit_new=10%253A1360835032
Okay so I've been thinking, and if donation incentives are still available to be added I have a couple propositions for Dissidia/Duodecim:

-Intro cutscene: This thing just absolutely oozes in fanservice (and is actually a pretty nice looking cutscene in both games).
--Dissidia intro length: Roughly 5:40 long
--Duodecim intro length: Roughly 3:10 long

-Cutscene before the "final boss": I'm iffy on this one and might just show it anyways and not have it as an incentive (depending on time, I'll get to this later. There's also the fact that the one shown would be determined by the winner). Basically the scene makes some big references to the game that character is from. For Duodecim, I'd probably show both Lightning and Vaan's. Benefits to having this there from the start (and not as an incentive) is that it might push people to donate for some of the characters from the less popular games (for example: 2, 3, 5). I timed Zidane's real quick during a practice run and both scenes (there's 2 before the actual fight, I have to cutscene skip twice... those meanies!) and it came out to about 1 1/2 minutes long (1:46 to be exact).

-Actual ending (not just the character ending): This would have to be pulled off my main file (thankfully there is a theater mode in the game so it is very easy to pull the cutscene). The ending is slightly different between games (but only in the credits part). Dissidia's is more focused on showing bits of that scene before the boss, whereas Duodecim's is more focused on the various hero(ine)'s of each game (in order). The downside is that for the full ending it is -long-. Like, not stupidly long but... Still long enough. Basically, a breakdown (using Duodecim's ending):
--Main ending (showing the main 10 from Dissidia - this part is unchanged): Roughly 4 minutes
--Initial credits (featuring the classic FF1 background): Roughly 2 minutes (6 minutes total) (Pretty sure this part is also unchanged)
--"CG" Credits (featuring what I mentioned above): 10 minutes (16 minutes total) (Definitely changed for Duodecim - Dissidia's is probably a little shorter but only because there's less credits and they are more compact)

The one downside to mainly the ending is that I still have 2 stories sitting at over 40 minutes on PB (and one or two that are close - 38-39 minutes). Adding in all this would make it over the 60 minute time slot. Then again, I just PB'd Tidus at 29 minutes the other day so... (Granted that was a -really- good run, an average run would be more like 32-33).

I guess the other main downside to the ending is, as I mentioned, I'd have to pull it off another file.

I really do wish I could add in Ch3 for Duodecim but Ch2 is just too long ;;. Ch3 is Laguna (and is actually fairly funny for his scenes before/after the boss), but yeah... Silly Vaan and his insistence on making Ch2 too long. Tongue

I feel like there was something else I wanted to mention in this post regarding Dissidia but I can't think of it so... Mew? Most of my PB's are now between 30-40 minutes, thus the main reason I'm proposing these incentives. Even if just the intro is made an incentive that still puts me under the estimate for this game with all characters (unless something goes HORRIBLY wrong should Warrior of Light win Wink But my current strats for leveling should 99.9% prevent this).

Since I'm here I guess I'll update with the fact I got a 6:00:59 on Crisis Core. I'm estimating that the marathon run will end up somewhere between 6:15-6:30 (counting incentives and trolling).
Wow!  First off I want to say that I <3 everyone taking part in this marathon.  I have type 1 Diabetes, I've had it for almost 20 years now, not quite as long as I've been playing final fantasy.  When I learned that this marathon was supporting JDRF I almost started to cry, it really moved me.  AGDQ2013 was the first marathon I had watched and it really inspired me, since then I've been working on a FFVI run.  I wish I had known about this earlier and had started practicing sooner.  I regret that I will not be able to attend this event, but I hope to participate in future ones.  I can't wait to see some of my favorite games torn to pieces.
Edit history:
Poxnor: 2013-02-15 04:06:04 pm
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Okay, let's see what I can do about catching up with this backlog.  I've been up to my eyeballs in legal documents this past week, so my sincere apologies about being a negligent host this past while.  Of course, the Tournament Of Hearts starts this Saturday, so I better catch up before I spend the next week ogling the TV and getting smacked in the back of the head by Stef Wink

Itsu, FFgamer, and mikwuyma: I added your prizes to the first post.  To everyone wanting to send prizes -- please keep in mind that it takes a good few weeks for things to get over the border, so you'll probably want to send them fairly quickly (or bring them with you, if you're coming Tongue ) if you would like them shown on-camera.

Driscollad: Sorry, somehow I missed adding FF4/5/6 to the first post.  I added it along with the Super Famicom.  Sorry about that Tongue

rinimt: I like the intro cutscene.  I'm not sold on the ending cutscene (especially if it meant pulling from another file).  I'm also contemplating that if we get really ahead of schedule, you should do both Dissidia and Duodecim, since they're short enough that we could make up a little time without making a total mess of things.

bangagong: Thanks for your kind words.  I hope that you enjoy the marathon Smiley

Mikalia: I received your first three drawings.  Thank you very much; they're really beautiful!

khiro: I received your sets of buttons.  Amazingly beautiful!  Here's a sample, since I don't remember the pictures being made public: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v12/khiro/package01_zps5b23277b.jpg (warning, we have to guard the chocobo one from Stef).

Err, someone: I received a drawing shipped from a P.M. [initials only; full name redacted] in Ontario, and I don't know to whom to give credit (I'm really sorry, it probably got jumbled up in all the PMs I'm getting about C4L).  If you see this, could you please send me a PM so that I can give credit for the awesome drawing where it's due.
Edit history:
rinimt: 2013-02-15 04:35:13 pm
Quote from Poxnor:
rinimt: I like the intro cutscene.  I'm not sold on the ending cutscene (especially if it meant pulling from another file).  I'm also contemplating that if we get really ahead of schedule, you should do both Dissidia and Duodecim, since they're short enough that we could make up a little time without making a total mess of things.

Yeah, I figured as much on the ending, but figured I'd toss it in there in case ;). Intro sounds good though. Cheesy

As for Dissidia + Duodecim, a possibility I just thought of:

Make Dissidia the main focus. If X goal is met, I'll do Ch1 of Duodecim. If Y goal is met, I'll do Ch1+2 of Duodecim. Or just if Z goal is met, I'll do 1+2 of Duodecim. I've got my Dissidia PB's between 29-41 minutes now (shaved 4 minutes off my Warrior of Light PB right after I made that post with a simple route change on the final floor, whee!). The only thing I can think of is if it ends up being 1+2, I'd probably go over on time (not probably, I would, since 1+2 is sitting at 43 minutes on PB). I guess the solution there could be to just make it a quick run of Ch1, which is (if memory serves me right, not near my splits atm) 17 minutes PB currently, probably 19-20 on a bad run.

Edit: PB's atm:
Chapter 1: 17:58
Chapter 1+2: 43:27

Chapter 1 is pretty optimized, Ch2 is but isn't. >_> It's got the harder fights. So if anything (IE: we want to make doing Duodecim an added bonus on top of Dissidia), probably just Chapter 1 would be best to try and stay within the time as best as possible. All up to you though, I'm fine with whatever. Wink
SDA Speedruns: 1
Well we always need a backup plan if somehow we end up like 2-3 maybe even 4 hours ahead.  Most of the estimates are generous and I predict most people to beat them. So if Duodecim is 43 minutes and Dissidia is 41. Thats only an extra 45 minutes or so over the estimate 1 hour which is good if we get over an hour ahead or something.
Hey all!  I live in Edmonton as well so if there is anything I can do to help this marathon, let me know!  I've been a fan of this community/movement for a couple of years now and this is my first post.  Meowwwww.
Quote from FFgamer86:
Well we always need a backup plan if somehow we end up like 2-3 maybe even 4 hours ahead.  Most of the estimates are generous and I predict most people to beat them. So if Duodecim is 43 minutes and Dissidia is 41. Thats only an extra 45 minutes or so over the estimate 1 hour which is good if we get over an hour ahead or something.

Well like I mentioned I'm fine with whatever. Wink Making Duodecim an "added bonus" with the first 2 (or maybe 3...? I'd have to do some serious testing on Chapter 3 but it's definitely doable, a barebones-no-route run of Chapter 3 was about 28 minutes or something) chapters could bring in some more money (and help fill time that isn't already being filled by endings if we are ahead). Oh and Chapter 3 is Laguna so yeah... *cough* Wink

In the end though, I leave it all up to everyone else and I'm perfectly fine with whatever.
Weegee Time
Hmm... make an incentive of racing an extra chapter of Dissidia or Duodecim against the ending of FF8?
Moo! Flap! Hug!
WhippinSean: I think we have everything under control. Thanks for the offer, though.

rini: thanks. I think Dissidia / Duodecim could work well to fill time somehow, in case of emergency. But, it's a marathon -- I'm not overly worried about getting super ahead of schedule. Some *always* goes wrong. I'm thinking that there hasn't been a fire at a marathon yet...

Rakuen: we're not going to have any sort of race setup here Sad
SDA Speedruns: 1
Technically, with the stuff I am bringing, we could stream on 2 tv's at same time but not sure if we'd want to do that anyhow.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
No, we're not building a race setup. Too much messing around with stuff that could go wrong, just to be used as a potential time-filler.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
If you're on Facebook, you can join our group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/148394468648388/

If you're on Twitter, you can follow us at @C4LMarathon and promote us using the hashtag #C4LMarathon.

Let's get the word out about what is sure to be an awesome event!
Moo! Flap! Hug!
rinimt has put together a beautiful trailer for the marathon.  Let's share it and get the word out about C4L Smiley

You can add me to commentary for FFX since I don't think essentia will be awake for all 12 hours of that game.
Everything's better with Magitek
Ha ha yeah, I should be there for the last part of FFX, but I really don't think I'll be staying up all night and then running FF6 afterward. Smiley
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Now, since you weren't logged in, I have to ask: was that actually you, FFgamer, or are we being trolled?
SDA Speedruns: 1
That was actually me. From my phone lol.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
FFgamer: okay, I've added you.

EVERYONE: It's about three weeks until the marathon.  Make sure you're practicing.  If there are any things you've been letting slide in terms of practice, now is the time to get things together.  Let's make this a successful event Smiley
Edit history:
Mercury.Com: 2013-02-20 12:04:01 pm
Sea of Green
hahaha this is the public thread, I am a moron
Sea of Green
In non-moronic posts:

Everyone who has submitted a prize, especially those who made prizes--please let me know if you take commissions, and what website link you would like displayed! We are planning to have a 'Thanks' section on the C4L website and I want to credit you with as much detail as possible. Thank you!
Ok guys I finished the last picture I'm going to do for the marathon. http://miraimika.deviantart.com/art/Squall-gets-his-scar-355532019  I'll try to get the remaining 2, mailed out tomorrow Poxnor.

Also Mercury.Com:  I would love to start taking commissions.  I don't have set prices for anything.  I guess the best way for them to reach me is http://miraimika.deviantart.com/

Thank you guys for allowing me to be a part of this.  I appreciate it.