I have a PS2 Slim...buuuuuut it decides on if it wants to work PROPERLY or not a lot of times so better that I don't bring him along
Quote from Poxnor:
Driscollad: If you could bring over another CRT TV, that would be awesome. I'm not sure how I'm going to go about setting up a practice area (there's one room that would work great, except that I'm worried about sound seepage into the streaming room). We can probably figure something out. If nothing else, it'll make a great spare for when I rage at FFL3 and throw my controller through the TV.
There will be no raging in FFL3 Poxnor, there will only be Meta Luck, Good Luck, and lots of Mouse butt slawsomeness. That is the beginning, and the end
I could also bring a slim PS2, mine has swap magic but otherwise it runs fine to my knowledge (never tried a speedrun with it). As far as donation incentives go, I was really just throwing out the idea on the turtle, I don't really like the idea of it just because of the time involved and the fact that it would not be "in the run" so to speak.
As far as party incentives go, they would have to end by chapter 12 (one hour left in the run) because I would need to make a detour if Sazh is not the leader. I honestly haven't done too much as far as changing the party is concerned and I'm not sure if I am too on board (there is a fight in chapter 13 where Fang MUST be the leader for any route I personally follow) but if it were just who was in the party I am pretty open to it; just would need practice.
Also, either the chapter 11 opening or chapter 12 opening (Gran Pulse vs the Race cutscene) are both pretty good.
As far as dropping shrouds is concerned; there are a few fights that come to mind, the second and third Barthandelus fights would be much more annoying and require much more precise timing, or the second Proudclad fight would make me cry if this were to go through but I could do it. My only concern with this is if RNG goes too far out of the way and I have to retry 5 times, it would not be very interesting. *Edit: I neglected to mention that I would be dropping Fortisol (offensive buffs) only. Aegisol (defensive buffs) are required for all these and I have no way to supplement defense other than using Hope, which I do not plan on doing.
For 13-2 I could do it, but I would not have the party donation incentive. I would just use Chichu because I have had multiple instances where I have needed to grind for over an hour for Cloudburst.
There is a story behind this thing...it's a tale full of wonder and mystery...and cleaning out my room...which is already very clean, and maybe involving a cabinet or a door...ANYWAYS!!!
There I was!!! CLEANING (Well...ok not really it was more like...picking up the one thing on my floor) when suddenly I was attacked by something!!! (Actually it was more like I was like hmmmm) I turned around and noticed it was something TERRIBLE!!!! (No not TerribLeno ok?) I saw...DUST!!!! (Sinister music playing!!! D:) Even worse...it looked like the most terrible thing ever drawn up!!! THE UNSPEAKABLE DISCORD PICTURE!!!!! (Cries out in pain) Quickly I turned around and noticed a chest!!! (actually it was that cabinet...door...thingy...nightstand...I DON'T KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED OK? D=<) I opened the door (It had a door, I don't know why a chest has a door but in METAWORLD IT DOES OK?!) and looked around to find something to quell that unspeakable thing!!!. I thought my life would be over as I could feel the hideous Discord Dust Drawing (Say that 3 times fast!!!) bearing down on me with FANG showing!!! I thought it was over, when suddenly I spied...(Actually it was in plain view but hey, I like it better that it's my last hope kinda thing XD) THE VIVI PLUSHIE!!!!! (Cue awesome heroic music) UNOPENED AND FULL OF AWESOME BLACK MAGICAL POWERZ!!! (Actually he was kinda dusty on the plastic but that was easy to take care of...) I quickly pulled it out...(Ok that wasn't what I meant...but...uhh YEAH!!!) pushed it toward that Discord Dust Drawing!!! (Ok...that REALLY isn't making it sound any better...) and IMPREGNATED...I mean IMPALED THE FIEND WITH PURE UNADULTERATED AWESOMENESS!!!! (Wow...yeah that really went downhill quickly Jones >> *Sacks the writer of this post* ) The Drawing Squeeeeeeed like a Setiroid knowing full well that it's life was short!! It pulled back as I continued to push deeper into its dusty skin!!! (OK SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU JONES?! QUIT THE SUGGESTIVE IMAGING STUFF!!! D=< *Sacks him again and this time cuts off his hands for good measure!!!* ) It hit the wall behind it and feel to the ground dust pouring out of it's wound!! (Yeah...dust...coming out of...dust...who would have thought THAT was possible?! *Facepalms* ) I stood over it and pointed the awesomeness one more time and Vivi Plushie fired his ultimate attack!! EPIC CUTENESSS!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah you tell me how that's not just absolutely cute and I'll make sure you wake up with a horsehead in your bed foo >> ) The creature died and Vivi Plushie was VICTORIOUS!!! At that moment I realized that this plushie needed a better home...it was suffocating in my place and it needed some love by someone who could love it for who he was...not just his epic cuteness. I sadly...could not provide this to such a wonderful lil plushie. My heart sank in sadness and I wept for days (Actually I was just like...yeah...this might be a good idea). So I wiped my tears and consulted one TerribLeno about my trials and tribulations!!! (Actually I was like hey dude, check this thing I found) Leno being the kind hearted soul he is consoled me and told me to cry the rest of my tears out and we could venture together forward to find this awesome new plushie a home that could love it properly. Leno with his infinite wisdom and incredulous of beardedness (Seriously I thought he was Gandolf the Grey people...) Suggested we put it up for charity so it could find a new home!!! Someone who would love this adorable plushie and cherish it! Sadly I took one last look at my childhood chest friend (Remember no chest, just a door...) and said goodbye and thank you for all the years of awesomeness he gave me. Leno using his ability to take pictures with his mind uploaded the best image possible and asked me to tell the tale of how this plushie was found after so many years...
This plushie will be up for donation at the marathon...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate for him to find a good home! He deserves it after being with me for so many years...make him a part of your family. Make him part of your life. HE WILL CONTROL YOUR LIFE WITH HIS EPIC CUTENESS. GIVE HIM YOUR MONEY HE DEMANDS ITTTTTTTTTTT *Is hypnotized*
All desires to hug and d'awww are at the personal discretion of the viewer and we are not responsible for any damage you may have sustained personal or otherwise! This has been a Meta Productions Story LLC Incorporated.
This has been a Meta Productions Story LLC Incorporated.
Don't quit your day-job.
What an awesome prize! Thank you so much for donating that to the marathon. I'll add it to the list next time I update the first post -- it'll make a super-awesome (and cute) prize. I'm scheduled to talk with the managers from JDRF again in mid-December, and I should try to highlight all the awesome people who have been donating things for a great cause.
...but, I'm sorry to say, I was too sober to appreciate fully your story
Ok, I hate to say this, but unfortunately it must be said. Please remove me from FF6 commentary. Two reasons for this: 1) No way your couch will hold all of us at once. 2) Despite how much I know about the game and the route, I doubt I could provide any insightful commentary.
Terribleno, the games are quite long and I don't think anyone besides the runner may be sitting the entire time. It could be the case where the commentators can rotate and stuff just so that most thoughts can be heard. A lot of the little things make the whole speedrun make sense that some people notice differently.
Sorry for falling behind on responding to people and getting things updated. First post updated now.
rinimt: I forgot to add your PSP to the equipment list earlier. I put it on there now. It's a 3000 as well, right?
Zoning and Lenophis: I set the two of you on the equipment list to bring a PS2 slim. It seems like there's little use for my PS2 fat, so having two slim PS2s would be useful (in case one fails).
Zoning: If you're not too open to the party incentive, I'll remove that from the donation incentives list for now. I think maybe a Ch. 11 vs. Ch. 12 opening bidding war might be neat (?).
Zoning: There's still over a week to decide if you want to add 13-2 to the games list or not, so don't feel (too) rushed. Just let me know, and I'll add the various things that have been discussed as donation incentives if you want.
MetaSigma: Cute!
Lenophis: I removed you from FF6 commentary. But, as FFgamer said, there will probably be commentary rotation, so if there's a part of the game you (or anyone) knows really well, you can feel free to chime in some little insights or questions.
Also, a quick request for everyone: if you have something you'd like to discuss with me in private, could you fire me off a PM on on SDA (as opposed to Facebook, Twitch, email, etc.)? It's getting hard to keep track of all the different messages (especially the stupid Twitch messages, for which I rarely receive notification) I'm trying to clean out some email backlog, so hopefully I'll catch anything I missed.
Also, remember that the deadline to add a game to the schedule is 15 December. The big missing games are 5, 10-2, and 13-2; but, there are still other side-games that can be speedrun. I know puwexil and Lag were considering doing 5 (though if Lag were to come all the way from England, I'd give 5 solely to him), and Zoning was considering doing 13-2, but I haven't heard anything definite yet. I'd make forcing Essentia to play FFX-2 a donation incentive, but I think she'd kill me. I'm going to be finalizing the marathon dates on or very shortly after 15 December.
rinimt: I forgot to add your PSP to the equipment list earlier. I put it on there now. It's a 3000 as well, right?
Yeah, it's a 3000.
In other small update news, I finished my reroute of Crisis Core (in very trolly final boss fashion of course, but that's Crisis Core) and should hopefully get another full run of it out sometime this week if I'm not too distracted. Hopefully my regular route can pull a sub-6:10 if not a sub-6 (Base marathon route before incentives adds like 5 minutes or something, but of course this game loves to troll so the time range on it is annoyingly large.)
So I was thinking today...(please withhold sarcastic comments)
As I'm sure there will be system setup pauses causing breaks in the stream, are there any plans for alternate content during those downtimes? One thought was the opportunity for a JDRF rep interview on camera, short, sweet, to the point. Maybe 5 minutes or so while the hardware is being swapped over, etc. Or perhaps also a short interview with a type 1 diabetic, maybe even detailing a typical day in their life with the insulin injections, affected diet, etc.
If the JDRF knew of a younger type 1 who also happens to be a huge FF fan, for example?
We'll try to minimize system setup times as much as possible. All the systems will be beside the TV, and I'll be creating a quick checklist of things to do at every game swap (to minimize confusion and second-guessing). It'll be a matter of swapping a few cables, restarting the stream (so that the Twitch recordings are broken up), starting a new recording on the DVD player, and going.
That said, it would be an excellent time to plug the charity. If a representative were there (and they've offered to be there more or less -- within reason, I suppose -- as much as we'd like them to be), we could try to do a brief interview then. It would certainly be good for the stream, provided that the commotion of changing up the systems doesn't disrupt the interview. Regarding their outreach program of having a person with T1D speak at events, I thought perhaps our best bet would be to get someone around our age (20-35) to speak, as opposed to someone much younger or much older, because I thought someone in that age range would be able to best "speak to" our audience. If JDRF knows someone in that age range who also happens to be an FF fan...well, that's the icing on the cake. If anyone has any input on the contents of this paragraph, now would be the best time to voice it, because I'll be discussing all these things with JDRF very soon (probably 17 December).
Also, I updated the first post to include the strategy guide prize. Thanks for the awesome donation, Driscollad
You can go ahead and add FF5 to the schedule - if Lag isn't able to make it then I'll run it (and if he is then I'll commentate for it).
I've been working on FF5 (PSX version) the past month and got a 5:36 on my rough first run last weekend, which I should be able to get down to around 5 hours with route refinement and practice (I'd make the marathon estimate 6 hours to include the ending and the usual bad luck/oopsies buffer). Tentative donation incentives can be naming Bartz (sadly the other 4 playable characters can't be renamed), Bartz learning to play the piano (by playing 8 pianos found in pubs around the worlds - his first few lessons are hilariously bad and the last few are actual Mozart and Debussy pieces), and possibly fighting some of the optional battles with Gilgamesh (the first 2 should be doable with Gil Toss abuse, but the 3rd (technically the Necrophobe battle) might be too risky).
As far as my other games, I managed to get the FF7 English-version RTA record a few weeks ago (9:05), and I just finished a disc-by-disc FF9 race with Caracarn that added up to 9:43 (aiming to cut at least another 15-20 minutes from that).
I think we can put the estimate for FF8 At 11 hours 30 minutes. This is a bit over what I expect to happen. But I know waiting for GF Names and stuff like that will cause it to be a little slower than normal.
Fighting and Naming Bahamut Fighting Ultima Weapon/ Naming Eden Fighting Odin Fighting Jumbo Cactaur / Naming Cactaur
Naming Griever(Final Boss GF) (9 Characters)
100% Castle Unlock Omega Weapon Fight???(Still Looking for reliable strategy)
On the topic of Omega Weapon. The good news is I have managed to kill him with my party. The bad news is, The fight took 18 minutes, and involved me using both hero's on Zell, Meltdown on Omega Weapon, and an Aura on Zell(before Hero) and then Zell using 6 limit breaks to finally take down Omega Weapon.
I am still open to strategies for Omega Weapon though. Selphie's "The End" has not worked out yet in 2 battles, but I may need to experiment more with the crisis level to make it easier.
I'll update the first post in the next day or so, including sleepless puwexil's newest addition to the schedule
In the meantime: could I please get a final(-ish) time estimate for each game that anyone is running. Please do include "marathon luck," donation incentives, etc., in your estimate. However, please do not include setup time (I'll worry about that when I'm scheduling the order of the games).
I think I'll keep my estimate at 9 hours for FF12. Marathon luck here has less to do with RNG and more to do with Mirror Mail, though two of the donation incentives are capable of exhibiting the traditional form of marathon luck. I may end up lowering this to 8:30 once I get more practice, but marathon luck being what it is, I won't go any lower than that.
I'm tempted to bump the FF10 estimate up to 11:45, simply because I haven't timed getting and using Anima yet. I'm also ashamed to say that I haven't practiced the run at all yet, but finals week is ending now, so I'll have lots of free time in which to practice both games soon.
For the record, if the Anima donation incentive is met, I plan to give her the final hit against Seymour Omnis for thematic reasons. I've confirmed the only aspect of that battle plan that I think needs to be confirmed, and I'll test the rest of it when I actually do a practice/learning run.
Crisis Core: 7 hours -should- be fine with the safety strats, donation incentives & marathon luck, though if we do include the ending, 7 hours may be a little low. I'm doing the math in my head and assuming nothing goes terribly wrong:
-2 minutes for safety in Wutai -30 seconds for safety in Banora -1 minute of safety in Midgar after Banora -6 minutes for the Squats mini-game -30 seconds - 1 minute for the Ifrit rematch -1-2 minutes for Bahamut rematch (worst case scenario might be 3 minutes) -If I lost all previous phoenix downs to marathon luck before this point, 4 1/2 minutes of safety in Junon (Would have to have gained/lost 3 Phoenix Downs at this point though. Well, maybe 4, depending on where the first one was lost) -5? minutes for the other part of the Squats mini-game (I'll have to time how long it takes to go from the Shinra building to the church to build the wagon and watch the scene with it and then back to the Shinra building, but it should take a max of 10 minutes) -37 minutes for the ending (If we do show it for the VII tie-in)
The main game should hopefully be about 6:10-6:20 before all that stuff (accounting for getting trolled here though), again assuming nothing goes terribly wrong (game over to a boss with a long lead up cutscene). If anything, probably about 7:15 should be safe. Again, this is all assuming we show the ending and do VII right after. That time can be cut down by ~40 minutes though if we don't.
Dissidia/Duodecim: 60 minutes max. Also, I think its safe to make the Duodecim part Ch1+2. I've officially tested/routed it and was able to cut my time a lot with some more planning on EXP gains.
Worst one I can think of is game overing to Sephiroth 2 (which would probably be about 8-9 minutes, depending on Sephiroth 1 trolling), or game overing to the final-final boss (about the same time). Neither are too likely though with the safety strats I have in place. The main one that could super troll would have an about 4 minute lead-up scene.