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charleon: 2014-04-28 03:35:38 am
What is a man?
battle arena toshinden #1 - x ? don't know if any character can morph, but it's a clusterfuck of projectiles, magic and other stuff
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LotBlind: 2021-08-24 12:35:57 pm
Well, I remember the character roster being a little tall, and that every time you completed a game with a character, you unlocked another one somewhere across the board. The character you unlock is an improved version of the 1 you used.

The other game is also 3D, but the girl I remember either morphs into a hawk or uses 1, and she sounds like a hawk or a crow. Each person has different chapters or acts, and they are all happen to be 2D animated intros.
Waiting hurts my soul...
I don't know much about fighters, so if it's not in that list of ps1 fighters I'm not sure where else to point you. I think Samurai Shodown had a girl who had a pet hawk, but I don't remember unlocking characters.
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saintmillion: 2014-06-18 07:39:43 am
saintmillion: 2014-06-18 07:18:53 am
saintmillion: 2014-06-18 07:13:26 am
Trying to think of this game: An older PC game (around 2000 I think) where there are 3 playable characters who are different races. The campaign makes you play each race individually and you have different type of missions based on these races:I remember the monster, where you try to eat a bunch of other monsters eggs and destroy villages, then theres a woman who is kind like Siren from borderlands, she runs around really fast and uses magic or something. Then the 3rd race is either a human or a small animal or something that's struggling for survival. For some reason when I think of this game I think of MDK but they're different. It's on the tip of my tongue and its killin me

Also it was on PS2, Gamecube, and/or Xbox.

Edit: just remember the 3rd race being a comical race of marines/humans or something really quirky.
edit2: nevermind, it came to me. Giants: Citizen Kabuto
I believe Rooster's game is Bombs & Bugs

Description: This is a Bomberman style game that, not too surprisingly, uses bombs and bugs! The game looks really good, and includes lots of SB sound effects. You can play with up to four players, and there are a couple different levels, each with unique graphics. The only problem is that many of the options are turned off in the unregistered version, and you have to wait a bit before starting the game. Still, it's fun to play, and definitely worth a try.


Quote from rooster:
I forgot the name of a game I used to pwn my brother in (5 years older, so big achievement for little bro Cheesy ).

Basically it was a bomberman-type-o-field, both players controlled a spider and could "spit" a sort of laser out of ther mouth straight down a line. Objective was to kill each other. I don't know whether there were blocks you had to destroy like in bomberman.

Oh and it was a DOS game, I'm pretty sure.

- DOS game
- Bomberman styled game
- Has bugs/spiders in it.

Not sure if he is going to read it, or if this is the correct game, but this is the closest I can think of with the description he has given.

Quote from Axel Ryman:
For DDR fans, I'm mainly looking for a specific song more than the game, but the game helps me with finding it(sorta). When I was a kid I saw someone playing DDR at an arcade and it showed the presidents(And I think a few dollar bills or something). Just need to know the song but whichever DDR game it is helps since I could just look up the video for every single one from the game.

Super old post I know, but when I looked at the index on the front page, there were a lot of unconfirmed answers. I'm actually fairly certain this was in either ITG or ITG2.
Quote from Soliduz Znake:
I can't remember exact details but I remember playing a 2D fighting game probably on a Sega console or at that era of Sega & Nintendo . The only thing I remember is you have a large selection of rosters and the final level you fight in a Colosseum against a boss who is muscular, naked, with slik hair style and has a silver skin color sort of like Silver Surfer.

Immortal Champions or something like that? I seem,to recall something like this as well.
Quote from Efreeti:
Can't remember the name of an old Windows game, where you controlled 2D spaceships from above in short bursts of time. The game controlled a lot like the games Over the Reich/Achtung Spitfire. You gave the spaceships orders to speed up/down or turn by dragging them, tracing a white line in front of them where they would go, and they followed that path. You had small squadrons of different ships with different speed, toughness and missile loadouts, and had to seek out the enemy ships on the map to engage them in 2D dogfights (the different ships also having different sensor strengths that determined how far away they noticed hostiles). You could also give general autopilot orders such as "Stay in formation", "Seek out enemy" or "Fire at will" to one or all ships.

Quote from Judgy:
@ efreeti I don't happen to know of the original game you suggested, however, there is a more recent version or at least a similar game on steam called gratuitous space battles which may be worth a look if you can't find the original one, sorry I can't be more help.

Haha, Gratuitous Space Battles is DEFINITELY not it.

I think I found it actually. Critical Mass. Screenshot:
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Soliduz Znake: 2014-07-26 07:24:41 am
Quote from Element:
Quote from Soliduz Znake:
I can't remember exact details but I remember playing a 2D fighting game probably on a Sega console or at that era of Sega & Nintendo . The only thing I remember is you have a large selection of rosters and the final level you fight in a Colosseum against a boss who is muscular, naked, with slik hair style and has a silver skin color sort of like Silver Surfer.

Immortal Champions or something like that? I seem,to recall something like this as well.

never mind I just found it what I was looking for. its World Heroes 2 for Neo Geo. thanks anyways Cheesy
I'm trying to find a game I played in the mid 90s. The game was like a maze for mice/rats and the goal of the game were to catch them in a specific order like 4 red ones och 7 in a row with all colors. I have tried googling everything and searched all my old game cds but i can't find it. Any suggestions or tips which game it might be?
Chu Chu Rocket?
Unfortunately, not this one. Sad
Thanks, I found it Smiley
The game is "Rat Poker" from Microsoft puzzle collection.
You can download it from:
Shooter, had co op, I think SNES but the graphics seemed to good for SNES in my memory. Had soothing out of place music with sort of hymn like vocals. Think it was a bit futuristic, top-down view. When you shot a lot came out of your gun. Only words I can associate with it are "Jobe."
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from Terrence:
Shooter, had co op, I think SNES but the graphics seemed to good for SNES in my memory. Had soothing out of place music with sort of hymn like vocals. Think it was a bit futuristic, top-down view. When you shot a lot came out of your gun. Only words I can associate with it are "Jobe."

Jobe is from Lawnmower Man. If not that, take a look at this list:
While I was cleaning my console cabinet I remebered a game for the xbox. It was a sci-fi action jrpg, the protagonist was a guy dressed in red with a sword and you could chose various weapons for your team mates. You had to kill some strange jelly during the first tutorial mission... The images in my mind are a bit vague and I think that there was the word Omega in the title. I really can't think of anything but this, I thought maybe someone here remembers it.
Waiting hurts my soul...
There aren't that many Xbox RPGs, so it shouldn't be too difficult to track down. Check this out:
steak Steak STEAK!!!
I have had this figment of a memory of a game I once played when I was really young (less than 5, for sure).  I'm not even sure if this is a real memory or a fake one from the years.

Whatever it may be: If this game exists, it's on NES.  Some sort of Adventure or RPG game, for sure.  I played it on a console and my parents definitely didn't do the whole importing thing, so it was officially released to the US.  All I can remember is that it had a pretty wide open world, and something about after you leave the first town, you have to trek into a small cave (to the north, I think?) and pick up some sort of mystical item - I want to say it's an egg - (the first of three?), but maybe a crystal or something along those lines.

I know that it has a top-down perspective, but I can't remember if there were battles which would suggest it was actually an RPG.  Definitely top-down perspective, sprite-based graphics with an overworld with pretty rich, vibrant colors.  I don't know if that's enough to go down, but this has been clawing at me for years now, so any tips toward figuring this out would be very appreciated.
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DLH112: 2015-03-18 07:07:00 am
Theres a vague memory I have of a game that I've never been able to figure out what it was.
1. I'm pretty sure it was a genesis game.
2. It was a platformer or action game (standard side view).
3. the  main character had silver armor (more futuristic like terminator/robo cop than medieval knight i think)
4. the first level (or a very early level) had sand/was desert-ish
5. not as sure about this, but blue background with yellow text on the label and/or title screen comes to mind

after 10-15 years of not knowing... it just randomly popped into my head? O_o
its Turrican.
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
it had a pretty wide open world, and something about after you leave the first town, you have to trek into a small cave (to the north, I think?) and pick up some sort of mystical item - I want to say it's an egg - (the first of three?), but maybe a crystal or something along those lines.

Yikes.  That sounds like the opening premise to every early console RPG.  Vibrant colors reminds me of Crystalis, though, which had orbs (4 of them) and a cave to the north.  Legend of Ghost Lion has an early cave, but no orbs, and I wouldn't exactly call the colors vibrant.
You live in Anime, I was BORN In it!
Quote from Drifting Skies:
I have had this figment of a memory of a game I once played when I was really young (less than 5, for sure).  I'm not even sure if this is a real memory or a fake one from the years.

Whatever it may be: If this game exists, it's on NES.  Some sort of Adventure or RPG game, for sure.  I played it on a console and my parents definitely didn't do the whole importing thing, so it was officially released to the US.  All I can remember is that it had a pretty wide open world, and something about after you leave the first town, you have to trek into a small cave (to the north, I think?) and pick up some sort of mystical item - I want to say it's an egg - (the first of three?), but maybe a crystal or something along those lines.

I know that it has a top-down perspective, but I can't remember if there were battles which would suggest it was actually an RPG.  Definitely top-down perspective, sprite-based graphics with an overworld with pretty rich, vibrant colors.  I don't know if that's enough to go down, but this has been clawing at me for years now, so any tips toward figuring this out would be very appreciated.

Why does this all sound like a Legend of Zelda game to me?
That COULD kinda desribe Zelda 2 for sure, except for the 'first of three' bit.

Crystalis is the more likely answer though.
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TrUShade: 2015-05-11 01:38:25 am
TrUShade: 2015-05-11 01:38:22 am
TrUShade: 2015-05-11 01:38:22 am
The TrUest of Shades
OK back with two games...

1) It was on old computers (I do believe it was kind of per loaded on). It was a first person, capture the flag free ware game. - This was Hover

2) This is a bit of a newer game-ish. It was a RTS with First person action (like you took control of a vehicle) car game that you took over zones to get more resources, and they had a demo out for it which I played a bunch of. I just can't remember the name of the game.
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gregface: 2015-07-12 09:39:16 am
Hello so here goes nothing, the game was mid 90's to early 2000's I guess. You could choose from three tanks, the scenery was gird like (like tron esque) it had pictures of lips on certain tiles. you had to collect a certain amount of something, I'm pretty sure they were gems. You also had to shoot enemies and could get power ups. It was on the pc. all I can remember, it's been bugging me for years

edit: I remember the intro sequence had the tanks forming like out of tron on the same grid esque scenery
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ZenicReverie: 2015-07-22 04:19:37 pm
ZenicReverie: 2015-07-22 04:18:20 pm
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from gregface:
Hello so here goes nothing, the game was mid 90's to early 2000's I guess. You could choose from three tanks, the scenery was gird like (like tron esque) it had pictures of lips on certain tiles. you had to collect a certain amount of something, I'm pretty sure they were gems. You also had to shoot enemies and could get power ups. It was on the pc. all I can remember, it's been bugging me for years

edit: I remember the intro sequence had the tanks forming like out of tron on the same grid esque scenery

Look into Battlezone (old arcade game) and Spectre VR. Then come back and let me know how it compares to your memories. Best of luck.