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Lips Sealed
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Mass Effect 2 can go suck balls.
No I'm Almost 99% sure it wasn't the thing but there is still that 1% that says it may be.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from TehRandom:
No I'm Almost 99% sure it wasn't the thing but there is still that 1% that says it may be.

How about Extermination then? Some images
Mass Effect 2 can go suck balls.
That's IT! Thank you soo much it's been killing me for like 3 years. Gotta find a copy of it now.
Ok, got a genesis game that I might have rented (only remember being in possession of if for a short time).

It was sort of like a point and click adventure but when moving between areas it became a platformer. I remember that you could go 1 scene left from the starting scene and you'd end up in cape canaveral which had a huge slot machine. This was the western most area and it was a dead end, the path continued progressing to the right from the starting scene. The areas were depicted as connected dots on a world map. Each area might have had some kind of representative icon or building standing on top of the dots respectively, or maybe it was just the names of the areas.
The platforming was tricky and you died alot, making you to have to restart the entire game.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Extremely vague arcade game reference here.  I don't remember a lot, so I'm not sure if anybody will know what I'm talking about.  But it was an arcade platformer.  I only remember the main character being a short guy, maybe it was a kid, and the level I remember had a few moving platforms.  There were floating projectiles, maybe fireballs.  And I definitely recall there was some kind of bonus or powerup in the very bottom right hand corner which was a gold bird/eagle.  But it was totally out of the way from getting to the end of the stage.  Any thoughts?
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from moooh:
Ok, got a genesis game that I might have rented (only remember being in possession of if for a short time).

It was sort of like a point and click adventure but when moving between areas it became a platformer. I remember that you could go 1 scene left from the starting scene and you'd end up in cape canaveral which had a huge slot machine. This was the western most area and it was a dead end, the path continued progressing to the right from the starting scene. The areas were depicted as connected dots on a world map. Each area might have had some kind of representative icon or building standing on top of the dots respectively, or maybe it was just the names of the areas.
The platforming was tricky and you died alot, making you to have to restart the entire game.

Sounds like Cosmic Spacehead
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from DK28:
Extremely vague arcade game reference here.  I don't remember a lot, so I'm not sure if anybody will know what I'm talking about.  But it was an arcade platformer.  I only remember the main character being a short guy, maybe it was a kid, and the level I remember had a few moving platforms.  There were floating projectiles, maybe fireballs.  And I definitely recall there was some kind of bonus or powerup in the very bottom right hand corner which was a gold bird/eagle.  But it was totally out of the way from getting to the end of the stage.  Any thoughts?

Karnov? Probably not since that's pretty well known, and I think the levels were pretty linear.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Yeah, I know it's not Karnov.  It was just an old arcade game I remember playing at the local store. 
Quote from ZenicReverie:
Quote from moooh:
Ok, got a genesis game that I might have rented (only remember being in possession of if for a short time).

It was sort of like a point and click adventure but when moving between areas it became a platformer. I remember that you could go 1 scene left from the starting scene and you'd end up in cape canaveral which had a huge slot machine. This was the western most area and it was a dead end, the path continued progressing to the right from the starting scene. The areas were depicted as connected dots on a world map. Each area might have had some kind of representative icon or building standing on top of the dots respectively, or maybe it was just the names of the areas.
The platforming was tricky and you died alot, making you to have to restart the entire game.

Sounds like Cosmic Spacehead

Right you are, that was definitely it. I remember that you needed spacebucks for pretty much everything (and you were always short on them). I got to try this game once more to see if it really was that difficult or if I just plained sucked at it back then Smiley
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Quote from DK28:
Extremely vague arcade game reference here.  I don't remember a lot, so I'm not sure if anybody will know what I'm talking about.  But it was an arcade platformer.  I only remember the main character being a short guy, maybe it was a kid, and the level I remember had a few moving platforms.  There were floating projectiles, maybe fireballs.  And I definitely recall there was some kind of bonus or powerup in the very bottom right hand corner which was a gold bird/eagle.  But it was totally out of the way from getting to the end of the stage.  Any thoughts?

I don't know what this is, but seeing as from the other thread it seems I know the most here about arcade games, I'm posting just to say that I don't know. Lips Sealed Read this post and see if there's anything more you can say at all. Was it single-screen or did it scroll ever? What's the goal of the levels, make it to the top? Was it just run-and-jump or did you have weapons or anything? What were the dangers; were there enemies? And so on.

Zenic: I don't really mind either way, so don't feel obligated, and I don't know if you have too much on your plate with request thread and everything, but... would you like to take over this thread? You seem to be the most active person helping to come up with games. Just an FYI if you do this, you don't have to do it this way: currently for the game links I prioritize as Wikipedia > Mobygames > everything else.
Quote from mikwuyma:
Mega Man X5, it's also the most unfun game in the series (no, I haven't played X7). Sad

<_> I had a lot of good times beating that game Tongue

Of course, I was around 7.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from Enhasa:
I don't know what this is, but seeing as from the other thread it seems I know the most here about arcade games, I'm posting just to say that I don't know. Lips Sealed Read this post and see if there's anything more you can say at all. Was it single-screen or did it scroll ever? What's the goal of the levels, make it to the top? Was it just run-and-jump or did you have weapons or anything? What were the dangers; were there enemies? And so on.

It was a shot in the dark really.  IIRC, levels were single screen, the end of the level was at the top, there were platforms moving vertically, as well as projectiles hovering around to get you.  I don't recall dangers other than the projectiles and maybe some flying enemies.  That may still be too vague.  Tongue  Just chalk it up to a lost childhood game.  Cry
My feelings on The Demon Rush
DK28: For some reason, when you said the main character was really short, I immediately thought of Mega Twins/Chiki Chiki Boys

We all scream for Eyes Cream
Alright this ones probably a tough one but hopefully someone knows. Its an old Windows game(mid to late 90s) about a boy who uses a slingshot to fight zombies after his dog is captured by a monster. I think there were 4 games, maybe 3, but I know more than 1.
Quote from Axel Ryman:
Alright this ones probably a tough one but hopefully someone knows. Its an old Windows game(mid to late 90s) about a boy who uses a slingshot to fight zombies after his dog is captured by a monster. I think there were 4 games, maybe 3, but I know more than 1.

Would it be Monster Bash?
We all scream for Eyes Cream
That's it, thanks.
No problem. There's no question Google can't answer  Smiley
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from Enhasa:
Zenic: I don't really mind either way, so don't feel obligated, and I don't know if you have too much on your plate with request thread and everything, but... would you like to take over this thread? You seem to be the most active person helping to come up with games. Just an FYI if you do this, you don't have to do it this way: currently for the game links I prioritize as Wikipedia > Mobygames > everything else.

I suppose I could if you don't have the time.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Nice, we've had Battle City twice now, and Monster Bash twice now. I wonder when any game will ever get up to 3.

DK28: Try looking through the games at this link. You only need to look at the grey ones, not the blue ones.

Quote from ZenicReverie:
Quote from Enhasa:
Zenic: I don't really mind either way, so don't feel obligated, and I don't know if you have too much on your plate with request thread and everything, but... would you like to take over this thread? You seem to be the most active person helping to come up with games. Just an FYI if you do this, you don't have to do it this way: currently for the game links I prioritize as Wikipedia > Mobygames > everything else.

I suppose I could if you don't have the time.

lol, we're having a great game of chicken who can be more apathetic right now

I guess I'll give it to you
The Running Failure
I remember playing this one BMX racing game, but it was more arcade like than realistic. It either came out on PS2 or N64. Only thing i can definitly remember is that A) one of the levels started in a parking garage and B) it was not the kind of bikes with an engine. The ones that you peddle.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
The only BMX games I know about are the Mat Hoffman games, the Dave Mirra games, and BMX XXX (lol). I think they pretty much all have garages and are arcade style over realistic.
It also might be Downhill Domination. I couldn't tell you if there was a level with a parking garage but it's definitely arcade style with a racing focus and was out on the PS2. Might wanna check out that page and see if any of the specifics it mentions leap out at you.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
That looks like a pretty funny idea for a game (if it's gonna be all downhill, why even have bikes instead of a sled or wagon or something funny), even if that soundtrack looks just horrible.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from mikwuyma:
DK28: For some reason, when you said the main character was really short, I immediately thought of Mega Twins/Chiki Chiki Boys

That actually looks like a different game I was thinking about.  Although, does Chiki Boys also have an arcade version?  The game I was thinking of was not from a console, unless it came out later.

Quote from Enhasa:
DK28: Try looking through the games at this link. You only need to look at the grey ones, not the blue ones.

Thanks Enhasa, I'll look through that to see if I can find it.  Looks like I may find some other gems while I'm at it.
Edit history:
rooster: 2009-11-28 02:53:41 pm
Cute and Cuddly Lemming
There's a game I am trying to find again, and I can't for the love of god remember the name.

The basic idea of the game was evolution. You started on the world, with prehistoric animals, usually a bird or a feral, and somehow had to guide them through evolution. It's a game from mid-to-end 90s. I remember never really figuring out how to actually do things. There wasn't much interaction. You couldn't directly move your species. I would always get them to go extinct.

Anyone have an idea?

EDIT: NVM, when I found that mobygames has alot of old games, I punched in Evolution and out came Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life

Time to get back into that!

EDIT2: NVM#2, this thing is not made for anything above Win95. Is DOSBOX an option if the game is Win95/DOS?