Hahaha I love your splits. Good work, Yagamoth (and everybody else involved)!
< B 90A64 B x19 < (Bx7) 90C96 < B 90E96 (at this point < B wins) <x11 B 91084 <x12 B 9126E (<B)x6 91E6E <x4 B 92068 <x2 B 92264 (<B)x6 92E64 <x11 B 93050 <x5 B 93248 < B < B 93648 < x5 B 93840 (<B)x5 < (Bx3) 94444 < B 94644 < B 94844 < (Bx18) 94A66 < B 94C66 <x5 B 94E5E Bx8 (<B) x4 9566E <x3 B 9586A < B < (Bx2) 95C6C < B 95E6C <B <B < (Bx15) 96488 <B 96688 < (Bx5) 96890 < B 96A90 (<B) x9 97C90 <x6 B 97E86 < B 98086 < (Bx6) 98290 <B 98490 <x25 B 98660 (<B)x9 99860 Bx9 < B 99A72 Bx3 < B 99C78 <x10 B 99E66 (<B)x4 9A666 Bx2 9A66A (<B)x5 9B06A B, <, B 9B26C (<B)x12 9CA6C <x47 B 9CC10 <B <, <, B 9D00E (<B)x6 9DC0E <x8 B 9DE00 (<B)x7 9EC00 <x5 B 9EDF8 <, B, B 9EFFA <B 9F1FA <x148, B 9F2D4 9F2D4 will jump you to the complete ending.
SoM Wrong Warp to The End > < B B x19 < B x7 < B < B ===================================== With explanation > To reset the Option-select (Optional if you know where you are) < After the first "left" input there is a bit of a delay before you can do another input B After pressing "B" there is a bit of a delay before you can do another input B x19 In theory you can simply keep "B" pressed after the previous B-Press. If you are good enough :P < Don't forget the delay B x7 Same deal, you can simply keep "B" pressed if you are good enough < Delay B Delay < Delay B The End