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Please note: Any backscramble + aim is very framerate specific. When you are looking for setups you HAVE to do it at 100 fps otherwhise they most likely will NOT work for the rest of us.

So on that note I hope zed0 did it at 100 fps Smiley
For some reason Dxtory doesn't seem to show up in the recording, it was running though. Smiley
This one is gonna be harder to beat now:

Will try again once the Syria level is fixed.
@zed0 I need to window capture my game to have Dxtory show.

Also side note my lovelies, I had the idea of creating a playlist on youtube that's essentially just a collection of skips/glitches for this game so it's easier for anyone picking it up to look through (as opposed to SDA, at least in my case it's a nightmare). If you have any videos you WANT or DON'T WANT in the playlist please please let me know (I'm randompinkbunny on twitch and twitter) so I can add or make sure not to add accordingly. I'm thinking unlisted is fine if there's a place I can dump the link (maybe speedrun?).

Or if you think it's a stupid idea, please, let me know before I get too far Tongue

I just made a video showing all the strats I've seen for skipping the first water puzzle in syria, probably wasn't necessary but yea you know.
Thanks to randompinkbunny, I've discovered that I can only get the Dxtory FPS counter to show if I use window capture.  Unfortunately window capture slows my system down a lot (getting around 20-30fps).

Is it acceptable to use Dxtory to limit the frame rate to 100 and then show the Steam FPS counter in the recording?
From my experiments so far it agrees with Dxtory, though it doesn't update as often (a couple of times a second rather than 10+).
Edit history:
SamuraiBlue: 2016-03-15 11:17:45 am
Aim on the rock to make Lara pauses and then jump as far as possible and aim while landing.

Needs a slightly different setup on pc. Hope it will help.
I finally got around to recording all the stuff, that I've found lately. So Here's some videos for you.

This is just a slight variation on the usual route. It includes the alternative OoB found by Samurai and a small timesave I found at around 0:30.

This one requires some explanation. Some days ago Tau looked into skipping the Rifle and found, that you can save time by skipping it. You do hovever need the explosive cans, since fighting Constantin is slower without them. I only contributed to this, by discovering that it's fster to turn right at around 0:30 into the video.

I think most of you know this by now, but this shows how to get the Pistol after breaking out of Prison.

Again this is just an inprovement on a skip that is already known. At around 0:50 you can walk straight and then just climb the rock, instead of climbing across the building.

Finally, I've found a few more OoBs, but to keep this post a bit shorter I decided to put them into a Spoiler tag:

All of these are either slower than the current route or seem to have no use as of now.
I've got something, that might be interesting to check out.
A Skywalk at the very beginning of the Soviet Installation:

It took me way too long to record this, so I hope it'll be of some use to the Speedrun.
I'm done fiddling around with this for now, but maybe one of you is able to make it work.
this was discovered by leemyy i am just sharing it in case it is usefull at some point

So we can get into prison without getting caught. We can get the rope arrows and the explosives and warp out again. We can not finish the area because of missing load triggers. If it was possible to load in the mines without the cutscene this could be usefull, for now its useless but i thought i share this with anyone else.

I've found a OOB to skip the slow walk at the entrance of the mine: (saves 20-25 secs)

And I totally broke the game:
The wrong checkpoint got loaded, and I had some weird black screen. It's not random though, I managed to reproduce it.
And I told everyone there are no triggers D: or it was patched in at some point ^^
I got a comment on one of my YouTube uploads for a small time saver.  Here's a vid of it

Ever since Buldo posted the new mine entrance OoB I was trying to extend it to get past that pesky elevator.
I didn't quite manage to do that, but I found a way to circumvent that elevator nevertheless.

Getting the clip started is pretty easy. You just need to let go of aim as soon as she starts clipping. After that it gets a bit tricky. You need to turn 180°, start holding W and walk slightly to the left. If you do it right you should be able to slowly turn your camera to the left until she grabs onto the high edge.
so playing in french is faster confirmed :V
Did you know Lara is aimbotting?

What do you know. Turns out I am actually able keep a good pace throufghout an entire run.

Sorry for the intense clicking. I wasn't aware it'd be THAT loud.
Congrats Leemyy!
Newbie Speedrunner - hitbox streamer
Nice leemy! Well Played!
if anyone is interested into looking at Cold Darkness runs, it'll be cool if we can glitch it down to almost no time, but glitchess can approach 10 minutes easily.  I managed to get on the pipes to get to the center, but wasnt able to clip in or trigger any checkpoints.  anyway, here's my current PB. really good luck with Magnesite ore and Nadia's instructions. RTA 12:13, IGT 11:16
Changed my mind about this game being not very good for speedrunning...
So i was told that there are some variation in Lara's animation on different languages.  So I made a comparison video for the intro with English and German.  has anyone done other testing or know of another location?

Seems that the latest patch (11th October 2016) stops you immediately using the campfire in the flooded archives.  It is however still possible to use the campfire just after the statue has fallen in the cinematic.  Note the pressing 'e' just after the head hits the ground:

I don't know if people still come here, but just in case: There's a small shortcut before breaking into prison:

Just thought i Make this thread to advertice the Tomb Runner Discord. Because I myself am more likely to answer questions there than in the forum. Since i check the discord daily and you can message runners directly so they get a notification. For anyone who wants to learn the run this is definitely the place to go.